I Need Energy!

tonymcclellan said:
I just wanna see if it can help you focus and concentrate, like it claims, which would help at school. I am not gonna take it everday nor before working out. I am not going to depend on it for weight loss, just wanna try it out and see what happens.

Well I took one yesterday, but didnt have any noticeable effects. I think I may have not of yawned as much in class, but other than that, I dont know. I will see when I take the second one tomorrow.

Speaking of accupuncture, I was gonna try that, just to see what its like. Have you went, noticeable results?

I agree with. It is more about being alert and thinking clearly.

I understand exercise and eating better will have the natural effect and I am interested in meditation but I am convinced I need somr form of a boost a couple times a week.
Does Spike really work? Ive been eye balling it at the store, but not wanting to buy it yet
try liquid vitamins

I use a liquid vitamin that makes me feel great. contact me if you want more info. Since if I mention the name it gets taken off for some reason.
Take a high potency multi vitamin, not Centrum or One a Day. Make sure its high in your Bs or supplement with a B complex mid day or when feeling low on energy. They're water soluble so you pee out what you don't need.

Make sure your getting enough sleep.

Try not to take a caffeine supplement but if you have to, do it only as a last resort.
I swear, Russ, sometimes I think you are a genius. I love your posts.