5 sets
8 ea side, lateral wall balls
30 second elbow plank
3 sets
10 side to side ball slam
10 renegade rows, 10lbs
35lb kb farmer's walk
3 sets
10 squat to wall balls
12 25lb kb swing
10 TRX inverted row
warm up sets:
5 55lbs
5 65lbs
5x5 75lbs
warm up:
1x8 95lbs
5 135lbs
5x5 155lbs
4 rounds
10 5m back&forth run, tapping the ground after each rep
20 sec mountain climbers
no rest in between
4 sets
8lb squats to wall balls
5 each leg, lunge with 5lb lateral raise
10 sit up to hip up
4 sets
10 squat thrust
12 trx inverted row
30lb farmer's walk
Back squats
8 bar weight warm up
4x8 65lbs
8 bar weight warm up
8 95lb
2x8 115lb
8 130lbs, strapped
8 ea side, lateral wall balls
30 second elbow plank
3 sets
10 side to side ball slam
10 renegade rows, 10lbs
35lb kb farmer's walk
3 sets
10 squat to wall balls
12 25lb kb swing
10 TRX inverted row
warm up sets:
5 55lbs
5 65lbs
5x5 75lbs
warm up:
1x8 95lbs
5 135lbs
5x5 155lbs
4 rounds
10 5m back&forth run, tapping the ground after each rep
20 sec mountain climbers
no rest in between
4 sets
8lb squats to wall balls
5 each leg, lunge with 5lb lateral raise
10 sit up to hip up
4 sets
10 squat thrust
12 trx inverted row
30lb farmer's walk
Back squats
8 bar weight warm up
4x8 65lbs
8 bar weight warm up
8 95lb
2x8 115lb
8 130lbs, strapped