jon's life of lifting


hanging feet to bar abs is when you grab the pullup bar with your hands, hang, and then lift your feat out in front of you without bending at the knee and lift them all the way up to the bar and then back down. kind of like an L seat except you keep going.

btw, what tempo do you use on your pullups? i am feeling nice and sore after increasing the eccentric to 2 seconds. mayb i'l make it 3 seconds down next time for 3x8!!!
same with dips, my chest is sore!

Woah, first off. I don't think I could do that exercise. Sound difficult, I'm not very flexable at all so that would be a real stuggle for me.

As for the pull-ups, it's about 2ish seconds on the negative and then back up. I need to incorperate dips into my routine.
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It's making all this Lurking hard to keep up w/ ya. How is the studying and training going?