Lingwo's Log - Take 2

according to the BMI scale I've moved from obese to overweight territory
Congrats! That's a major milestone, 200 is next!
My employer is wanting to promote me early in the new year. But it means moving to either California, England, the Netherlands, or back to Western Canada. Moving abroad solo is kind of driving my anxiety a little high. I feel like it's going to be hard to ever settle down if I keep on moving, but I am on a bit of a career fast track so feel like I want to see how far I can grow with my career.
That is great news, I can see why you are a bit anxious over it, but you have some real opportunities to choose from. Have you ever lived outside of Canada or North America? If not, and it were me, I'd go with England or the Netherlands just for the experience.

Good to have you back.
Wow, congrats on the amazing work opportunities Lingwo! I don't have to do as many work trips now as I did before but even one night with a big meal and drinks in a restaurant makes me gain about 3 pounds, so I completely relate to it making it tricky to lose weight. And those kind of nights aren't ones where you can do your own thing - you have to spend time with the client or colleagues. It's sort of 'part of the job.'

But anyway, well done on all the progress you've made. We're around the same weight, so I hope I can join you in reaching our goal weights some time in 2023! so:)
Yeah, the after-hours social events are definitely just as important (actually, probably more important) as your actual job performance. So, it's a bit of career suicide to exclude myself from those. I have a bunch of colleagues in town next week too, so unsure how I'll get out of that one.

Hopefully by June we will be at 100%!
Congrats! That's a major milestone, 200 is next!

That is great news, I can see why you are a bit anxious over it, but you have some real opportunities to choose from. Have you ever lived outside of Canada or North America? If not, and it were me, I'd go with England or the Netherlands just for the experience.

Good to have you back.

I've lived in England for a semester during university. The issue with London is that the job is "meh", and even though it's a promotion, because North Americans get paid more than UK/Europe in the energy sector, I would actually be making a little less money with a higher cost of living. But it would be amazing to live overseas and travel so cheaply around continental Europe.

The role in San Diego is carbon trading and I've always wanted to become a Trader. So, it's tough! I need to let my General Manager by next Friday if I want the London role.
Sounds like @Cate is right, London is marginal. But how about the Netherlands?

San Diego is a really nice place to live, beautiful place and great weather year round. Expensive but not probably as bad as London. I think @overlandflyer lives there, or somewhere near by.
December 5/22
201.0lbs (-1.2lbs / -16.0bs)
BF%: 25.6% (-0.2% / -3.1%)
BMI: 29.8 (-0.1 / -2.1)
Yesterday's Macros: 188 C, 119 P, 65 F

Thanks Cate & Rob, I'm honestly just lost with it all right now. Thinking about moving is stressful, but I need to make a decision by Friday on London. Netherlands isn't a lock like London is at the moment, so it's a risk hoping that one would come through.

Weight is down to a new 2022 low, and this time next week I should finally be back down into the 100's. There's definitely something mentally satisfying about crossing that threshold.

My challenge for this week is hosting some colleagues in town and some client dinners. The city I currently live in has a big drinking culture, so the expectation is for me to be a good host and take colleagues/clients out to some fun bars and nice dinners. I think I'm going to lie and say I'm taking some anti-biotics to avoid drinking.

I'm excited for December 22. I've decided Dec 22 to Jan 2 will be a maintenance break. I think it's important to enjoy myself over the holidays and have some balance.
Weight is down to a new 2022 low, and this time next week I should finally be back down into the 100's. There's definitely something mentally satisfying about crossing that threshold.
Good for you, and yep crossing the 200 line is a big milestone. Looking forward to seeing you make it!
My challenge for this week is hosting some colleagues in town and some client dinners. The city I currently live in has a big drinking culture, so the expectation is for me to be a good host and take colleagues/clients out to some fun bars and nice dinners. I think I'm going to lie and say I'm taking some anti-biotics to avoid drinking.
Can't you just order a diet coke? Or drive and be the designated driver?

Good luck with the job decision.
Losing weight despite being stressed is awesome! I hate that there are still circles where people look at you weird and pretend you're anti-social when you don't drink (large amounts of!) alcohol. I like some wine or beer sometimes but not a lot or often. Doesn't mean I think everyone who does is an alcoholic so feel free to drink whatever you like while I stick to diet soda. It sucks your work basically requires it.
Thanks Cate & Rob, I'm honestly just lost with it all right now. Thinking about moving is stressful, but I need to make a decision by Friday on London.
I'm glad it's not my decision to make. I would follow my heart. I would also hate to move from where I am, but I don't think you have such an emotional tie to the city you live in. San Diego looks very appealing.....
Losing weight despite being stressed is awesome! I hate that there are still circles where people look at you weird and pretend you're anti-social when you don't drink (large amounts of!) alcohol. I like some wine or beer sometimes but not a lot or often. Doesn't mean I think everyone who does is an alcoholic so feel free to drink whatever you like while I stick to diet soda. It sucks your work basically requires it.
Can't you just order a diet coke? Or drive and be the designated driver?

Yeah, it's a little unfortunate. I've found that as far as climbing the corporate ladder, your ability to socialize and fit into these extracurricular activities is just as (or more) important than your actual performance. But you still need a bit of both. One of the senior leaders in my group told me he was recruited into his existing team by a now EVP, and they had originally met having prosecco drinking contest on their flights home for the weekend.
I quite enjoyed that aspect of it but it gets very draining after a while.

London doesn’t seem like what you really want so I would hold out.
I've found that as far as climbing the corporate ladder, your ability to socialize and fit into these extracurricular activities is just as (or more) important than your actual performance. But you still need a bit of both.
That is pretty much what I observed. Performance is nothing if not noticed, but when noticed you do need to have performed. However in my experience passing on alcohol did no harm, but every place is different.

I know you work for an energy company, I did a lot of work as a consultant for oil companies. Back in the 80s and 90s it was very much a good ole boy drinking culture. I remember a few wild nights in Houston... Things are however changing.
December 13/22
200.6lbs (-0.4lbs / -16.4bs)
BF%: 25.5% (-0.1% / -3.2%)
BMI: 29.7 (-0.1 / -2.2)
Yesterday's Macros: 207 C, 167 P, 42 F

Sigh. So, had the two customer events last week. Wednesday, I did relatively good all things considered, but Thursday was a bit of a blowout. Didn't progress as much as I wanted to this week, but a loss is a loss. I'm getting so close to my weight starting with a 1.

Really liking my training regiment lately. I am in a good place where I'm excited to go to the gym every morning, so that's good.

Onwards and upwards.
Given your professional situation I think you're doing exceptionally well losing any weight at all.
Given your professional situation I think you're doing exceptionally well losing any weight at all.

Thank you both!

December 16/22
199.8lbs (-0.8lbs / -17.2lbs)
BF%: 25.3% (-0.2% / -3.4%)
BMI: 29.6 (-0.1 / -2.3)
Yesterday's Macros: 207 C, 167 P, 42 F

It's the last Friday before I start my Christmas vacation, and my weight starts with a 1! Not a bad way to start a weekend if I do say so myself.

My weight loss has been pretty slow at 0.3lbs/week, but it's been very consistent throughout the year besides a couple of relapse months in June and September. It will be a good Christmas gift to myself if I keep somewhat on track during Christmas and open 2023 under 200lbs as well.


On a personal note, the career decision is still causing some stress in my life. But the decision timeline has been pushed to January instead of December like I first thought. I've decided to go to San Diego if I am offered that role, but if it falls through, I've warmed up to London which is more of a sure bet of getting an offer. I'm a bit concerned about cost of living, but I've talked to my GM, and my salary will be decent for London standards, so I'll be able to comfortably afford a 1-bedroom flat in central London and still be able to afford some travel around Europe, so it's not the worst. My purchasing power will be a lot lower than it is in North America though. But life experience is cool - and hopefully I'll be fit by then so dating would be easier!
Congratulations on seeing that 1 at the beginning! Motivation to stay sensible over the holidays? I've only been to London once, many years ago, but I loved it. As you say: life experience is cool.
Well done on reaching onederland. That's an excellent incentive to do well over the Christmas break.
It all sounds very exciting. I think you will make the most of whatever comes your way.
Congratulations on seeing that 1 at the beginning! Motivation to stay sensible over the holidays? I've only been to London once, many years ago, but I loved it. As you say: life experience is cool.
Thanks! Today is my first day of Christmas vacation. Motivation is a lot easier to keep if I make sure I don't let myself get too hungry. So, just had a good breakfast so at least I won't be hungry while out Christmas shopping and tempted by fast food.
Well done on reaching onederland. That's an excellent incentive to do well over the Christmas break.
It all sounds very exciting. I think you will make the most of whatever comes your way.
Thank you!

December 22/22
199.4lbs (-0.4lbs / -17.6lbs)
BF%: 25.2% (-0.1% / -3.5%)
BMI: 29.5 (-0.1 / -2.4)

Today is the first day of my Christmas Vacation. I'll still have to work a bit due to some ongoing supply issues, but I am so excited to completely disconnect.

Today is a day off from the gym, and I'll go Christmas shopping. I really hope the traffic isn't horrible.

Also, weight is still moving good. Goal for December 31 is just to stay below 200lbs.
Enjoy your holiday break! Sounds like you're off to a good start.