Is creatine worth it?

I have taken creatine mono off and on in the past. I can definitely tell the difference because I tend to tire/fatigue quicker than most. I just got off mono and started ethyl ester pills. I'm not sure if there is a difference between pills and powder, but I can still tell I get that extra boost as the reps and sets get up in number.

I just started a nice deficit to start my "summer body" routine. The creatine helped me through my workout since I have less calories. Although I did crash 'n' burn during cardio after.

In summary, it works for me. I am lifting more in almost every routine.

Are there any bad side effects like I did read creatine makes you pee 90% more than normal.... :angry2:
I don't know about 90%. Creatine is very efficient at providing the muscles with water, so much so that some people cramp when supplementing with it if they don't drink enough water. I simply pee more because I make an effort to drink more while on it. But my body gets used to it after a few days and its back to normal.