Justin's Path to Glory

I wouldn't ever trust cd/dvd workout things.

I made a thread with workout programs for people who need them, it's far better than making your own because professionals designed these. I can personally account for the effectiveness of a few of them and with some of the information attained within the links provided, i was able to lose 55 lbs.

If you want, i encourage you to check here. http://training.fitness.com/weight-...inefficient-split-maybe-read-first-34522.html

I'm fairly certain it provides most of the links that chillen has already posted for you.

Best of luck.

I haven't been following the Swissball workout, but I did follow the shadowboxing CD for my cardio.

And WOW I had a good workout today!

I would update everyone, but I'm really tired!

So goodnight Fitness forum folks!
Weight this morning. 238.6

I had slept in a little bit today. I woke up at 9am. So I had my oatmeal, and a glass of tea.

Then, I did a 30 minute Shadowboxing session with my new CD's...and WOW! Is it a workout! I don't know if I've ever sweated so much in my life! Went 2 minutes really heavy with the shadow boxing, then I went 1 minute rest, but still moving around. This lasted for 9 rounds. I figure I will do this mornings of days I'm not doing my FBW, Tues, Thurs, and Saturday along with my light run.

All I have to say is WOW I feel good already! And I've only been at this life change for a week and couple days now!
Wow, what a past week. Suprise visits from my girlfriends oldest brother from Florida, was out watching fireworks all weekend, and been doing a lot of house work, cleaning, and rearanging. My back has been very very very sore for the past 4 days or so. I've been tired from the pain meds, and I feel drained. Yuck, I hate that feeling. Anyways, the dieting is going really well, but with my back I haven't been able to get any of my workouts in...so hopfully It will be feeling better here shortly! I hope everyone is doing well!

It's been a long long time! How has everyone been? Sorry I haven't been around, but we decided that we would get rid of the internet for a little while so we could save some money for some home improvements.

So much has happened in the past few months. I ended up getting a job at Office Max...a week after starting work I was promoted to Manager of the Tech Department...yummm...Health insurance finally! A while after that, I was diognosed with an umbillical hernia. Then about a month after that I sprained my foot. Then a tooth extracted...still getting over that. haha.

In the mist of all of that....I'm going to be a father!! :love1: We're expecting a little boy, and we are also engaged!

Bad news from the doc, I have high blood pressure and not so good cholesterol. Getting meds for that very very soon. Monday to be exact. And since I have got my promotion and everything, I now have a membership to a gym!

Over the past 2 weeks I have been doing some crazy research and I have a workout plan in place.

Workout plan.

I'm going to be following Rippetoe.

Workout A is 3x5 Suats, Bench press and 1x5 dead lifts
Workout B is 3x5 Squat, Standing militery press and Power Cleans.

Monday - WO A some HITT after
Tuesday - Hour of cardio on a bike at the gym
Wednesday - WO B HITT after
Thursday - Hour of cardio
Friday - WO A HITT after

Saturday and Sunday I might jump around with the jump rope for a bit here and there.

My goal is to gain strength and muscle mass and also get use to working out and getting my form and mechanics down. After a month or so I will add 1 or 2 extra "acessories" to the workouts. Dips, rows for example.

My diet has been very very clean. I have cut out all drinks but water and an occasional cup of tea for some caffine...maybe black coffee. This alone has helped me to lose 10lbs already. I have pretty much cut out everything that has sugar and flour in it.

Not only will I be updating this journal with my weight every week, but everyday I will post my workout and my gains I have made in my lifts.

Stay Tuned, and it feels good to be back here!
All is well!

So today I went to the docs to talk about my lab results about my cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Just from a couple small eating habbits i changed, my blood pressure has gone down and he told me to stick with it.

My cholesterol actually couldnt have been read due to the ammount of fats I had in my blood. He told me these numbers will drop when i begin my excersice program.

He approved my plan and said it sounded like my diet and plan were perfect! So that was a nice confidence boost.

Then they hooked me up to an EKG meter and my heart sounded "strong and healthy" as the doctor put it.

He also gave me a perscription for Wellbutrin so that I can quit smoking. Thank god for that! I want to quit so bad, but the withdrawl symptoms drive me...and my fiance nuts. haha

We also have an ultrasound today for the baby to see how everything is going.

Only downfall is....I wripped my only pants I had for the gym! This is a big problem because I got to the gym and straight to work. Now it wouldn't be such a huge problem but the gym doesn't have a shower or locker room! So I can't go to work being all sweaty and stinky since I am a retail store manager. haha. Don't think my boss would like that :angry2: So I guess I just have to wait a day or 2 for my tax money to come in then I can get some pants.

Also, the only supplements I'm taking are....ON Protein (making sure the first ingredient is Protein Isolate), MRI Black Powder (I know I know some people don't agree with it, but last week I had a little sample packet and seemed to do wonders for my workout and mantality hitting the weights.) and some fish oil tablets.

So it will be like this....

Black Powder on the drive to the gym.
within 30 minutes of my work out...drink down a delicious protein shake.

So all is well in the great Frozen Tundra of Upper Penninsula Michigan...how has everyone else been?