Iron Man - the movie!

We just saw Iron Man today and it was awesome!!!! Highly recommend seeing it while it's playing in the theatre. Robert Downey Jr was made for this role, he was great! I can't wait for it to come out on dvd so I can watch it again!!! :cool:
Yea, i saw it too. Great movie.

For anyone going to go watch it, remember to stay after the credits. There is a hidden scene about Iron Man 2
I can't wait for Iron Man 2!

I loved that AC/DC Black in Black was playing in the opening scene and the closing scene was Black Sabbath Iron Man! So awesome!!!
Haven't seen the movie yet, but will.

More then anything, I'm really happy to see RDJr finally doing what he does best: acting. It really bugged me how he was all smug, arrogant and being above it all when he had all those legal issues. Seems like he's found himself again.....glad to see that. If he can get his stuff together, anybody can!
I hate all modern "action" movies. I have not watched a single movie in the past year that I would want to watch again. Too much computer, too much blood, too much of everything. I think I actually laughed when I watched Saving Private Ryan. Am I going to hell? I don't know. Kill Bill was hilarious with all the violence. And that movie Saw? I think I laughed out loud quite a lot, especially that part with that weird mask thing. Also, him riding in the tricycle was funny. Fantastic 4 made 0 sense to me. I mean what the heck was Jessica Alba doing naked in the middle of the street? I mean if that was in real life, she would require mental help but the movie made it appear as if it was something "sexy" to do. And don't get me started on King Kong. I know that ape was perverted to the max. Those bones with the broken pelvis fooling no one, Mr. Kong. At the end, when Kong fell down would have left a horrible mess. I mean has anyone seen what a person looks like that fell off a 5 story building? It's pretty messy. As far as Iron Man, it's a no go. I don't want to see it because I know it's nothing more than a stunt. I'll stick with Grand Theft Auto 4 since they say that buying one will put Iron Balls out of the box office.
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I mean has anyone seen what a person looks like that fell off a 5 story building? It's pretty messy.

King Kong is much, much.. much bigger than a person.

I thought the movie was pretty good, and they left a sequel open for War Machine which should be cool.
Yes.....but Iron Man is said to keep a spare pair of undies in his toolbox, does that do anything for ya? :D

What about The Fifth Element...that movie was cool. Armegedon was fun too. But let's keep a real persective; we only go to movies to score value deals on food at the snack bar. Once you get your popcorn face on, it's all good.
Aren't they Tony...aren't they?? :confused:

Are you telling me Interview with a Vampire didn't explain scientology? Borat certainly enlightened me about how the people in the middle east think....and who can forget Babe; finally we know what pigs are thinking! Pork; it's that other talking animal.
My favorites ended shortly after the Matrix. I mean before Matrix, movies used computer graphics but only on the minimum. Modern movies put heavy emphasis on computers. It's "cheaper" and more "productive" in the sense that you don't actually have to have a real object - you can move around a blue screen, and later in edit, they can add things to it.

Let me give you an example,

Terminator 1 and 2 were my favorite movies of all time. Now, let's look at how they made it: puppets, computers, and actors. In all cases throughout the movie, actors reacted to other actors. Now look at Terminator 3, it's mostly computer animated. The fight scenes are no longer fun... just ridiculous. The robots appear like they were drawn on paper. And overall, the movie was more about computers skills than acting skills.

The same can be said for other movies as well. Like Star Wars. The original had puppets, and some cool space fights. The end of Star Wars was most memorable to me because of the radio talks, the shooting, etc. In Ep3, I laughed at the end with Darth Vader in the molten hot lava. Also, in Ep2 when Yoda did that fight made me laugh really, really hard because it looks so freaking ridiculous.

Other examples include Braveheart. That movie was awesome! It had people running around actually fighting each other. I got pumped up with his speech on the horse. The music got me pumped up and in my church, they frequently refer to the movie's line of "Freedom." It had meaning, and power when they played the bagpipes. Now, you will never get a movie like that. Lord of the Rings, for example, is just all computer drawn and nothing looks remotely real. Just the "wow" factor and that's it.

And war movies are equally ridiculous. Movies like Platoon made me have nightmares for weeks on that part where they raided the village. Also the fights were good. They were fighting, some people died, and that's that. In modern movie, you see people blown up to piece, bullets shooting everywhere, people shouting and stuff, and just flat out ridiculous and trying to be gross. That movie We Were Soldier made me laugh really hard also. Especially that part where that dude got that incendiary grenade in the face. I mean it looked ridiculous. I mean yes, people die in war, but yet, in war you don't sit there staring at it and making it appear all dramatic like. Music don't play when you're in the heat of battles, and hero don't go running around chopping off arms and shooting people causing their heads to explode.
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