Ok I hope it is ok that I use old txt's I dunno why I keep em' Anyways I haven't had a txt for a couple months, I sorta weened myself off of txting, but I wanna play so...
Ryan: Nope you didn't. I just don't know why your mad at me. Eye is fucked lol
Orange Customer Services: "We have reviewed your service plan and happy to inform you that your service plan meets your needs perfectly. If you have any questions regarding your service plan, please visit orange.co.uk and log into your account, or call us on........."
Well, what can I say? I don't have friends who send me texts.....*lol*
I told them countless times not to text me, but they just won't listen. Guess I'll have to block their number at some point. But they are my phone providers, so I am not sure if I even *can* block them....*sigh*
i just made my salad for dinner, i was going to the drawer to get a fork, i had my phone in my right hand, i grabbed a fork out of the drawer and turned around. for some damn reason i put the fork in my pocket and threw my phone into my salad. tasty.