Yeah maybe one day when I am rich. Its kicked my ass into gear thought. Time to get huge.
I know how much of a bitch shoulder pain can be man. I'm struggling with a wicked case of bursitis in my left shoulder but I refuse to have surgery at the moment as that will lay me up for at least 3 months.
I hope something works out where you can get the funds for it bro. Good luck.
now you can be as pissed off as I am. LOL
That sucks man. Hopefully in the very near future you can get that shoulder taken care of.
Yeah man its a bitch huh, I have another meeting at the hospital to talk about it all. I feel like letting loose on them but I will try and negotiate. What movement do you struggle with? Mine is anything out in front of me.
LV, is it just the bursa that's inflamed? Shouldn't that pass by itself as long as you don't aggrivate it?
but if you rest, won't it heal and then you can go back to lifting again?