Label "infraction"

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Alright I am going to have to step in here. I dont like the personal insults directed at mreik for applying the infraction, because he was not the one offended by the remark. Furthermore, a pm was sent explaining the infraction in which he made it clear that some people might be offended. Regular members cannot apply infractions for posts they find offensive, so mods have to be the bad guys.

I have much love and respect for both FF and Chillen, but I dont see the necessity of this post. I put Chillen in the above sentence because you are the one making the comments towards Mreik about the post to Trevor. Mreik was joking in that post, but some people took it as offense. An infraction could have been applied perhaps to both posts, more so actually to Trevors because of his choice words. This could have stayed at pming with mreik FF, all you had to do was type his username in a new message.

The word FAG is the problem word. Whether I agree with the problem here is not important, but someone was offended by it and reported it.

This shouldnt be a gang war against mreik or spicypumpkin.

Please do not misinterpret my comments as a personal attack: My comments are not anything close, this is not my nature.

I was stating what I thought were relative facts to this situation: The difference however, is that Trevor never made a "formal" complaint (though his comments can be interpretated by some as one), and if there was, I question (not saying there wouldnt be) whether an infraction would have been handed out in the first place.

I felt Trevors' comments were justified under the circumstances, and believe it wrong to associate a discipline effect on Trevor when he was responding to sometihing "he felt" inappropriate (at least in this instance). If FF was getting an infraction for this, then one in the example I had given reference Trevor, should have been given. To me this plays to: fair play. The difference was no formal complaint.

My position, on this was just this: Given FF's history these past few months (basing it on facts and nothing personal), and the adjoining formal complaint, this could have been mediated quite simply through advising FF to tone the "cussing" down, and I believe it safe to assume based on his past history, this would have resolved the situation satisfactorily. I know from being a parent (and police officer) we have to makes decisions which are not popular, I just thought it could have been handled better, for what its worth.

Of course we move on. I just dont want Tony or anyone thinking I was making a personal attack. I was not. I needed to make a comment on that, as I didnt want that hanging in the air so-to-speak.

Alas, we move forward.

Best regards,

With the moderators mad at me (LOL!!!! :rolleyes: :) :) ), I have one thing to add before I hang this up:

ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I agree, Stream...for both pumpkin and FF.

But what's done is done...FF, no one wants you to leave or "be gone" with these infractions. They mean next to nothing. Sure, I can see how you felt kind of misunderstood and left out because you were being singled out, but you gotta just step back and view things from a different perspective.

No one likes a whiner but when SP said what she said, someone had to do something. It seems like being a nice nazi but when you really look at it, action was only taken because how it goes here is when you cry loud enough, you'll get attention. We all make more offensive posts on a daily basis, no one is saying you're the only bad one, and certainly no one is saying you have nothing of value to add.

And when you think no one else, besides BadMotorFinger or Tanazaki, has received infractions, you're mistaken. I've personally received infractions for doing much worse than your pathetic excuse for an offense...I straight up just flamed some folks, and they hated it so much they wanted me banned...yep, cried straight to the admin. Sure, I got an infraction...but it was still really fun. :) You should see the PM's he sent me, hahahaha

Within a month we are going to look back on this thread and laugh at how everyone got their panties in a bunch over nothing.

Well, maybe SpicyPumpkin won't cause I'm pretty sure she'll still be offended by the word in a month.

If I sound biased, I am. I can see how SP would be offended by derogotory terms, but to defend her position with such a passion seems pretty ridiculous, especially within the context.
what the hell is going on. I read that entire thread in question and no one said anything offensive as far as I can tell.. wtf is going on here? A 3 leter F word? huh? I know a 4 letter F word, but not a 3 letter F word..

Short for "Faggot" a derogotory term used to describe homosexuals, usually.

Although in the UK, a fag is a cigarette. Don't know if you've got em where you live, Karks :)
Maybe clear up if there is a missinterpritation before giving neg rep? I belive that's the lesson to be learned from that.
I was upset, AND trying to see things from other perspectives was not possible for me at the time.

i did not know everybody else coudn't see the infraction.

I have no offense against Mreik or any other mod. But could not the bad guy role be played in both ways. meaning- "spciey pumpkin, wth all due respeect to your being offended, perhaps there was no OFFENSE intended."

what you have done is created an environment where the words are more important than the spirit of what is said. Not the type of environment that inspires freedom--- freedoms such as choice of life style- that is apparnetly the real issue here.

amazing actually-- a thought for you spicey young person-

YOU took a stance for freedom "in spirit" at the expense to "freedom of spirit"

That is a real thought for you as you continue your journey!!!

Good thing i wasn't offended when you took my other comments and then commented back "too old" hahahahaha

i'm not even upset today you guys. this is an internet site-

shut the dang computer off and break a sweat!


me and spicey got it handled in PM's.

all set, and I admire the lil chickies pluck... and I have another "wink wink" admirer! hheheehee

off to do a jump for ya Spicey and Mreik!
The point of the infraction is for mods/admin to have a record of a rule violation. Noone else can see it but the user and the mods. Almost like a paper trail if you will.

Does this mean FF is bad, certainly not. FF is a highly valued member and shouldnt take this to heart, which is what not what happened (read todays post). Chillen I didnt mean to imply that you had "beef" lol with mreik, I only mentioned you because you brought up that post.

We cant choose what posts offend others and which ones get reported. I wasnt offended by the poll thread, but if someone had been, action would have been taken.

Lets just keep posting and supporting one another, thats what we're here for.
Okay if someone feels I need an infraction, I know the other mods can't give me one but many ACB can.. Will that make everyone feel better? It's just a pm saying you got an infraction that will be gone in 10 days, I didn't think you'd be so upset otherwise I would have typed your name in a pm box and sent one; but clicking infraction on your post is easier, and makes little difference or so I thought.

Here, in the spirit of fairness: Mreik, has an infraction.
..Oh yeah, it's a 3 letter F word not a 4 letter word. Do some research, anyone who used a derogatory word describing a sexual preference, and I saw it, I usually banned. I think that's childish, and MANY people are offended by it.

Just because half the people here in this thread aren't offended, doesn't mean no one is. And call me out all you want, but just because another member said 'I'm pretty offended by that', is no reason for ANYONE to go back into someone's posts and try to undermined their feelings. Again, my intention is not to be the nice police. Ask any mod, I stir the pot more than anyone. Just keep the racial/sexual/degrading words out, and not only will I laugh w/you, I'll participate.
Ok, here is my two cents for whatever it's worth (probably nothing).

I don't think that it's ok to condone or trivialize the use of an ugly, hurtful and judgemental word that is 'typically' offensive to be used in jest--regardless of how laid back, non-insulting and knowledgeable a person is "normally."

I think it's common sense not to use words like F*g or the N word, which is even worse (and I bring this word solely as an example), in a forum or everyday language, really. Yeah, people will say, 'oh, so-and-so is just a $hit stirrer and wants attention' but what really happened here? Someone made a bad choice and regardless of his 'intentions' it's tacky and unnecessary to use derogatory words...

That being said, I also think that he should have accepted the consequences of his actions (the infraction) without making a huge scene (the thread). He could have taken this privately to a Mod.

He resolved the issue with the one person who was brave enough to openly say it was offensive (I'm almost certain she wasn't the only one) and for that I commend FF...
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