You don't know my life. Some of are not gifted enough to be able to get a full night's sleep. I do not have to tell you why I don't get sleep, that is not the point of this thread and none of your business. The only point is a pill suggestion, THATS IT.
I think a point is being missed.
You are asking to get something recommended which is very unhealthy by nature of the fact it forces the body to do something it is not designed to do, and also causes problems.
In a fitness forum where health is always a consideration, you will always get responses in favor of health and few if any in willful violation of it.
I have noticed many replies to you have been along these lines and your responses seem demeaning in reply. Understand that if you are looking for people to give you drug advice, you are not going to be real happy with the advice, and you are not going to make any friends being snippety about it.
Having been a student myself some time ago, working through college to get a degree while working 60 hours a week simultaneously, I can tell you there IS an answer to your dilemma. In fact, there are many.
They all have a higher probability of KILLING YOU the more effective they are. -Either by heart trouble in the short run, or other issues in the long run.
Therefore, I won't be giving the answer you are looking for either. But, hopefully, you can understand why, and realize people are not trying to give you a bad time.