I am active! I weigh 193 lbs. SO, 193 grams of protein sounds like a lot. If I were to just eat 20 gram protein bars that would be 10 of them. let alone all the calories that would be.
no intent to debate, just trying to understand.... i am trying to work this diet thing and get ready for a traithlon event.
I ate a 1/2 pound of beef heart last night. Do you happen to know the protein count in that?
hey dan i see you lost well over a point in BF% in 30 days.
I'm at 16.3 and would like to see sub 15 by August.
What is your regimen?
Essentially theres no conclusive that consuming anymore than around 140g of protein will provide anymore benefits. You could have more but will probably only be converted to energy of fat storage..
Not true. Nutrient Timing is a book that might interest you. It, along with a plethora of other books, has studies illustrating the physiological differences in consuming different amounts of protein-from low to high.
FF, there's a lot of room to add in more protein. If you ate a cup of oatmeal at breakfast, you'd hit around 8-10 grams extra. Your two snacks could have a protein source that would bump it up quite a bit. Even something like beef jerky or pumpkin seeds is pretty high in protein (pumpkin seeds are a great source of fiber)...try the tamari roasted pumpkin seeds. A cup of cottage cheese would be another 26 grams of protein. Heck, a protein shake a day would give you another 20-50 grams of protein. Just some suggestions in case you were considering upping your protein intake.
Not true. Nutrient Timing is a book that might interest you. It, along with a plethora of other books, has studies illustrating the physiological differences in consuming different amounts of protein-from low to high.
FF, there's a lot of room to add in more protein. If you ate a cup of oatmeal at breakfast, you'd hit around 8-10 grams extra. Your two snacks could have a protein source that would bump it up quite a bit. Even something like beef jerky or pumpkin seeds is pretty high in protein (pumpkin seeds are a great source of fiber)...try the tamari roasted pumpkin seeds. A cup of cottage cheese would be another 26 grams of protein. Heck, a protein shake a day would give you another 20-50 grams of protein. Just some suggestions in case you were considering upping your protein intake.