I need help running more efficiently

Becuase I am trying to avoid further issues with my knee, I bike two days and run three. Is this combination helping or hurting me?
I have been trying this new to me metthod and either I am not doing it correctly, or mu kness just cannot handle it. I have bad knees to begin with, but since I have been home they have not been that bad. When I tried this new running method, the hurt and I could nto continue using it.
I have been trying this new to me metthod and either I am not doing it correctly, or mu kness just cannot handle it. I have bad knees to begin with, but since I have been home they have not been that bad. When I tried this new running method, the hurt and I could nto continue using it.

then stop

do you have good shoes?
a pose run is very muscle bound intense = meaning you use your thighs, and calves more, BECAUSE you do not hit your heels. If your knees are hurting it seems liek you have "impact" and that is not runnign more efficiently.

run on grass

sorry to ask again, but how much do you weigh? how long can you run?

and - what is wrong with your knee.

lol- you have issues LOL
I figured I was doing something wrong. I weigh in at a staggering 206 pounds but it is better than what I weighed when I returned home. I am running a hilly mile and a half right now but I feel as though I can do more. My knees are jacked up from my time in the military. They start to hurt sometimes when I put a lot of stress on them.
oh ok. Well hills hurt ALL OF US. And you are no lightweight- either am I.

So- I gotta tell ya- running is abotu the hardest thing to do with your body = it hurts.

do you take any Glucosamine? add that to your supplement line-up, and stay with it for awhile.
it is a joint lubricant. Within a few days you will feel your joints working better. I wouldnt stop taking it for the world. Now, will it fix your knee? maybe not, but it will definatley improve your joint health.

you do need the high dollar stuff either. Use a Sundown brand, will run you about 20 bucks a month.
Thanks for the heads up, I will try it. I will also work on my form. I realized after you brought it up that I am still striking the road heel first.
I have to re-train myself to lay my foot down differently. I hope this is something I can to relatively quickly.