Weight-Loss Icy's Woorkout Challenge



New member
I will probably end up editing this post once I finalize what workouts I want to do and details for how often and how long this challenge will go for but wanted to get this started and see who wants to join me on this.

So since I utterly failed at the IcyStarCloud Challenge I wanted to start a new workout challenge which involved less time per day, which means shorter workouts. I would like the challenge to be for 3x per week (though I will be trying for 5). And I want it to go until Christmas. So details so far are as follows:

Duration: 4 weeks
Start: Sun. Nov 24/14
End: Sat. Dec 21/14

-Do a workout (from list below) at least 3x per week.
-Post here (new post or edit the same one with your progress) about how it went.

Workout choices (Please let me know if you have one you want to add to the list):
-Workout #1: Low impact 9 minute long workout. No warm-up/cool down included.
-Workout #2: Miscellaneous. This is anything from walking and treadmills to yoga, taebo, or sports. You can note what you did and for how long (ie. running for 10 minutes)
-Workout #3: Weight Lifting. This is fairly general as well. You can note the machine you used (if any) and the weights, reps, etc.
-Workout #4: Low impact HIIT 20 minutes.

I hope others will join me in this challenge and help me add more workouts to the list so we have a few choices to choose from.
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Icy's Progress

This is what I will use to keep track of my progress.

Week #1: Nov 24-30
Week #2: Dec 1-7
Week #3: Dec 8-14
Week #4: Dec 15-21

Week #DateWorkoutDetailsWeight
1-111/28/13High Knees/WalkingNot a "workout" as such but it's all I could fit in. About 10-15mins total. Not impressed :(139
1-211/29/13WalkingAgain not impressed, but all I could do. About 10-15mins again139
1-311/30/13WalkingMostly for errands, but I did A LOT of walking and some house cleaning139
2-112/3/13Shoveling SnowMorning: Dug my way out of the alley to not get stuck. Afternoon: Dug a path in the backyard to the garage door and cleared the front path/sidewalk. Total of about 30mins.138
2-212/5/13Walking/Lifting2nd job-walking/lifting. I think it counts!138.5
2-312/6/13Walking/LiftingSame - walking/lifting at work
3-112/9Walking/LiftingSame - walking/lifting at work138
3-212/10Walking/LiftingSame - walking/lifting at work137.5
3-312/11Walking/LiftingSame - walking/lifting at work136.5
3-412/12Walking/LiftingSame - walking/lifting at work136.5
3-512/13Walking/LiftingSame - walking/lifting at work138.5
Same - walking/lifting at work
Same - walking/lifting at work
Same - walking/lifting at work
Same - walking/lifting at work
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I would like to join you in this, but my workouts would have to be very general as I am limited with my back injury. I'm thinking:

30 min walk

No heart rate requirements for my bad days.

20-60 min cardio with avg heart rate in the aerobic zone

This would likely be fast walking or a machine of some sort and running if/when I get to that point.

weight lifting

Super generic, but what I will be able to do will change.

I could go for a 3 day minimum, but my goal is to do something almost every day. No worries either way.

It's fine if this isn't the sort of thing you are trying to do. I like your workout that you have listed, but even though it is low impact I couldn't complete a lot of the movements.
I want as many people as possible to join in so I will add a "General Cardio" Workout as #2 for you :) And of course anyone else who wants to do the same.
I'm getting kinda anxious and excited for this. And I'm determined to do well this time!! I MUST make my end of the year goal, and so far I'm nowhere close to it.
I mostly do yoga, but I'm not sure if that would qualify.

what about a "miscellaneous" section? for stuff such as Yoga, Pilates, other sports (Hiking, biking, basketball, you get the idea), dancing, or activities that require physical work (I.e moving furniture, heavy cleaning, mowing lawn, etc).

Stuff that, whilst it does require a bit (or a lot) of work, is not generally referred or counted as exercise, or associated with gym.

The term 'general cardio' strikes me as something you would do either on a gym or with a machine (Probably is just me).

Anyways - I remember Fitness Blender having a (supposedly) low Impact HIIT workout, In case you are interested, here is the link;

It has 2 rounds, and is about 20 minutes, but you could always skip one if you're short on time.
Week #1: Nov 24-30
Week #2: Dec 1-7
Week #3: Dec 8-14
Week #4: Dec 15-21

Week #DateWorkoutDetailsWeight
111/24/13Walkinglow intensity 30 min326.0
111/26/13Walkinglow intensity 30 min326.0
212/2/13WalkingModerate intensity 35 min
212/3/13jog/walk32 minutes 33 seconds avg. HR 143
212/4/2013jog/walk32 minutes 47 seconds avg HR 143328.0
212/5/2013Hiking3.5 hours hilly fast walk327.2
212/7/2013yardwork45 minutes moving firewood.logs, brush329.6
312/9/2013jog/walk and field work34 min avg HR 143
312/10/2013jog/walk and field work36 min avg HR 144
312/11/2013field work
4 hours low intensity hiking
312/12/2013jog/walk and field work32 min avg HR 142330
412/16/2013run/walk32 min 44 sec avg HR 145
field work8 hours in the woods
field work4 hours in the woods
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I just stole your table Icy and added a weight column for my own info. Yesterday was 5 days in a row of exercise for me, so I will be coming into it with a good habit established.
Ooo I like that idea! I'm going to add a weight column myself :)

Good job on 5 days straight! I did the one day earlier this week and that was it :( Hope to get lots of work done this morning (which actually could be considered the "miscellaneous" that Athala is referring it...setup and take down of a bunch of displays for inventory/damage reporting).

Athala: Thanks for that link! I'm going to add it to the workout list :D Also will change the general cardio to misc instead to include random things like what you suggested. That way there is a misc random one, and a misc weightlifting which will cover gym, outside, and at home stuff that don't have set videos to follow. Would that work? Or should I keep a general cardio and a separate misc category?
Okay... Quick question... And this may sound absolutely stupid and out of line. But I promise, its a genuine question!

Can we count sex as exercise? I mean, you do burn quite a bit of calories, right? And it gets your heart rate up!

I'm sorry if this offends anyone. But I've really been wondering this for a while! :)
First off, you made me giggle out loud at work. Luckily they already think I'm crazy.

This calorie calculator includes sex with different entries for foreplay vs. intercourse. At my size and how I conduct things it's 353 calories. I feel like that's on the high side of things mostly because I'm such a large human. This is Icy's show and I don't feel like I would count it even if allowed just out of modesty.
Fair enough! And thanks for the link. I burn 236 calories an hours! I could say more about that.... Because I feel like it should be more because of certain factors. BUT... That's not what this forum is about. Haha
That is a good and legitimate question! And made me giggle a little too :) It's true sex can be very good exercise! But I think for the purpose of this challenge it will not count. Sorry!
I went for a walk yesterday and I've started my entry for today. I'm going to try to do something everyday. I am going to start doing some dumbbell work and I need to see if my stationary recumbent bike is repairable.
I never posted anything here, but I'm going to be absent for a while, so I'm basically out...

If it counts for something, I did the first round of the low impact hiit video today.

Did the first 2 sets (I.e: Jumping jacks and ski squats) like a champ, and managed to finish what was left of the first round with some trouble. Had to stop before time on some exercises, though.

Couldn't force myself to go through the second round.

Was going to try a new yoga video*, but I can't find a suitable surface for it (the yoga mat I have is of bad quality, and somewhat slippery). I guess getting a rug will do the trick.

*As a reference;

I guess that's it. Good luck to both of you on the challenge. :)
Sounds like the kind of Yoga I would need to start off with!

So I have updated my progress for last week. It's pretty weak but it's all I could manage. Was too busy at work and too tired after with other things to get done :( But today is Dec 1st. Start of a new month, and the last month of the year. I plan to have an awesome month of working out!
Sorry to flake out so quick into the contest. I'm back now Icy and I will be posting exercise this evening. Congrats on your week 1!