Weight-Loss Jan.14 - Feb.14 Exercise Challenge!!!

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3 miles walked & 30 minutes weights.

So that brings us up to 446.75 miles.

Only a few more days & a few more miles!!!

Exercise was 30 mins Power Yoga
40 mins Elliptical 5.5 miles
30 mins strength training

7.5 miles

New total = 454.25
I´m starting to get lazy...
Okay, actually I have a lot of work to do and there´re exams at school I need to pass, so there´s no time to walk or go to a gym. I just sit at home and write-write-write, study-study-study. Hopefully it will all be over next week and I can write some bigger numbers here again ;)

But it´s 1 mile from me today.
Total: 458.75 :)
I´m starting to get lazy...
Okay, actually I have a lot of work to do and there´re exams at school I need to pass, so there´s no time to walk or go to a gym. I just sit at home and write-write-write, study-study-study. Hopefully it will all be over next week and I can write some bigger numbers here again ;)

But it´s 1 mile from me today.
Total: 458.75 :)

Anythign is better than nothing!!!
Think we might get there a little ahead of schedule? Only 45.25 more miles to go!!!

Oh yeah.. we rock... uh huh.. oh yeah! :)
Ok I kinda screwed up - I was 10 mins shy of 2 miles...so really it was 1.5 miles not 2...

I will correct this by minusing off .25 right ???

Im tired sheeesh...so new total is 470.5....However I just did 4 miles on the elliptical so

New Total = 474.5
ohhhhh! we are so close, i got 7 miles in since last time! I am so thankful for my weight lifting class at school! :D

New total :drum roll: Tah Dah!~485

We are so dern close!!!!
2 miles walked for me yesterday. Today will be better.

So that bring us to 487 miles now.
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