increased exercise & 1800cal a day doesnt work


New member
Hi. A question for the experts about long-term low-calorie diets. I am a "recovered" anorexic, technically, but I have been what I would call neurotic about food for the last 12 years (following my recovery) and managed to maintain a low weight (52 - 53kg. I am 168 cm). But of late there seems to be nothing I can do to stave off weight gain. I have increasd my exercise from 60 minutes of cyclng 4 times a week, to 90 minutes 4 times a week and have kept my calorie intake the same as it has been for years (1800calories a day). But I keep putting on weight (I am trying and failing to no go higher than my current 55kg). According to my scale, it is not muscle weight either. My fat percent is also increasing.
I am at a loss. I am so tired all the time from the exercise and don't feel I can increase it.
Does anyone out there have a similar experience? For the experts out there - have we calorie counters made our bodies into over-efficient machines for turning every calorie into fat? Or is it something to do with reaching your mid 30s? (I am 34).

Currently, at 34 years old, you're 5'5" tall and 121lbs (sorry, even though I'm Canadian we've always used feet and lbs for personal measurements).

You have a BMI of 20, which is exactly where you should be. The ideal weight you're talking about is 117lbs, which is less than a 5lbs difference. I wouldn't worry about the weight gain. Your body is probably just adjusting itself to a healthy balance.

Do you weigh yourself under the same conditions ONCE a week? I have my official weigh-ins on monday mornings, as soon as I wake up before breakfast. By weighing yourself at the same time every week, you'll get a better idea of how your weight is changing. If I weigh myself on Monday morning, then again on Wednesday night for example, I often times find that I'm maybe 3-5lbs heavier than my Monday morning weight.

Come the following week on Monday without fail, I'll have dropped 2-3lbs from my previous Monday morning weigh-in.

I wouldn't sweat it. As long as you keep your calories between 1800-2000 calories, you'll maintain your weight with moderate exercise.
Thanks for your reply JD. I guess I just need to try and relax about it. My panic is just that I keep gaining dispite calorie restiction and increased exercise. I will chill for a few weeks and see what happens
well, a few months later and I am at 56 kg. All that with keeping my intake to under 2000 (I am almost permanently hungry), cycling 3 - 4 times a week for 90minutes (fast) and having added abdominal resistence execrises and pushups.
I am going insane here. What the hell is wrong with me?
Just doing some conversions you're 5'6 and weigh 124lbs...

What are you trying to get to?

are you sure that you've got realistic expectations?

If you're always hungry - what are you eating? are you getting adequate amounts of protein?
Thanks for the update with what’s happening. A little weight gain can be quite scarey and frustrating for a former anorexic. Weight gain after treatment is common, though (even years after treatment). The desire to be very thin can also linger. Your BMI is 20, which is healthy. Please remember that being healthy is more important than trying to have the body of a Victoria’s Secret model. (Plus, they’re Photoshopped and many models have disordered eating.)

I agree with maleficent, more info is needed. What are you eating? When was your last physical with your health care provider? Also, there’s a theory called “set point”, which JDhd mentioned. Set point is the weight that your body is genetically programmed to weigh; your body will fight to maintain that weight. It's just a theory, but may partly explain what is happening.
Even though I'm just a newbie here; wouldn't adding a weight training/strength program help? It seems as though your body has adapted to your eating and aerobic exercise program. In essence you are in a plateau. Weight training would ramp up your metabolism and reshape those areas that are still not firm and toned.
Thanks for your reply JD. I guess I just need to try and relax about it. My panic is just that I keep gaining dispite calorie restiction and increased exercise. I will chill for a few weeks and see what happens

When you hit a plateau and you've lowered your calories and done more exercise, you should increase your calories and change your workout routine. What's happened is that you've slowed you metabolism. You caloric intake should be cycled. When you plateau after low calories, you go up in calories. Then, you go back down. I learned that in "Burn the Fat and Feed the Muscle" by Tom Venturo and can testify that it works.

Still, you'll hit plateaus. I'm in one now. I counted calories for two or three months. Then decided not to. I still lost weight because I was doing basically the same thing. I had to start lifting heavier weights and go from two to three days of workouts.

It's rough. But you can manipulate your metabolism.:waving:

It sounds like you are pretty vigilant about exercising and eating well, which is great. However, you are way too obsessed with the number on the scale. This is incredibly dangerous, especially for a person like yourself who has a history of disordered eating. If you can't focus on what you like about your body and what you can do physically, how you feel, how your clothes fit, and are instead obsessing over a number on the scale, I think you need to seek professional help to adjust your personal body image.