I have to say this is probably one of the best soccer/football debates I've ever seen on a message board (for the most part anyway)...
for the person who said they only run one play per minute... lets see what actually happens on that "one play per minute" shall we..
The referee spots the ball, the down and yardage is indicated, then all the behind the scenes stuff goes into action..
offensive coordinators/head coaches begin to choose a play based on down, yards to go, field position, and personnel available to them.
defensive coordinators put in a defensive package in the game determining what base stunts, pass rush, defensive coverage and line/linebacker shifts happen at the line of scrimmage..
and that happens BEFORE the offense breaks the huddle..
then the QB brings his team to the line, the center calls out the blocking assignments, plus any possible blitzing linebackers/cbs/safeties.
the QB looks at the coverage to see if he can get any tells on whether or not the secondary is in man to man or zone coverage.
the QB then looks at the defensive scheme and sees whether or not he should audible out of the play, send a man in motion to get a mismatch in coverage, or just call a time out.
and thats just a little bit of what goes on in the OFFENSIVE side of the ball
The defensive line determines what side is the strong side of the offensive line and shifts that way if the defense is designed, they call a stunt if needed, the linebackers tip off or fake a blitz attempt, the secondary determines who its covering, who its doubleteaming, and what side the safety needs to help out on.
the QB either hands off or drops back while the offensive line executes the blocking assignment, the recievers run their routes while the QB leads them, the running back dodges tacklers, breaks tackles, gets his head taken off by a linebacker. If any one of the offensive players miss their assignment, the play will probably blow up in their face.
Thats a lot of stuff to happen in one minute per play isn't it?