Is it possible to lose weight without exercise?


New member
Just looking for some opinions.

I, like most people, lead a sedantary life. For 9 hours per day, 5 days a week I'm sitting in an office desk doing literally no physical activity. oh, I take the stairs over the lift and walk a not inconsiderable distance to and from work... but apart from that I do no exercise. The weather isn't nearly warm enough to go for even walks, cycles or jogs where I live (Its windy and raining more often than not) and I can't yet afford a gym membership (Though I will soon)

In order to balance this, I've decided to undergo a low calorie diet. Somewhere between 1750 - 1800 calories. I've been keeping this going for a while now with a few blips along the way but overall I'm noticing nice progress. But I'm worrying that sooner or later I'll hit a plateau and will level out.

Any thoughts?
Yup. Many here have lost weight without exercise. While there are many advantages to adding exercise, it isn't a must to weight loss.
Since you have a fixed schedule, which is more or less similar to mine, I'd suggest you to fix up a specific time for your sleep and meals. Keep a watch on what you eat. Drink plenty of water during the day preferably warm water and start your day with a few stretches and 20 min of brisk walk.

All the best! :)
You can definitely lose weight just dieting, but you won't really change your body shape as such, you'll just become a smaller version of you! You might want to consider doing some equipment less training at home. There are so many exercises that you can do for free in the comfort of your own home and you don't have to take hours to do it either. If you Google body weight training or strength training without equipment, there are heaps of sites that teach you exactly what to do. Some obvious ones are push ups, sit ups, triceps dips, lunges, squats, planks etc. There is also a lot of cardio training that you can do at home without equipment. Google HIIT training routine or something similar and you will come across some ideas.
Everyone here has left some very insightful advice. But simply trading out or replacing some 'not so healthy' choices with 'healthy' choices can help you lose weight. I'm not going to say that the weight will "fall right off", but you will have more energy throughout the day and could also lead to you being more motivated add in some exercise here and there. Plus to won't be taking in any of the unwanted calories. So to answer your question.. YES. It is possible to lose weight without exercising.
Many people lost wieght only dieting. But the question is, is your lever of physical work healthy for you? Your bones, muscles and all other internal and external organs need sufficient movement. Which we call workout.

Google search might give many many results. All of them might not be healthy for you. Neither diet nor exercise ideas. It's always advisable if you look around authority sites like "webmd" or "nhschoice"... etc and try to have some healthy weight loss ideas.

Try to keep yourself away from any artificial, quick weight loss, high protein, low carb......etc methods. Just look around first. Once your concept is clear, start trying something.

Please don't focus on any plateau. There is nothing like that. Focus on HEALTH. You need to find the best healthy weight according to your body configuration, sex and age and set your goal there. If you stuck somewhere, you should understand, something is going wrong. Find out and correct it, you'll reach your goal.

2 basics:

1 - caloric deficit = weight loss

2 - muscle is your calorie burning tool

With that in mind, if you aren't exercising but running a calorie deficit, you are losing muscle as well. This will slow your calorie burning (energy requirements for the day) and once that muscle loss has reached the same point as your calories you are consuming, you will plateau.

Of course, the downside to that is that if you don't exercise, you won't be able to eat a normal amount of food without starting to put the weight back on because you have nothing to burn those calories.
People lose weight even without exercise because their calorie intake is less than their daily calorie needs. However, they gain the pounds back easily because their metabolism rate is not active compared to those who exercise or do some physical activity. Try doing some strength training to tone up the muscles - biceps curl, push ups, lunges. In replacement of dumbbells you may use cans of food or full water bottle.
If you want to lose weight without doing exercise it quite little bit difficult. The only you can do have a control diet plan. But if do exercises you can add various meal which you have to avoid when you are not doing exercise. having just a couple of glass of water it not going to help you out, you have to be more focus on your diet plan.
Yes you can surely lose weight without any exercise if you eat right. First of all, we need to understand...what are you taking within these 1800 calories. If they are primarily first grade protein, complex (low GI) carbs and unsaturated fats then you are on the right track. If you keep the same lifestyle for a long time, a plateau is inevitable. There are ways you can use to break this plateau.

1. Zig Zag diet - Where you alternate between high calorie and low calorie days, look it up on the net, you will find lots of concepts

2. Carb cycling - Same as zig zag, but you concentrate on carbs rather than calories

3. Cut carbs out of your supper

4. Drink lots of water

5. Try to take your supper at least 2 - 3 hours before going to bed.

Try these. I am sure you will see some difference.

Another thing I wanted to say was, try to get in a bit of exercise either in the morning or in the evening. 10 minutes max of any high intensity movement would do. for a 2 minute warm up 1 minute stretching and then try to do as many burpees as possible in 7 minutes. Let's say you can't do any more after 2 minutes, then rest 10 second and do one more then rest again and don one more...keep doing it till the 10 minutes are over. I am sure you can get 10 minutes out of your day! Let me know if you have any questions
In my opinion, I think exercise and diet is both necessary for a HEALTHIER lifestyle and weight loss. Exercise can help you feel more energetic, promote wellbeing, and reduce health problems.
You can lose more weight with exercise and diet than dieting alone, and you're more likely to keep the weight off in the long term. Exercise provides other health benefits that you can't get from diet alone.
I've talked about this before so here's my 2 cent's

Most of us are to into social networking at the moment. Facebook, twitter, bbm, texting, emailing etc. What ever happened to the good old chat on the phone to your best friend? Instead of sitting down and having a chit chat on your sofa. Instead have a wander around your house whilst talking on the phone and your looking at burning an extra <spam removed> calories during a twenty minute phone call. Try walking up and down a flight of stairs in your house.

Same when you are watching some good old tv. Try watch something that makes you laugh because research has shown that at least 10-15 minutes a day of laughter could mean you burn up to 40 calories. Tip: I love a site, its called Kill some Time, so many funny videos on there which can help you to get the laughter out.

Just my view

Megan :)
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i walk a lot because i don't have a choice but that's the only exercise i do... although exercise speeds up weight loss i don't think it's compulsory. i see a diet as something that needs to be natural in your life. i hate exercise and so i don't think i could make it part of my lifestyle. lost 22lbs so far so must be doing something right :)
I have same opinion than few commentators above. The proper weight loss have two sides. Firstly, you should eat less energy ans secondly you should burn more. Exercising will boost your fat burning metabolism which is now working slowly. Regular low intensity trainings will teach your body to use fat as energy source. After that your body will use a greater share of fats as energy source even during your everyday life.

I recommend you to by a ellipse cross-trainer or exercise bike and use those while watching TV. If you are watching TV let say one hour at each evening, you can spend a good amount of time exercising. Otherwise the time watching TV is wasted.

Good luck for your attempt.
i have been losing weight without exercise for a while, i have been on a plateau recently but not due to "levelling out" mainly because i havent been very "good" of late. i have started doing 50 pressups and 20 situps every day and am looking to see the results. does anybody have any exercise tips? one thing i also noticed was that even if you do things like tensing your muscles over a period of an hour tensing your thigh muscle an burn 50-100 calories. so yeh any help?
The main suggestion that I would make would be to add more strengthening exercises to your plan. A full-body workout on 2-3 non-consecutive days can help you to build and/or maintain muscle mass, which should be a goal of any fat loss program.
AYou can, but who wouldn't want to build a little muscle? It's empowering and makes ya feel confident! Plus if you never use your muscles they break down. Trust me when I say even a daily rep rotation of simple pushups, crunches, or if you can include dumbell curls while you're watching tv, you notice small differences in your body. Go out for a jog in the morning before work. Get active, there's always a way to and you'll have quicker results that way.
yes it is. I lost 60lbs in 3 months 7 yrs ago by just eating extremely clean and healthy. DIdn't live a finger.