Hi. A question for the experts about long-term low-calorie diets. I am a "recovered" anorexic, technically, but I have been what I would call neurotic about food for the last 12 years (following my recovery) and managed to maintain a low weight (52 - 53kg. I am 168 cm). But of late there seems to be nothing I can do to stave off weight gain. I have increasd my exercise from 60 minutes of cyclng 4 times a week, to 90 minutes 4 times a week and have kept my calorie intake the same as it has been for years (1800calories a day). But I keep putting on weight (I am trying and failing to no go higher than my current 55kg). According to my scale, it is not muscle weight either. My fat percent is also increasing.
I am at a loss. I am so tired all the time from the exercise and don't feel I can increase it.
Does anyone out there have a similar experience? For the experts out there - have we calorie counters made our bodies into over-efficient machines for turning every calorie into fat? Or is it something to do with reaching your mid 30s? (I am 34).
I am at a loss. I am so tired all the time from the exercise and don't feel I can increase it.
Does anyone out there have a similar experience? For the experts out there - have we calorie counters made our bodies into over-efficient machines for turning every calorie into fat? Or is it something to do with reaching your mid 30s? (I am 34).