Any DO or DONT? Any recommendation??
I think you have made up your mind if you say you are having the procedure tommorow, as for your weight...everyone feels different and so can't judge if you are or aren't big enough, only you know how comfortable or uncomfortable you feel, what you have or haven't tried. Most of us say we have tried everything else but have we been committed long term to stick to the changes, have we done the exercise and if we are really honest with ourselves, the answer is probably not.
I have had the balloon and it was not successful, that doesn't mean it won't be successful for you, I have read on this forum the many people it has helped, for me it was a disaster!!!
you most likely will have cramps, painful cramps as your body tries to expel this new foreign object, you will have medication to help, the pain does go away and you just have to tell yourself that.
follow your diet, don't cheat, stick to fluids and gradually progress to soft pureed food, well chopped, and than when on solids make sure you chew lots
you may need to keep a bucket by your bed for the first few days, some are lucky and don't have the vomitting.
the balloon should not be taken lightly, so hence I am sure the comments that you aren't that big too take this risk, although it is a non surgical procedure it is still the placement of a foreign object into your body. there is some risk, although slight, there is also the risk of intolerance.
I wish you all the best, if you are prepared to take the risk, this is also a big financial risk, than hopefully you are motivated to also make the necessary changes to make this successful in the long term, the balloon is only an aid, you will need to still have the discipline and still need to exercise.
take care and keep us posted.