Interracial relationship

Please choose the description that best fits you

  • Interracial relationship should be accepted/ I myself would have one

    Votes: 38 76.0%
  • Interracial relationship should be accepted/ I myself would not have one

    Votes: 11 22.0%
  • Interracial relationship should not be accepted

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters
I loved what theleip said. and completely agree.

I voted for interracial relationships should be accepted. I am currently in one. :D
if a girl like beyonce or halle berry were on offer would you refuse lol who cares about race but i suppose it depends how you've been brought up and where etc.
No, I think it's natural to be attracted to whatever environment you grow up in. I am Chinese, but I grew up around whites and mexicans, both of whom I believe to be really, really attractive. I've found that I take a slight favor for these people over people of my own race. But my main ideal of beauty is like a squared face, straight nose, etc. Caucasian elements. But that's kind of a different topic.

This is very true. We are all brain washed to some extent. We like what our piers like. We can see that by comparing the ideal beauty of yesterday to the ideal beauty of today. Old paintings of nude females from med. evil times are great to use as an example. The women are shown in a graceful and beautiful light, but are generally what we(in the present) would consider overweight. The same is true with everything though. Race included. Were products of our environment. If we live in a diverse environment growing up, we tend to be more oblivious to diversity.
I don't think it's a great thing at all. Because to say it's good or bad places emphasis on the subject. I don't care about what race is in the relationship, I care whether or not the relationship itself is good or bad.

I agree here. To make note of it, positively or negatively, is to acknowledge something out of the ordinary. Do we make note that theliep is a woman? What would be the implication if someone stepped up and said to her, "you're a woman?"

Often you hear "nothing wrong with that." Well, if there's nothing wrong with it, why then make a point of it?

I still find myself making note of seeing a black with a white, asian with white, or black, or any combination. I was raised by a racist family and the best I can do is to stand by my conviction that personal choice is ultimate, over and above custom.
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