Weight-Loss Is milk good or bad for your health?

Different types of milk have different balances of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Because of the fact that milk contains fats and proteins, it would definitely not act the same as a glass of sugar water in the body. Milk is perfectly fine for many people and can be a good source of protein.
I don't think that eat milk products or milk is healthy for people in a long period of time..
Most people who need some diet tips are lost in what they should eat and what they shouldn't. If a person like that read that the milk and milk products are healthy- it is possible they will eat it 3 or 4 times a day which isn't healthy at all.
Why I know about that? Because about 5 years ago I was that person. I have been eating milk products really often and I was sure it is healthy... but just 3 months after I gave it up I found out that my body looks better, my skin looks more 'alive', I felt like I was just 'more clean' inside me.. I felt healthier. Today I don't eat milk products at all and I feel much better :)
Maybe it will help someone who is looking for a big change in their life.
Hey FoodC, I have seen your posts, its clear you are knowledgeable and supportive of others. The kind of person appreciated here.

However I have not seen a thread stared by you. Why not start a diary and tell us more about yourself and your goals? I know you have said bits and pieces in your posts, but a diary would help put it in one place. I for one would be interested.
@alligatorob that is great idea! I would love to do that.
I didn't know I can have my personal diary. Could you give me some advice about how to do this?
@alligatorob that is great idea! I would love to do that.
I didn't know I can have my personal diary. Could you give me some advice about how to do this?
Sure, just go to the Weight Loss Diary page (https://weight-loss.fitness.com/forums/weight-loss-diary.9/ ) Put in a title and make a first post. Then you can add to it over time. Its usually best to start by telling us about yourself, your story, your goals etc. Others will post comments, suggestions, and questions. Looks at other's diaries and you'll get a feel for how it works. Not many rules, you can post most anything you feel like posting.

You will find this a supportive, friendly, and helpful place.
Of course, milk is good for health and if taken in balanced amount, it does help people in losing weight. Milk provides calcium, protein, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin D, vitamin B 12 and helps to maintain body mass and immune system. All these compound in milk contribute to our overall health and wellness. Milk even can lessen the chances of death from illness such as coronary heart disease and stroke by up to 15 to 20 percent. So go ahead drink your milk without any guilt. You can’t have milk in Keto diet however; diary is acceptable in the form of yogurt, cheese and buttermilk.
Which is the best time to drink milk? I have seen many people drink in the morning but some take milk at bedtime.
Milk in like manner contains potassium and magnesium. These minerals are huge for strong bones and teeth. Dairy gives practically 50 percent of the calcium in a regular diet.Most milk has included supplement D. A glass of continued milk contains pretty much 30 percent of the proposed step by step whole.
Milk is promulgated for its calcium and Vitamin D. However, you get plenty of calcium in other foods, and the sun provides Vitamin D - thus you don't have to actually drink milk to enjoy these benefits.

Milk was designed to nourish a baby cow only until it is old enough to eat the same foods as an adult cow. Once a baby cow is weened off of milk, you never see them suckle anymore. If milk is so important for a cow's health and well-being, they would continue to drink it throughout their entire lives.
I know that I am too late to reply in this thread , but I found here an interesting discussion so I also want to share my own point regarding weight lose .As we know that milk is a good dairy product. You get nutrients like protein, vitamins, calcium & fat. But If you want to lose weight try to have milk in morning breakfast & 1-2 hours before sleep.:party:
I know that I am too late to reply in this thread , but I found here an interesting discussion so I also want to share my own point regarding weight lose .As we know that milk is a good dairy product. You get nutrients like protein, vitamins, calcium & fat. But If you want to lose weight try to have milk in morning breakfast & 1-2 hours before sleep.:party:

You are right. I do the same but not every day, sometimes I take the juice with breakfast.
Milk is a natural product, and the less messed-with your food is, the better it is for your body. While dairy is cherished by health organizations as essential for your bones.
Milk is good for health, but some people do not drink milk because they think that drinking milk will make them obese, but it is not so. Actually, if you drink cream-rich milk then your weight may increase , but toned and double toned milk is helpful in reducing weight.