Taking this a step further, any web information pased via "http" is non-encrypted. What that means is the data is pure text sent across the world on various routers. If that info bounces across my router, I can read it all day long. It's just text packets being sent from your internet browser across the huge internet network to a web server. The server receives the message and responds back generating HTML to your internet browser. Every post you make on any site, every PM you ever send, every jot and tittle on any website can be read by someone, "somewhere". Unless you're on an encrypted site using "Https" (note the "s"). That's why it's important that you never enter account names, passwords, social security numbers, etc.. on any non-encrypted site. If you use a common username and password for your bank account and it's the same as a non-encrypted forum such as this, that info could be caught. A hacker could take that info and try various bank logins to see if they match.
I recommend you have one username and password for your bank data and other personal info and a seperate one for all your public forum logins. Because frankly, I don't care if someone were to hack my login on forums, but I definately care if they get into my bank and such.
Now keep in mind that there are uncountable amounts of data and text being passed across the internet constantly, so the chance of anybody snooping on your particular packet data is slim, but it can happen.
Hows that for making you paranoid