I'll start IF tomorrow. I attempted today to wait til noon to start eating, but by 10 I was just feeling too hungry. I get up by 6am, so that was 4 hrs with just black coffee.
Tomorrow, I'll start my eating window when I feel like I need to eat. Maybe it'll be 10 again. I'll try to do 16/8. If I start eating at 10, that means I can eat until 6pm. That seems healthy. I'm in bed by 9pm anyway. So, I should be ok stopping at 6pm. But, I won't worry if I go 14/10 or even 12/12. I think the most important thing is to do the first week or so in a way that doesn't feel like deprivation.
I can see many aspects to why IF helps with weight loss. For example, if I know I'm not going to eat after 6pm, I'll eventually think of other things to do. Maybe go to bed early, or even better, do something active like walk the dog again.
I do understand that we feel hunger the more we eat. What I mean is, if my stomach is used to having something in it every couple of hours, then I'm hungry every 3-4 hours. But, if I train myself to fast for 12 hours, my body will get used to an empty stomach.
I was happy to see this club because I think this is a sensible, flexible way for people to adapt their eating habits to healthier amounts.