Interracial relationship

Please choose the description that best fits you

  • Interracial relationship should be accepted/ I myself would have one

    Votes: 38 76.0%
  • Interracial relationship should be accepted/ I myself would not have one

    Votes: 11 22.0%
  • Interracial relationship should not be accepted

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters
Hey guys, Can you help me out for school. I need to do a survey for an essay. Can you please click on the one that best describes you.

I am dealing with the theme of Interracial relationship and how it will effect multicultural societies like Canada. Feel free to discuss the issue.

Please choose the description that best fits you

Interracial relationship should be accepted/ I myself would have one
Interracial relationship should be accepted/ I myself would not have one
Interracial relationship should not be accepted
Everyone is warned before this thread even starts, no negative comments. Jokes aren't even allowed, as some people (including myself) are sensitive on the subject. I will hand out permabans like there's no tomorrow..
Voted as well.

For my personal stance I think you are lucky to find anyone to love and be loved by in this world. Nothing else should matter. :D

Good Luck on your essay.
I think it's a great thing. As theleip stated, finding someone you care about and vice versa is much more important that race.
I don't think it's a great thing at all. Because to say it's good or bad places emphasis on the subject. I don't care about what race is in the relationship, I care whether or not the relationship itself is good or bad.

If there is an apparent race-based misunderstanding, it's not the race's fault, rather it is both parties' responsiblities to resolve such an issue. If you can't even do that, you shouldn't be together as human beings. Remember: communication.

Meeting adjourned.

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I myself have an interacial relationship right now, My girlfriend is chinease and I am half New Zealander caucasian and half Spanish. We have a bit of a mix. It is the best relationship I have ever had and I hope that It continues.

It goes to show that people of different races dont always have different lives.

Interesting survey by the way.
Interracial relationships

Are just fine; there's nothing wrong with it. I just don't understand why in this time and age, the issue of race and relationship is always brought up.

I myself have never had one and I wouldn't mind having one if the oppertunity came around and if I were interested. Of course, this is the case regarless to race. So, I don't look at race as an issue.
Are just fine; there's nothing wrong with it. I just don't understand why in this time and age, the issue of race and relationship is always brought up.

My thoughts exactly. It would be like asking "Should women have the right to vote?"

tough question. Typically i think white women look better than coloured women, no racism or anything, just my taste. But then again, ive seen coloured women who are beautiful and whom i would definitly go out with. So i have to say yes. I wouldnt not go out with someone i liked just because they had a different skin colour than me. IMO, that would just be wrong.
I agree. It's not about the color, it's about the person. Both ways. Although I will say that my general perception of physical attractivness is a woman with disticntly caucasian features...I blame society.
tough question. Typically i think white women look better than coloured women, no racism or anything, just my taste. But then again, ive seen coloured women who are beautiful and whom i would definitly go out with. So i have to say yes. I wouldnt not go out with someone i liked just because they had a different skin colour than me. IMO, that would just be wrong.

Yeah, that's true. I do tend to be attracted to caucasion guys. I think it's natural to be more attracted to your own race though.

No, I think it's natural to be attracted to whatever environment you grow up in. I am Chinese, but I grew up around whites and mexicans, both of whom I believe to be really, really attractive. I've found that I take a slight favor for these people over people of my own race. But my main ideal of beauty is like a squared face, straight nose, etc. Caucasian elements. But that's kind of a different topic.
Haha I was just gonna say how I have a thing for Latin women, yet my nationality is not even next to latin.. Thank God for south florida.
No, I think it's natural to be attracted to whatever environment you grow up in. I am Chinese, but I grew up around whites and mexicans, both of whom I believe to be really, really attractive. I've found that I take a slight favor for these people over people of my own race. But my main ideal of beauty is like a squared face, straight nose, etc. Caucasian elements. But that's kind of a different topic.

yeah, i asked a black guy in my class at school, if he was more into black women than whites, he said he wasnt very fond of black women, but loved white ones. He has lived in Norway his entire life.