Questionnaire thingy
Found this questionnaire on this sight
1. Answer these questions before starting your diary.
-- How much weight do you want to lose?
80 pounds
-- What is the timeframe for reaching your target weight?
a year would be nice
-- How do you want to accomplish your goal (what methods do you want to use)?
exercise,living an active lifestyle, not overeating--knowing my limits and putting food away when I am full,eating fruits and veggies and high fiber food. limitations on my caloric intake.
-- Who or what can support you in reaching your goal?
this weight loss community, staying accountable, my family,and most importantly--through God all things are possible. He's rooting for me the most.
-- How realistic is your goal?
very. with determination and hard work it can be done! From just being a part of this forum for a few days, I can see how realistic it really is. There are so many success stories!
-- When will you start?
What is your current height and weight?
5'5.5'' / 225 lbs.
If you were at an ideal weight now, what would that weight be?
At what weight would you like to be at four months from now?
below 200. 190
Why do you want to lose weight?
for my health, to improve my life, happiness, for my family
Do you want to lose weight for a specific life event such as wedding or reunion?
If so, when is that event? I'd like to lose a total of 15 pounds by end of this month. Family is going to Florida. I've 2 of the 15.
What obstacles could get between you and your weight loss goals?
Not staying accountable to anyone. Overeating. Laziness.
Why do you think that you now have a weight problem?
I didn't care enough to do anything. It happend so fast. I went from 135 in 2002 to 235 in 2007.
What lifestyle changes do you think would help you lose weight?
Becoming the active person that I know I am. Stop eating before I become full. Not eating high calorie high fat food.
Have you lost weight in the past? If so, what has worked in the past to help you lose weight?
I lost 30 pounds about 6 yrs ago. I weighed 165 and lost 30 pounds. I exercised for 1 to 2 hours a day, 5 days a week. I ate small portions and high fiber food.
Why do you believe that you did not lose weight or you gained the weight back?
I moved out of state for a year and in that time I was not active and ate unhealthy food. When I moved back, I continued that bad habit.
What, if anything, has not worked for you in the past in helping you to lose weight? Why do you think it did not work?
healthy food and exercise is always the way to go. A relative offered me diet pills a couple of years ago, but I turned them down. I don't want a quick fix.
Would you try writing down all food and drink consumed for a given period of time?
yes. I started that on Sunday in this journal. It makes me think harder about what I am going to eat.
Do you cook at home often? If so, what do you cook?
Yes. Stew, Spaghetti(I enjoy pasta way too much for my own good...), Baked Chicken, Gumbo...I'm cooking a vegetable soup for tonight!
How often do you go out to eat? Where do you go?
Once or twice a month. This last month I had family in town and went more often than ever. I like local cajun restaurants and I eat pasta and salad.(not the best thing in the world!) I do not eat fast food. Maybe once or twice a year. I know better than to add that bad habit to the list!
What are your three favorite foods?
bread, cheese, fruit. i could eat that everday for the rest of my life!
What are your three favorite restaurants?
Phares' Oyster Bar, Charley G's, Chef Roy's. (local cajun restaurants)
What are three things you can do differently when it comes to food?
plan ahead, eat slowly and stop when I'm full- save food for later if I am full, not eat so much carbs and cheese!
If you woke up tomorrow and your body was exactly the way you want it, what would be different?
hah! I wish! I know the way I feel about myself would be different, and the way others treat me. (mostly family. i am now the heaviest in my entire family)
Do you eat when you are not hungry?
sometimes. out of boredom or if I am full and still have food on my plate. I'm working on that though.
Do you binge eat (large amounts at a time)?
I'm sure I have. But I don't set out to do it.
Do you hide your food or eat in secret?
no (used to when I was younger)
Do you eat when you are sad, nervous, or depressed?
not that I know of
Do you eat as a reward?
Do you eat while watching TV or using the computer?
yes. almost always.
What do you normally eat for a meal?
food...ahha. ummm, some kind of carb, like crackers or bread, and I have an adiction to cheese.
What type of snacks do you eat?
100 calorie pack or fruit or nuts
In terms of exercise, what, if anything, are you currently doing?
I have just started working out again to my 10 year old Cindy Crawford tape(just got the DVD), I have access to a swimming pool and I have a treadmill at my house.
Where do you go for exercise? A local public gym? School/work gym? Home?
Home and my father has a pool that I swim in. I have a few friends/relatives that walk with me from time to time.
What, if anything, are your three favorite types of exercise?
swimming, hand-held weights, and I'm trying to enjoy walking again (it's hard to enjoy it when it's over 100 degrees outside!)
What is your daily/weekly/monthly/yearly motivation to move towards your goals?
exercise, eating smaller healthier meals, watching calories and staying accountable.
Do you have rewards for certain goals?
Today I reached a 10 pound weight loss goal and so I am going clothes shopping! I think I'll do that for every 10 pounds I lose!