knee and lower back pain while running

I am not a runner, but I am starting to run to lose some fat...

Last night I ran a mile and it was really tough on my knees and lower back... anything I can do to fix that?

My knees haven't been the best since I got really into deep squatting, my lower back hasn't ever caused me troubles though.
where did you run? how was the support? your shoes? technique? do you heel strike?

and you should get your knee looked at by a doctor.
where did you run? how was the support? your shoes? technique? do you heel strike?

and you should get your knee looked at by a doctor.

ran on a track, was using basketball shoes, technique.......uh, I was running - lol... i'll try to explain tho.

Chest up, shoulders back, head up, on the 3rd and 4th laps I was starting to take really long strides kind of like leaps because it felt smoother.

Did I heel strike? Absolutely not, am I suppose to? I would land like on the middle of my foot, with the weight always being mostly on my toes compared to my heels.
come on Karks! can't ask all those questions and just ignore me now :p

Going to a doctor just won't happen, have no medical insurance, I read if I just fix my form the pain will go away.
Give it a couple of weeks and come back if you still have the problem. Try running with running shoes, the basketball shoes are heavy and they may cause the problems you describe.
it's a good thing that you don't heel strike, as that puts all the pressure directly on the lower leg with little muscle to "absorb" the pressure.

It's kinda hard to diagnose, I'm not a doc or anything. But just stay away from what hurts. Have you tried giving it a weeks rest?

Does it sometimes feel as if your kneecap is stuck in place when you rise from having been seated a long time?
Sometimes my back feels a bit tight when I run, doing static and dynamic stretches help loosed it out a lot. Is it a sharp pain, or does it feel more like your lower back is just tight and needs to unwind?
Use a stationary bike or treadmill :) Most cardio machines support your legs and are quite comfortable while you do the cardio. I have similar problems when i run on normal ground but the doctor says its growing pain around my shin bones which will pass.
how heavy are you,most runners are light,running can be and is hard on your knees and back,its a repetative exercise,but you get used to it.
alot of distance runners end up with back and leg problems,if you can dont run to far and stay on a soft surface if you can.
My shins have been hurting the last couple of times of running, like today.

Anybody know what that could be, BTW iv only just started doing running again.
Sometimes my back feels a bit tight when I run, doing static and dynamic stretches help loosed it out a lot. Is it a sharp pain, or does it feel more like your lower back is just tight and needs to unwind?

It's not a sharp pain, it's more like the pain you get from doing deadlifts immediately after.
My shins have been hurting the last couple of times of running, like today.

Anybody know what that could be, BTW iv only just started doing running again.

Sounds like shin splints. Do a google search for shin splints and see if you have the same symptoms.
It's not a sharp pain, it's more like the pain you get from doing deadlifts immediately after.

Look up some back stretching exercises. I get that sometimes and after cracking my back, it helps a lot.

heres what I do :

1) Kneel down on the floor in an all four position on your hands and knees

2) Curl your back up toward the ceiling and make a bowl shape out of your back

3) Hold for a count of five

4) Return to starting position

5) Pull your stomach down to the floor hollowing out your back

6) Hold for a count of five

7) Return to starting position

It might sound like some gay yoga ****. But it helps, helps me anyways.
Look up some back stretching exercises. I get that sometimes and after cracking my back, it helps a lot.

heres what I do :

1) Kneel down on the floor in an all four position on your hands and knees

2) Curl your back up toward the ceiling and make a bowl shape out of your back

3) Hold for a count of five

4) Return to starting position

5) Pull your stomach down to the floor hollowing out your back

6) Hold for a count of five

7) Return to starting position

It might sound like some gay yoga ****. But it helps, helps me anyways.

I'll give that a shot next time...

just to make sure I am reading this correctly we start out by kind of sucking our stomach in and rounding our back ???

Then we lay down and arch our back on our belly?
Kinda the opposite. It's weird to explain.

You get on all four's and you curl your back as far as you can up. You make kind of like a bowl shape like a parabola


You hold it there for a bit, trying to curl your back as far as you can

and then you do exactly the opposite and kind of make a rounding back shape.


Then you just stretch around.

It worked wonders for my lower-mid back and really helped loosen it up.

I believe that is the exercise Phate talks about. That is the up position, then you arch your back for the down position.

Google pwns!

Thanks Kark.

I'm the google god! :D