Just enlisted in the Air Force

6 year contract. I can't wait! They are paying for 100% of my college. Basic Military Training is in the summer in San Antonio, Texas for 8 1/2 weeks. I can't wait to get out of my house and move on with life you know. I'm pretty excited and nervous at the same time. Can't wait to serve my country ;)
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Congratulations. Sounds like you are moving out and beyond your life at home.

and hey...free gym!
Congradulation and its going to be challenge man. Good luck and thank you for choosing to serve our country. Please serve with pride and diginity as you are representing us all!!!
A good friend of mine is a pilot the Air Force. He has a map at his house with a pin everywhere he has been in the world. There are probably 1000 pins in that map.

He has been to some awesome places, has some really great and crazy stories, has met awesome people and loves what he does.

Well worth it IMO. Learn a lot and have fun with it.
Thanks alot guys.

Anyhow I have another meeting with the recruiter next week about the Delayed Entry Program. My bootcamp will be sometime in August or September so I have plenty of time to get ready.

Since I signed a 6 year contract, I have not been assigned my official job. She gave me a list of jobs that I qualify for and she has given me a week to research them and pick 3 that I like and I will be assigned one of them depending on what personnel the Air Force needs.

I haven't heard anybody say the Air Force has sucked- One of my moms friends was in it for 20+ years and loved it. In fact, he retired when he was in his 40's.
That is beyond awesome man. Best of luck to you.

Paid education.
Thrilling job.
Lots of traveling.
Fulfilling career.

What more could you ask? Nice work man!

WOW! Good work, jman!

All the best to you! You'll keep in touch, won't you? Let us know how you're making out and all that stuff?

Don't make me hunt you down ... :D
Believe me, I will be on these forums forever.

What is really awesome is that in the Air Force, your job training is counted as College Credits as well. My recruiter has her bachelors degree in Computer Science from mostly job training. Shes been to Iraq and Italy and worked at the Pentagon. Thats awesome. I wouldn't mind visiting Japan; I know the air force has a base there.

"Warhawk" is the perfect PT score at training and you get some reward for it (It might be a ribbon). I wanna get in shape to be able to do this:

Perfect Score
75 pushups in 2 minutes
80 situps in 2 minutes
10 pullups (no limit, palms facing out)
1.5 mile run in 8:08 minutes
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Yeah, besides, we recently got armoured igloos. In addition to that, our military's axe throwing skills are getting so good we're thinking about developing an anti air axe throwing regiment.

We've got those armored igloos, too. Must have been a sale on them or something.

We throw ice balls. Canadians aren't known for their axe skills. But we are known for our sniper skills :D

So we have a sniper regiment :p
What are your job choices?

I was in for six years as well and wanted to go back in after ROTC. However things changed after I got out and I ditched that idea. Here are some tips:

1. Choose a job BEFORE you go
2. Realize that in basic training they treat everyone the same way and that after 8 weeks its nothing like that
3. They pay for college but you actually have to go. I signed up for school money but only attended 1 class. I now use the GI Bill but should've taken more classes.
4. The training you receive may not transfer to a real college depending on your job. My technical training was in aircraft maintenance, and none of the courses transferred to my current college. I am not pursuing anything aircraft related though.
What are your job choices?

I was in for six years as well and wanted to go back in after ROTC. However things changed after I got out and I ditched that idea. Here are some tips:

1. Choose a job BEFORE you go
2. Realize that in basic training they treat everyone the same way and that after 8 weeks its nothing like that
3. They pay for college but you actually have to go. I signed up for school money but only attended 1 class. I now use the GI Bill but should've taken more classes.
4. The training you receive may not transfer to a real college depending on your job. My technical training was in aircraft maintenance, and none of the courses transferred to my current college. I am not pursuing anything aircraft related though.

Thanks for the tips. I haven't been to MEPS yet; I asked for another week to research my job qualifications and get some extra time to choose. My training will be in computer science or something of that nature and thats what my recruiter did. I'll be going to see the recruiter again next Thursday. Haven't took the Oath of Enlistment just yet but I already agreed to sign up though.
Just remember that until you raise your right hand, you're not committed to anything.

Also, did you take the ASVAB? If not how are you even picking jobs?
Nice Jman! If college transfers don't work out, I'll be joining you in fall 09. But by then you might be my CO ;).