So, I just joined this website yesterday -- totally ready to get on the weight loss train, and what happens? Story of my flipping life; my 12-year-old brother has a birthday in which involved all of the fun goodies: pizza, pop, cake and ice cream.
I did what I could this morning before the party started and ate a light breakfast. A bowl of Special K with Berries and coffee (non-fat coffee creamer and sugar substitute). For lunch (also before the party) I ate a cut up sandwich wrap from Costco that are LITERALLY just like 2 inches thick- super small. I finished it off with a nectarine.
We went to the local laser tag place that has an arcade and go karts. I did a bunch of active games like Dance Dance Revolution and some crazy boxing game that actually counted calories, which was over 100 calories in about 5 minutes. It was nuts. HOWEVER, roughly 20 minutes later my blood sugar dropped because of lack of energy.
Tell me: How am I supposed to lose weight when I can't handle not having food in my system?
For dinner, I ate 2.5 pieces of pizza with 2 breadsticks and salad (italian dressing). I had some birthday cake (no seconds) and later, once my stomach was less full, I ate a small (baby bowl) of ice cream. I haven't eaten since then, and if I do need something in my stomach, I will stick to water.