I'm still Sure!

My best training for strength gains were 555s and most of the sessions were inactivity during rest. Don't have the luxury of that much time anymore.
Understand the thought process though I am like it when running, can't understand people taking breaks then going again.
137.6 Was planning a cardio day, but decided to just skip a workout and get to the office earlier as I knew most of the day would be wasted with an office shift. Hoping Tom and I will play tomorrow and or Sunday; it's our anniversary... 27 years. It's snowing, but likely won't be enough to ski or snowshoe from the house.

Got a new desk, the adjustable sort that allows one to either sit or stand according to whim. I need a new monitor so the setup at the moment isn't ideal, but will get better. Be interesting to see how much adjusting I actually do over time.
Thanks, Tony - weekend was good, after all these years I am still glad I said yes when he asked me out to dinner...

Chores on Saturday including moving a log pile... we didn't get a firewood permit this year and so have been chopping up some dead/down timber on our property instead. Definitely falls into the 'compound movement' category! Back was a tiny bit tweaked Sunday morning, mostly just tired/stiff. The logs may be dry but they still weigh a good deal more than I do and leveraging them around was challenging.

I am really grateful that in general Tom is not a sports fan and could care less about basketball, baseball or American football. For whatever reason, he had the urge to watch the Superbowl and we don't have TV, so we decided on an extended evening gym session for Sunday.

I left Tom on his treadmill and went up to the weight room for a TRX session which was excellent. I'm really liking the whole body workout I get with the straps. Since I had lots of time I did extra sets of most everything to the point that when I tried to follow-up with my usual sets of pull-ups there really wasn't anything left in my arms and lats to work with. Did some T2B to stretch out my back and then headed down to the cardio room to find my own treadmill.

Did 30 minutes of escalating hill intervals and then just walked fast for another 40 minutes before going upstairs for a good stretching session. Tom finally gave up on the game and we headed to the showers.

Monday 140.0 Kinda sore and achy all over, going to be a difficult week. Went for 30 minutes of moderate to high intensity EFX cardio, the kind that is surely classed as junk miles but that I love for the sanity maintenance value it provides me.
140.2 Crazed rush around the house to gather food (staving off at least a day of junk food while traveling), gather clothes (haven't done laundry since about December 23 - clothing is scarce!), and get myself to the gym to meet workout buddy for TRX. Late, but not too late, and still had a good session.

Introduced Stephanie to inverted rows since she still wants to get a pullup. Good TRX workout and then mostly kipping pullups and a good set of T2B and knees to chest as I am trying to get my kip under better control - bad rhythm...

Rest of the week will be cardio as I'm at our annual users conference. It's my party and I've got 140 people to keep happy and maybe educate just a little. Hotel room is right next to the stairs - I'm thinking running 12 flights in the morning will be a good start to the day!
Remember arriving late to a session with one of the last training partners I had.
We where starting back sessions with a system of doing 50 wide grip pull ups in as few sets as possible only resting while the other did sets.
When I arrived saying I was only a few minutes late, the reply was that I was 23 chins late. I did my best ever set of wide grip chins 21 (19 worth having) and got sworn at for being too good at bodyweight work.
Of course I was toast for the rest of the sets but I still finished on the sets after his last.
Great morning run but surprisingly chilly - was happy in shorts and t, but needed a pair of gloves! First actual running for me since doing 100k at Across the Years - felt good!
Morning "fun walk" today - offered a prize to folks to bribe them into joining me - I have this reputation... had 8 brave souls - we did the stairs (93 I'm told...), headed down Casino drive, turned cartwheels on the grass (well 2 of us did), climbed up a short steep flood path with rocks embedded in the concrete to keep skateboarders off, then walked on to the turn around (just over a mile) where we did some low box jumps or step-ups depending upon skill/ability/willingness to play. Turned back and reversed all tricks.

I love the little steep hill because it is a fun little obstacle for my pedestrians, and is totally interesting to me to see adults who clearly never leave the pavement try it. I rather doubt it rings any bells for them but it is really obvious to me the ones who are almost certainly going to have balance/falling issues as they age. Office jobs are not healthy for a body anyway, and for those who don't move outside of work, they are going to get to a point where they can't. Scary!

Back at the hotel I realized I had lost one of my 'ducklings' so did another lap on the stairs to go and look for her - got in a nice run at the end as a result. Felt good.
Last morning fun walk - only the hard-core folks show up on day 2... we would adjust down if needed, but it is more fun when we can push a little bit. No cartwheels today - grass was really wet from overnight rain, but we did do the rocks and in addition to low box jumps and steps ups, added more mountain climbers and some pushups. One of my people was wanting to push a bit more so when we got back the stairs, we did 3 interval sets - lots of gasping at the end of each set (there are about 90 steps that we do at top speed).

Still made it in time to present the first conference session. Headed for home today and I am ready for a long sleep as I am way short for the last 3 days.
Got a fair amount of sleeping done but could use more. Had plans on Saturday to go to the gym with Tom for a long overdue weight workout but then had a massive tummy cramp and associated distress - grrr, no idea where that came from but it shut me down and I skipped the gym visit in favor of a nap. Electrolytes knocked the cramp down to a level where I could breathe normally but it stayed all afternoon, and woke me during the night.

Did Shoe Hill Loop with Tom Sunday morning, mix of mud, ice and snow made walking a little treacherous, but felt great to be outside and doing something with Tom. Wore the Garmin to get 'first of the year' stats, but then managed to delete the workout instead of uploading it. Sheesh!

139.6 Was running late today and will be leaving work early to do more than a month's worth of laundry this afternoon, but needed a workout. What's another 30 minutes of leave?
Bench press: 8x45, 8x55, 8x65, 8x75x2, 8x65
Lunges in between sets

Squats: 8x65, 8x85, 8x95x3 (it's time to increase weight, I was feeling kind of stiff so didn't push today)
Pullups between sets 4, 4, 3, 3

Landmine twisters
Cable calf machine 14x240, 16x260 (big guy got on and wasn't getting off so I was done)
Step ups with 70 lbs, step at top of knee cap, 3 sets of 8-12, time to increase weight here too.
TRX workout - partner bailed again but didn't matter, I worked hard and got through faster. Felt good and now I'm beat so it must have been what I needed. Added some extra sets of inverted rows at the end, then mixed in pullups with my last sets of back suspension lunges.

Predicted record breaking warm temperatures in the western US may nix the planned ski vacation in Utah next week. Rain is such a drag when skiing... might postpone until March in hopes that winter will return.
We are just starting to get snow here. Not enough for skiing.

American news about Europe is always sketchy but heard a story this morning about just how wet/cold nasty this winter has been in England and it sounds like another severe round of bad weather is underway. Stay safe!

140.2 Elliptical song intervals this morning - either resistance (feels like high speed snow wading) or steep hill depending upon the beat of the song. 425 cals which is completely meaningless other than I use it to compare effort between sessions.

BOSU lunges, step back lunges with heavy ball, and tick-tock lunges - one song each. Really hoping the weather 900 miles north will stay on the cooler side so we can still go skiing next week and I'm training lunges just in case!
We have severe weather warnings for wind which was fun. Car I drive I another much bigger than a US fridge so today's training was holding the wheel and adjusting as I got blown all over the place. Ate too late to do session and considering that would be deadlift the 45 minute grip workout would be a bad idea.
139.6 Would likely have done TRX again today but someone else had the straps checked out. Haven't done any OHP this week so went for weights instead.

squats with 30lb KB to start
OHP/squat sets (this isn't working as well as it used to when I was doing less weight on squats)
OHP: 5x45, 6x55, 5x60, 5x60, 5x55 - had planned to go up to 65 but was feeling a tad wimpy at 60 so just stayed there
Squats: 8x55, 8x75, 6x95, 6x105, 5x95

Pull-ups were not good, just 4
T2B and knees to chest 10 each

Deadlift: 5x45, 8x65, 8x85, 7x95, 6x95

Just to see how it felt (BAD!) ran 1.25 miles at 8 minute mile pace. I like cardio too much to do it after weights - hate that dead feeling.
138.6 A short run in the park for me! Was warmer at home, bit of a shock when I jumped out of my truck and once again I was wishing for gloves. Pretty happy with the run, didn't expect speed and didn't get any, just wanted to get out and move.

Hmm, need to work on cadence, my feet are not doing the fast thing as they ought, but did OK with not dropping to a crawl as I climbed the short steep hill at the end.

Happily as I uploaded I found I had not actually deleted the first Shoe Hill Loop of the year from last Sunday. It was just a hike, but I wanted the details, and was disappointed to think I was so inept as to have deleted it from the watch.

Pretty sure we will get in a big hike in the Grand Canyon this weekend. Really looking forward to that.
Shoe Hill Loop with Tom Saturday morning - first rough trail run of the year and that middle "fast" mile wasn't - came in at about 8:30. Enjoyable 3.3 miles.

Super hike in the Grand Canyon on Sunday. We did the Tanner Trail and it was wonderful - cool and windy on top but the sun came out mid-day and it was actually pretty warm. A few spring flowers were out, but there was still plenty of snow/ice on the upper trail. We had looked over the edge and figured we didn't need yaktrax, but once we started down, we realized that was a big mistake. Turned around and went back to the car to grab them and were glad we did as the icy conditions lasted quite a distance on the trail. Stopped to chat with people a couple of times so our time to the river was nothing special, had a nice quick lunch beside the Colorado and was able to enjoy a few minutes of actual basking! Headed back up, and aside from a fairly lengthy stop while talking with a backpacker, we made good time out.

Mileage was not what we expected at all. The trailhead sign says it's 9 miles to the river, we have always thought it was a bit higher, closer to 10. By our Garmins (we each carried our own version as the ultimate techno geeks) we were a smidge under 8 miles at the river and so finished the round trip at under 16 miles. With some up and downs on the trail, elevation gain was over 5700 feet.

Monday was a fairly low-key day - did some chores, took a nap, went to bed early! My knees were actually swollen by evening, haven't really had that before. Quads felt pretty good, right hamstring was a little tight as are my gluts.

Wanted to do some easy EFX this morning but all machines were taken and my favorite was broken. Settled on the rowing machine as a good option for an allover workout. Seems to have been a big mistake - as I was pulling hard for the last 2 minutes by lower back spasm'd. UGH!!!Crap!!! Immediately headed upstairs and went to work stretching, moving, trying to get the spasm to relax. Had some success and I'm mostly able to walk without doing the funky chicken thing, but am planning to move around a lot today - swinging my hips on the fit ball as I type.