Cohen's Lifestyle Life After Cohen's

Prefix for Cohen's Lifestyle

Well I always said that when I had finished refeed I would come to this thread and post - so here I finally am!! However, in doing so, I realize that no one else is posting, so maybe no one will even read this. But if there is a Cohen's graduate out there, especially one I have chatted with before, hello to you.
I lost 55 kilos and weigh 54kgs, so I can literally look in the mirror and see what I have lost then add 1!!! Amazing.
Today has been a feast of small tastes - my first in 15 months - and I have sampled so many things, but don't care. Tomorrow I can balance it. The simple things in life can be great - a slice of camembert, a few slithers of avocado, a semi dried tomato, a capuccino. So so good! Still looking forward to my yoghurt and fruit tomorrow for breakfast.
Would love to hear how others are doing, so if you are reading this, pop on a short note,
Hi Lizzi can you please post some photos?
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Hi Lizzi,

So thrilled that you have finished. WELL DONE. You must be so proud of yourself. 55kg's is an amazing amount of weight to lose, and I'm sure you must feel terrific. I, unfortunately, have gained back a bit of the weight I lost (again) and may be again hitting the program soon. Not quite sure yet. I'll see how I go with increased exercise and healthier eating first ( I have been hitting the junk a lot lately). Talk to you soon.
Hey Guys!

:) It's Been SO long since I posted!!!! :eek:

I have been on the straight & narrow pretty much since I finished the refeed program. Only munch out every now & then....but have a few "Cohen's Style" meals to equal it out. I have put on about a kilo (give or take - the monthly cycle, if you know what I mean!) I have stayed true to cohens in the morning, I LOVE my Vaalia Yoghurt & wouldn't like the idea of giving it up...I think I'm addicted!!

SO proud of you Lizzi!! Way to Go!! :) :D :) :D

I have been meaning to post for ages...but always busy, busy!! No excuse I know, but my goodness how the popularity of this wonderful program has grown!! I don't really recognise any of the poster's on the forum!! That's great news, more people taking control of their lives BRILLIANT!!

Ok, this was just a small post to get me in the swing of things again!!

Congrat's to all !! XXOO :)
Can everyone please keep posting in here - although I still have 11 kilos to go I am fascinated about life on the other side.
Hi! Just wondering how all you "life after Cohen's-ers" are going? Have you been keeping the weight off? What's your diet like now?

Looking forward to hearing how you're all going!
It's been sooo long!!

Hi Everyone,
It has been sooo long since I've visited this forum...I simply can't believe how many more people are on it- it's fantastic, and I think it's great that you've all decided to be proactive and change your life!!

LIZZI - Well Done!!! It's been so long since we've chatted, and I can't believe that you have halved yourself!!! You must be feeling fantastic!!!

Well, Life After Cohen's seems to be the question everyone's asking, I finished refeed in about April after losing about 15 kilos, and ended up weighing around 67kgs.
Over winter I put back on about 5 or 6 kilos, and a few weeks ago I weighed myself at 71.5. Must admit I was a bit pissed that I'd gone back over 70, but have gone back on it for the last three days (not even that strictly!) and am already back to 69. So I figure I'll stay on it for probably another week or so to get back to about 65.(My goal weight was 64-67, however, when I got to 64 before refeed, I found that I was too thin!)
The whole issue of weight becomes so much less daunting now that I KNOW exactly how to lose it, and quickly. And putting in on did take a bit of effort by me....I'll admit that I was eating a hell of a lot of take-away, carbs (potato bakes, creamy pastas etc) and having lots of snacks and sweets between meals...oops!! But if I could eat all that and only put on 6 kilos I figure that's pretty good!! (Although I am determined to give my body a bit more respect from now on!!)
Anyway, there is life after, and it's fantastic, controllable and food again becomes enjoyable...rather than a means to a guilty conscience!!
So, stick at it, you can all do it, I have since inspired three of my family members to go on the program, and they have all lost nearly ten kilos in the past month!!
Good Luck!!! :)
Tash*, aren't you meant to do the refeed process again if you return to Cohens and lose more than 4KG?

Do you weigh yourself each day since finishing?

I will be soon to start the refeeding process, I will be at the Cohen guideline weight in another week or 10 days so I am very interested in refeeding and maintainance. A bit scary actually, I dont want to be the labled as the guy who "put it back on as fast as he lost it" (tut-tut, no self control).
Hi there Lessfatty,

Sounds like you are doing well...and I'm sure that you will easily maintain it once you have finished the refeed....don't stress, there is life on the other side!

I probably would have to do refeed again for losing more than four kilos, however, I'm not really sticking to it that strictly, tend to do anywhere up to a week on, and then have a day or two of normal eating, and I really can't be bothered going through refeed again (it's quite make sure you do it at a time when you can really focus on it!!)
I want to get down to less than I was at the end of refeed anyway, weighed myself this morning and already back to 68.5....I think my body seems to recognise what I'm up to, and responds pretty quickly by dropping the weight.
As for weighing myself everyday, I probably weighed myself quite regularly (at least every couple of days) in the first month or so after I finished (mainly cos I liked seeing those numbers!!), but after that I could tell if I'd put any weight on, and would really only weigh myself to check.
Anyway, you will come through the other side, and for the first month or so it will feel very surreal to think of yourself as a 'skinny' person!!
Good luck....:)
I thought i would knock this back to the front page again!:D

I have a question for all the Cohens Graduates. I've heard (and read!) that after Cohens they say that you should limit your "carb" meal to once per day. WHAT IS A CARB MEAL???? Obviously something like pasta or rice or potatos (things along those lines) is a carb meal, thats obvious. But does a carb meal mean something like....a peice of toast in the morning? Does a sandwhich at lunchtime mean a carb meal? Im so confused...

Im nearing refeed, i have about 7kg to go...and im really worried that i will come off Cohens, eat the wrong foods and chuck the weight back on again! Cohens has been a real learning curve for me, and i dont want to eat ANYTHING like the way i did, and the focus for me now is on veges, fruits and lean meats. But i do miss my grains. I love multigrain bread and things like that, and the thought of not being able to have it very often are a bit well...sad.

Also, another question! How often (if at all!) do you guys eat fast foods? By fast food, i mean Maccas, KFC and places like that. The really awful for your health places.

Thanks a bunch! I hope this thread perks up a bit!:p
Your carb meal includes any of the stuff you mentioned. A carb meal includes bread, pasta, potato chips, peas, potatoes etc. So if you have toast in the morning that is your carb meal. Or have a sandwich for lunch that is your carb meal but you can't have toast for breakfast and then a sandwich for lunch, does that make sense? I have been off re-feed for almost three months and this is the most challenging part of Life after doing Cohen's. They really don't want you to have your carb meal at breakfast, (tends to make you hungry by about 10 a.m.) I usually have my carb meal at lunch. So in the mornig I have eggs and for dinner usually a salad. One more thing, if you are going to have sweets you need to have them within one hour after your completion of your carb meal. This is another challenge to the program. However by following these guidelines I have kept my weight off so it does work.
Hope that helps!
fast food

I don't eat alot of fast food but I think you can after you finish if it is in moderation. Maybe once a week? We all know it is not very healthy but convienent so sometimes it is just easier. Good Luck!
thanks ilovewinnie!:) Makes me feel a bit better lol.

Is the only reason they say not to have the carb meal for breakfast is because it may make you hungry during the course of the day?
Quick question for the finished cohenites out there!!!
have any of you started or are doing some sort of excercise now that youve completed cohens??

how do you find this contributes to you maintaining your weight and what you eat??

any reply would be awesome!

love caroline x
Yes I do exercise, prior to Cohen's I was up to doing a half marathon. Once I started Cohen's off course I had to stop running but I continued to walk some and do weights. I completed re-feed on 12-23-2006 and have gotten back into exercising including running. For me it does not seem to make any difference in my weight if I exercise or not. I do it just for the health benefits but my "lifestyle" change is 80% food intake. It has always been this way for me. I have maintained for and actually have lost 2 pounds since I completed re-feed 3 months ago.

I am leaving for a cruise this Saturday so I am a little nervous about that but will do my best and if I need to go back on Cohen's when I get back I will to get back down. It works if you follow the rules and overall it is the best "diet" I have ever been on. Keep up the good work everyone.:)
i officially completed cohens on the 18th April 2007 (last week :) ) so it hasnt been a full week on non cohens for me yet but i will post a detailed thread exactly one month post cohens to let everyone know whats it all about!

So far i went out last night and had a HUGE night of drinking, got pissed pretty quick but still; surprising how much the body can still tolerate.

ALTHOUGH BE CAREFUL how you eat the first few days after refeed. i had ONE piece of chocolate for dsert and had the sorest tummy for a few hours after,and i hate the taste of milk now, my body doesnt tolerate it anymore.
