New member
Hi Stefani,
You actually brought tears to my eyes. And I don't allow that to happen very often.
Thank you so much for taking the time. Although some of the posts hurt or upset me, they are correct to some degree.
I really need to stop the madness and if I want to 'look' thinner, I need to focus my efforts on that and not the bathroom scale.
I could not sleep tonight, I am up thinking about what they said. I just found this incredible website:
OMG I think I get it. I am devouring this site and looking for more info regarding Body Fat Composition.
Thank you again honey, you have made my day.
All the best in your weight loss journey. I am learning so much! I did the online program Shrink Yourself, if you have never heard of it, find it online and do it, or order the book and read it. It has been an invaluable tool in my journey.
Big hugs to you for getting inside my heart and not just inside my head.
That made me feel so good! I'm glad that I could make you feel better! I couldn't stand to let you go on feeling hurt about that comment.
Thank you for telling me what program you used; I intend to look into it!