Lei and Goergen: Hell in Helmets

^^^^^^^ "Grace" is simply what CrossFit has named the workout.

28 days to Ironman and then I am coming baby! glad to see you posting more again.

Yup. When things get busy, the forum is the first thing to go.

Thanks for the heads up FF. :food:

Some nogi jits and then on to the gym:

OH squat, rdl, dynamic warm up

5 @ 135
5 @ 225
3 @ 275
3 @ 325
3 @ 355

10 muscle ups, no time limit, a lot of singles, a few doubles. I want to get better at muscles ups. It's very difficult for me to get multiple reps.
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We trained on Sunday because the Okra Strut fair thing put a bunch of trash cans and porta-potties on our throwing field. That and roads were closed and parking, and lots of people being around.

Anyhow, Sunday it was.

1. D-Flex

2. Light Weight for Distance - I threw a lot of throws. This is not what I would call a great day. Some high points. Hit 51 feet. Hit a lot of throws between 49 and 50 feet. Some low points. Threw a range of 30 - 51 feet. Fouled a lot.

I did make the not so great choice to keep throwing after everything went down hill. All in all I hit a bunch of throws at or near my PR on our field. It was a good day, even though I was not feeling that at the time.

3. Light Hammer - Have not thrown this in a long time. The light hammer is a lot different than the heavy. It took me a few rounds of winders to get a feel for it. Not a ton of throws. 80-85 feet.

I did learn what "come up over it" means. Which is not what it sounds like at all. As it turns out, "it" is not the implement like one would think. "it" is your legs. From what I can gather in my limited experience, "come up over it" means to get your body over your legs. Specifically over the leg that is in the direction that the throw is going.

I will think of a better way of saying that. It was a little confusing for me too. :D

Back to the gym. Did not do a ton of work here. I was feeling tired from the throwing, and also frustrated with the throwing.

4. High Pull to the High Pull Indicator - 185lbs. Sets of 3. 5 sets or so.
5. Standing DB OHP - Sets of 10. 50lbs, 60lbs, 70lbs, 70lbs.

6. YTM - 3 sets 15 reps. 70lbs.

Thoughts -

I have never been involved in a sport with the ups and downs that throwing has. Lifting is easy by comparison. As a lifter, even on an off day, you can pull off close to, if not equal to, a PR. You just grind through it and everything turns out OK.

Throwing, not so much. It is amazing. I spend time wondering why I do such a stupid sport. Then something goes well, one day, and I am hooked for the next 4 months. Crazy. I guess that is how it works. :D I suppose that is why improvement is so rewarding. I can say that setting a PR and making improvements in throws is much more rewarding than setting PR's in lifting.

On to other thoughts. I have noticed that I have soreness after throwing. Specifically my calves. Which have not been trained in most of the lifting I have done. After some thought, when Olympic lifting, I was a flat footed Olympic lifter.

Not to mention the stress of the impact and rebound during a throw must be much higher than a lift. This is something I will train in the off season starting in November. I am thinking Jump Rope, as much as I dislike the jump rope. I think it will help bring up an area that needs some work.
Hi everybody. Some training happened yesterday.

1. D-Flex

2. Overhead Stone Heave

3. Standing Stone Throw - This went pretty good. Hit 36' right off and hit a bunch at 34 and 35 feet. Used a 15lb stone.

4. Glide Stone Throw - My second time doing this. Not bad. I end up in funny positions and end up doing more of what we call and A throw. The stone goes high, not far.

5. Heavy Weight for Distance - Not a bad day. Hit 26 feet. So that was good. Had a bunch at 23-25 feet. Then I had a bunch at 3-12 feet and I decided I must be done with that today.

One thing I did feel for the first time today was the orbit of the weight, which is not going in the right direction at all. On the up side, since I am not a light guy I am able to pull it back to the right spot. When I am fresh anyhow. When I start getting tired I am no longer able to pull it back into the right direction.

I just thought it was neat to feel an see the obit of the weight. I learned a lot. :cool: Not without some frustration though. :rolleyes:

Thoughts -

Things seem to be headed in the right direction. Everything feels good at some point during practice. Which is good. We will button some things up and be good to go.


Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:

2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings

I did:

As many rounds in twenty minutes:

8 ring dips
8 pull ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 70 lb db swings

For 5 rounds. I wish there was a place at the gym to hang my rings for muscle ups, I feel like I would have gotten more rounds. Maybe...but I gotta tell you, a drinking a mega sized Monster will make you feel like you're a humming bird.

Then I did 20 thrusters at 95 lbs.

Went to work, and we pulled out mats. I rolled with a lot of people from work. It was fun :D
Yesterday started my off season training before the off season. It is just time to get in better shape. Here is how this plan works.

I walk up to Josh and says, "What do I do?"
Josh Says, "Do this stuff."
I says, "OK."

So this was the first day of this. The workout was.

1. D-Flex - Because that will always get done first.

Max Rounds in 20 min.
4 reps Deck Squats w/ 25lb KB
4 reps each side Turkish Get Ups w/ 25lb KB
4 reps clean and push press w/ 80lb D-Ball

I did 5 rounds. My shoulders were torn apart from holding the KB during the Turkish Get-Ups. I can safely say that this is the type of thing I need 2-3 days per week.

Thoughts -

With this type of workout you get really tired and everything is sore, for about 30 min. Then everything is fine. There is no need for recovery time because it is not heavy weight or nervous system intensive exercise. It is just work. I also believe this type of workout will help recover from heavier workouts faster.
Now for today's workout.

1. D-Flex

2. Overhead Stone Heave

3. Caber - Much better pics today. No turns on this monster. But I walked around a bit and got a much better feel for the caber.

4. Sheaf - This went pretty good. Used the 20lb sheaf. Hit 21'6" for the first time today. That was cool. I am learning to pull through with the hips more.

Back to the gym.

1. Squat - Sets of 3 reps. 145lbs, 235lbs, 325lbs, 375lbs, 415lbs. I am still on the no belt during the season thing. Will start hitting heavy weights again in November.
2. Bench Press - Sets of 3 reps. 125lbs, 215lbs, 265lbs, 305lbs, 355lbs. Then I did a down set of 10 reps with 265lbs.

3. Bent Row - 3 sets 10 reps. 135lbs, 185lns, 185lbs. This felt pretty good. Could feel the upper back after the caber.
4. Parallel Grip Lat Pull-Downs - 3 sets 10 reps 190lbs.

5. Shrugs - 3 sets 20 reps. 190lbs.
6. Bench Press Abs - 3 sets 10 reps, 45lbs. You know, hold the bar at arms length while lying on the floor and sitting up.

I really felt good at the end of this day.

Thoughts -

I feel the great monster "Goer-Gon" the beast, the evil being of unchecked and unwavering motivation, heaving and waking up in my soul. It has been resting for the past few years, lying dormant, waiting for the proper moment to rise again, the aggression, the anger, the passion for training.

I knew, deep down, this day would come. Call it an epiphany, a wake up call, whatever. I have now trained to the point where I am again ready to start pushing and getting some real training done. The past year and a half have been but a time of preparation for training days yet to come.

While falling asleep at night my dreams have been of big lifts and great throws, there seems to be a growing need for greater success.

Yes, the training wheels are off and...........

I..........AM..............BACK................. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA

Ring rows max reps for one minute
Ring push ups max reps one minute
Tire flips+hops max reps for one minute
Sledge swings max reps for one minute

All this x2. About 290 reps total. There was ample rest between exercises, for the other guy to go.

Truck push for 2 minutes

PWO: FEAST. Lamb roast, ribeye steak, roast chicken, veggies. If there is a Valhalla, this is how we'd eat.
I am back into the mode where all I think about and all I want to do is train.

That is a good thing. On to training.

Another get in shape, GPP workout.

6 rounds -
2min treadmill. inc. 7.5 speed 3.2mph
10 reps reverse hyper. 230lbs
10 crossover abs each side
5 overhead reverse lunges with a fat bar

This was another great workout. Everything felt great. Heart rate stayed at about 140 the whole time. (I was actually kind of surprised about that) This is the type of workout I did on a regular basis when I was training hard in the old days. I think it this type of this will be very beneficial.

That is all for now. We are leaving on Monday to do some installs in MS and GA. Will be back in town on Friday. We have packed some implements to practice some throwing. (the installs more than count for lifting) :D :cool:

Here are the last couple of videos.
A lot has happened since the last post. I'll go through things on a daily basis.

We drove to Mississippi on Monday and installed at a gym called No Holds Barred on Tuesday. It is a pretty cool place. We had a long install, they had a lot of stuff, and they will be able to get some work don there.

On Wednesday we did some throwing with the adjustable weight. It worked out pretty good. The weight is something we have been testing. I think we should have a solid product soon.

Wednesday evening we drove to the Atlanta area to install Buford High School. There was traffic, we were stopped. After walking around the highway and talking to other people, we decided to find a good spot in the median to drive across and find another route. That drive took about 2 hours longer than it should have.

Thursday was the install at Buford High School. Definitely a weight room that rivals most college rooms. It really looks nice.

After a long day we ate and drove back home. Regular work day on Friday.

My parents got to town Friday evening, so I will be visiting with them and normal training will resume on Tuesday.

Thoughts -

I know, not a big training week. But hey, 10 hours of moving steel two days in a week is enough to make anyone sore. Some great GPP anyhow. :D Tuesday will be a throwing day.

OH squat warm up with bar, dynamic warm up, hip flexor stretch

Back squat-
5 @ 115
3 @ 145
3 @ 175
3 @ 195
2 @ 225

Trying a new method of squatting. Low bar, past parallel, narrower stance. IT bands got really tight. I haven't squatted in months.

OLY back squat-
3x10 @ 145

Zercher GM-
3x10 @ 145

To get bar placement on ribs, I need to shrug my shoulders hard. Did a couple of sets like that and one set with relaxed shoulders, bar on belly.

Well, I got my A$$ handed to me by a girl today. Fortunately it is not any girl, but this girl.

I will tell the story once I get to the proper location in the workout.

1. Food Processor Smash - I was agitated. We had a food processor that did not work. I smashed it. Then hit it with a big wrench.

2. D-Flex

3. Overhead Stone Heave

4. Standing Stone - This was not my best day. Adrian Blewitt is in town. She is a shot putter. We decided to have a 3 throw comp. I would have won by 1.5" if I had not fouled. As it is, she beat me by 3". Both throws were 33'. I do not remember the specific inches. I just know I was down by 3 of them.

5. Light Weight - Again, not my best day. Hit 40' a bunch of times and the 45'. I had another 3 throw comp w/ Adrian. I gave her a 10' spot since we were not a close on this one. My first throw was 49'. After that things went down hill.

Adrian hit 40' so I lost again with my 10' spot.

Stupid throwing. I am growing tired of having everyone that ever visits be better than me. Sometimes it is someone who has never thrown who is better. :mad:

6. Sheaf - 20lb. Skied it over 22' without touching the bar. That is good, and the best sheaf I have had so far.

Thoughts -

Stupid throwing. That is all I have for now.
Indeed she is Lei. :confused4:

Today was much better than Tuesday. Everything started off well and ended better.

1. D-Flex

2. Overhead Stone Heave - Used a 22lb stone today.

3. Heavy Weight - Things are starting to com together again. I am not all over the place and seem to be getting better control of the implement. A bunch of 24' throws today.

4. Heavy Hammer - Things got a lot better here. Had a mess of throws in the 74' range. That is good. I have better orbit and the hammer goes higher. Both are good things. :D

To the Bat........ I mean lifting cave.

5. High Pull - Used a snatch grip. Worked up to three sets of three reps with 275lbs. These were 3 repeat pulls and everything felt really good.

6. Bench Press - Used the curl bar with a big pad. Probably about a 1 or 2 board press type thing. Worked up to a single at 395lbs and took a jump to 445lbs. Did not make that one, but it is close. :cool:

7. Shrugs on the Shrugger - 370lbs for 3 sets of 10 reps.

8. Bent Rows - Used an underhand grip. 225lbs. 2 sets 8 reps.
9. Fat Bar Overhead Press - 2 sets 20 reps with 75lbs.

Thoughts -

Overall a good day. Things are getting back to normal after being out of town last week. Here is the video of all our travel last week.
Yesterday was a short GPP type workout.

Javoreks Complex -
Barbell Upright Row x 6
Barbell High Pull Snatch x 6
Barbell Behind the Head Squat Push Press x 6
Barbell Behind the Head Good Morning x 6
Barbell Bent Over Row x 6

I did this 3X through. 45lbs the first set, 65lbs the second set, 95lbs the third set.

Again, nothing crazy, just getting the blood flowing for the day.