I'm still Sure!

136.4 Life is better with 2 hands! My right hand is no longer wrapped in gauze and an elastic wrap, now I'm down to just a couple of bandaids. The wound is ugly and my thumb is still red and swollen, numb and not very bendable, but I'm feeling far more functional. I've been testing out a few "activities of daily living" that I've always used my right hand for and am finding it wimpy - like turning the key in the ignition of my truck - something I've never noticed doing before but now is rather taxing. Can you say "weak"? Between the thumb not taking any pressure, nor able to exert much and the flexor tendon in my wrist being damaged, well, some things will take time, but I'll get there.

Today we did SHL again and at a fast walking speed - average 13 minute miles which is respectable on trail.
136.4 and another morning hike (3.3 miles) around Shoe Hill with Tom. We are working on our fastest known time (FKT) for this hike in this direction... we knocked 50 seconds off yesterday's time. Haven't looked back in our notebook for such things to see if we are even close to our actual FKT. Sub 13 minute miles today.
Oh heck, totally forgot - I did a little something that requires some strength... suitcase carry of 6 gallons of water twice! Left hand only of course... but about 30 steps each time.

We were joking that I could do some training on one side, but I'm already a little unbalanced... hm, must be a better way to say that - my left side is already stronger than my right - so I don't want to promote that by doing more while I'm handicapped.
Chuck a dumbbell in your sling that will stop you being as unbalanced. Don't want to lose all of that though, you wouldn't fit in as well here.
I am missing doing our summer 'yard workouts' terribly - it has been weeks since I trained hard... UGH!!! Actually, it seems my thumb is de-numbing a little which is really good I think, but means it hurts more. I am an impatient patient.

Chatty SHL this morning, Tom tweaked his back yesterday when he coughed while helping the fat boy down from the high pole he (Charlie) had climbed up. He is finally down into the 7kg range (right at the top, but definitely 7's) so still awfully heavy to be jumping down 6 feet, so we usually lift him down. Anyway, it was a nice hike and I enjoyed noting the wildflowers that are out - still good variety despite the scary dry spring we've had. Local meteorologists are saying they think we might have a decent monsoon this summer. Sure hope so!
136.6 Day 8 of making mud in the shower as a result of having hiked outside! I'm looking upon this as a "base-building" phase for my summer endurance training. We also pushed farther into FKT territory this morning with another good power walk/hike around Shoe Hill, sub 42 minutes for 3.3 miles so mid 12 minute mile speed.

Actually, Tom is a little whacked out again. When I mentioned that I finish the course of oral antibiotics on Saturday evening, he decided we needed to have some objective measurements so if another infection set in we'd catch it early. He went and got a micrometer and measured my thumb a couple of different directions...

Out of curiosity I tried a push-up this morning - wrist/hand said NO! Rats, I had high hopes of some bodyweight work soon... maybe if I had a bar to push on instead of flat out on the floor...
136.6 I've dropped all but a thumb bandaid, although the surgical scar on my wrist looks like I attempted suicide... not pretty, but not in need of a covering now that it is finished being scabby. I'm off the antibiotics as of Saturday evening so now we are watching and waiting. I'm trying not to be a hypochondriac, but am fretting just a little as my tummy is a bit distressed today, I had a couple rounds of scoots, and my thumb while not swollen, it a bit more purple than it has been. I've got no explanation for the thumb aside from possible overuse yesterday, but I'm blaming the other on the fact that the wind has been non-stop for days and me, Tom, and the entire town is half-crazed from allergies and the relentless noise/irritation/positive ions?/and whatever. I've felt this way other times when allergens were very high and the wind has been relentless. Not going to panic just yet!

Weekend was good. Good cat walk with Tom and Charlie Saturday, then we went for elevation gain and did a double loop on the "snow cone" south of the meadow. 2.6 miles and 900 feet climbed. I had my HRM on, but we weren't pushing very hard so my max HR was only 150. Chores and cooking after that. Tom wanted a treat so I made enchiladas with corn tortillas, turned out yummy. Loads of chicken, veggies, and a good green chili sauce.

Sunday we did another cat walk and then decided on a little longer hike. We were tempted to go quite a bit longer, but we also had some work around home to do so in end didn't go bonkers, just hiked through a pretty part of the forest near home, round trip of 4.6 miles and 500 feet of elevation gained. Tom has been setting some monthly mileage and elevation goals is the only reason I'm noting elevation. I love climbing hills so am always up for a steep climb such as we did Saturday, but don't care on "normal" hikes. Got in a good nap on Sunday and accomplished a few little jobs around home I've been successfully avoiding since I got hurt.

Since we both felt yucky this morning and the wind was howling, I cried off a hike outside and Tom was obviously relieved. I'm deep into a really good audiobook at the moment, so I thought I would do stairmaster at the gym since that is always great when I have a good book going. In the end, I decided I just didn't feel that well and so wasn't going to push and didn't workout at all. The end of a 10 day streak - Oh well. As noted in someone else's journal, we've all got some life in the way of our preferred workout plans.
Broom handle, scaffold pole, anything similar will work for remedial. Weight is not important, movement is key at this level.

Honestly, doc said don't try anything much for a month... I was just testing and failed as expected... even washing dishes is hard/hurts so yes, it will be a while before I can reasonably expect to hang from a bar or do a push-up. It is going to make me crazy if I have to resort to girly knee pushups when the time comes

Good to see signs or recovery. Remedial work sucks!

Goldfish said:
If it's any consolation, I used to do knee push ups once upon a time.

JustinRVA said:
I still do knee push ups..

CrazyOldMan said:
But you have to due that due to curvature of the earth. Us vertically challenged chaps can usually manage a few from toes.

You guys are the best! Thanks for helping me get over my fit of "oh poor me".
137.2 Howling ferocious winds continue for about the 5th day straight. Fire danger is beyond scary - one started to the west of town and was over 1000 acres in a matter of minutes it seems - burned up the truck of one of my employees who was camped there (local climbing area). Green trees (aspens and pines) snapped and were broken along side the highway this morning and I was nearly knocked off my feet while carrying a duffle bag of laundry to my truck. Sheesh!

Anyway, was NOT going to consider an outdoor workout for any reason, so headed to the gym and the stairmaster. 35 minutes and about 1600 feet climbed for happy, sweaty round of cardio oblivion.

Laundry tonight means ice cream!
My knees and torso are in two different time zones...

Tom tries to tell me stuff like this too (he is also 6'5"), Justin. I never go for it! Of course since I won't, he doesn't let me get away with complaining that a climb is easier for him since he can just "reach past the hard part"...
137.2 Wind abated and we could safely go outside again. We had wind gusts above 60 mph yesterday - crazy!

Shoe Hill Loop with Tom - not a watch, GPS, nor heart rate monitor between us. We joked that we could get lost or go too slow and never even realize it! Got to put geekdom aside now and then...

3.3 base building miles
Tom tries to tell me stuff like this too (he is also 6'5"), Justin. I never go for it! Of course since I won't, he doesn't let me get away with complaining that a climb is easier for him since he can just "reach past the hard part"...

Yeah, but once we reach that part, we have to pull that much further haha