Losing Weight too Fast??

No I wasn't trying to lose weight at all. It just happened and I can't understand it. I still eat the same, but I keep losing more and more weight. I'm going to get it checked tomorrow. I just hope it's not what all my aunts and uncles died from when they were my age (33), (Leukemia)!:svengo:
You are smart to get this checked out...let us know what you find out! Will be thinking positive thoughts for you!
Take care,

:(:( Just found out today that I indeed have Leukemia in my entire body. The reason why it didn't show up before was because it doesn't usually show any symptems until it's in it's final state. I didn't want to ask how long I have to live because I really don't care. I just want to have fun playing with my nephews and pretend that there is nothing wrong with me. I want to die happy! And being with my nephews makes me the happiest person in the world! And I get to say good-bye to them and talk with them all about Heaven so that it won't hurt that much when I die. Thank you for thinking about me!
I am so sorry for this horrible news! Are the doctors planning any type of treatment, or is the leukemia too far advanced? Is a bone marrow transplant a possibility? I will keeping you in my thoughts and prayers...please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. I don't know what to say to make it better.
Thinking of you,