I just want to make a point about why American football won't be popular in the UK...

I have just read this article, and read a few of the responces. I don't normally read digg so I do not have an account. However I need to make this point for the sake of my sanity. Plus I think there could be some good sporting debate having been on this forum for over a year...


People generally said the normal reasons for why US football will not be popular over this side of the ocean.

The two reasons were mainly:
1) "the stopping and starting of player."
2) "the padding worn and the fact there are 50 players on a team"

Ok. Fair enough. That is an okay thing to say. But can I get to the real reasons, or at least explain them in slightly more detail - in my perspective - a 15 year old year 11/ 10th grader.

Right, the stopping and starting of play:

In America, having lived there for 6 months and spent a lot of time there with my grandparents, I have seen the amount of advertising that goes on in shows. Especially sports.

I know for a fact that nobody likes it, but in the US it is far more tolerated than in the UK. Over here we have the BBC which contains no adverts (that aren't advertising their other shows) and then we have sky channels, which normally have adverts before, one 2/3 min during and one after.

Sky sports, when it shows American football, especially the super bowl, puts in adverts at the same time as ESPN does. I remember watching last years with some mates, all of us play lots of sport, and love sport, but we just couldn't get into the game, NOT because of the stopping and starting, but because of the ADVERTISING.

The advertising is a huge reason to why British people WILL never get into American Football. Look at our other sports. They are either on the BBC or have adverts at halftime. Look at F1, before Lewis Hamilton hardly anybody watched the whole race, why? Because of the adverts. We cant stand adverts!!!
In America, kids are brought up on them. The shows have advert after advert after advert. So the kids know nothing better. We have BBC shows, they have no advertising, we have sky shows, with little advertising, and if you look at the future of interest in American football, it can't happen!
Children and teenagers who have been brought up with the luxury of little advertisment, and sports like Football (soccer) and rugby, cricket. The adverts are only at half time, and the games flow. You can get into it. Cricket, the adverts happen when they can. Not every 5 minutes.

You can't expect men, women, children, cats, dogs, ANYONE, to stop even stir from the leading british sports with no advertising to watching a game of American football in which half the time you spend looking at new beers from Budweiser.

So that's one reason I can think of as a British kid. But I think that's only the spectator side of it. To have a sport being taken seriously, the public have to know what's going on. And to know what's going on, they have to play it.

Our classic sports are sewn into us. Look at rugby, football, tennis, cricket. Most people have some ideas of the rules, the ones living in the UK anyway.

Why doesn't Rugby League compete with Union in the way anybody would know the rules would think it should? Because people in the south don't play it.

So moving onto the core reason why American football will NEVER be big.

Sport at British schools isn't anywhere near the level it is in America. That's fact. That's the thing. Most schools in Britain find it a push playing any more sport than rugby in the Autumn, football in the winter, and tennis and cricket during the spring/summer. And that's pushing it. Football is basically played all year round.

Now here's what I believe to be the killer point...
Kids do not want to start playing a sport that involves wearing padding and involves more than 20 players. It's a fact. We don't start playing cricket with wooden bats and padding untill we've been through at least 5 years of plastic quik cricket, which is immense fun, and it flows. Finding sports teams for schools in most UK schools is hard to do. If we are talking about quality and commitment. In america it works. You have had years of history with American football, it fits into your routines. Now look at the UK school's priority of sport again...

Where, in God's name, are you going to find PE teachers fitting a full contact, padded sport, with (on average) 2 PE lessons a week, including the fat kids and the ones who don't care? Where are schools with sporting budgets going to fit in American football. And where are they going to get the teachers to train the kids in an enjoyable manner so they can actually be bothered to make an effort. Think about it. If you don't know how to play it, and you are just getting battered around in heavy pads, with no big stars playing on TV (to your knowledge)to look up to, and other contact sports like Rugby (which flows and doesn't take ages to set up), a kid is going to go elsewhere.

We cannot see what the fuss is about with American football. We have had soccer teams running since the early 19th century at a good level, and it's part of our blood. As is tennis, rugby and cricket. Intergrating American Football, with no specialists, or motivation to paly it, will never happen. It can't. It's nobody's fault, it's over 200 years of history.

On the other hand. Soccer, as you call it, has a chance in the US. This is because school kids up untill about age 13 play it. And it is even played in collages. It is easy to set up. Easy to play, and easy to coach.

So there are my views. That went on for a while. Phew.

Anyway. Any opinions?
I think there's just too much history of Soccer in our blood for another sport to take over in the UK, however I think Soccer has a chance of taking over as the number 1 sport in America purely because of immigration. Most countries outside the US have soccer as their national sport and as the US has a very high immigration rate the popularity of soccer will eventually increase

I personally like US football, I liked it as a kid but have never played because it isn't played in schools and probably never will be which is a shame
Perhaps we should send some ambassadors...

Lol, I thought that too, we had the Dolphins over here last week and the pictures of the cheerleaders dancing in the rain made a very good case for inviting them over every week :D

EDIT: have you noticed how they arranged the women in bust order in that photo?
Row1; Zeplins
Row2; Melons
Row3; Grapefruits
Row4; Oranges
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As for all the padding, there are other styles that do not require padding to play.

During Gym class in school we would play flag football. No pads are required, you just wear a belt with a flag velcroed on each hip. Instead of tackling the player with the ball, you just had to pull off a flag.

During pickup co-ed games we would play 2 hand touch. Similar to the flag, only you have to be able to touch the player with the ball with both hands at the same time. If you did it was considered a tackle.

On weekends, the guys would get together and play regular tackle football with no pads. There were a few minor injuries, but nothing too bad. I think the wrost was someones ear ended up swelling up to twice its normal size.

Just playing for fun you also don't need as many players. You can have the rushing of the QB on a count so you don't have to leave players to block and play with as few as 6 players.
I think Soccer has a chance of taking over as the number 1 sport in America purely because of immigration. Most countries outside the US have soccer as their national sport and as the US has a very high immigration rate the popularity of soccer will eventually increase

People have been predicting a significant increase in soccer's popularity in the US for YEARS, and it has not happened. You want to know why not?


- the best soccer players in the world are not playing in the US;
- the best soccer leagues in the world are not even on the radar screen of most Americans; and
- the best athletes in America are NOT growing up playing soccer because they want to become the next NFL or NBA or MLB or even NASCAR star.

The immigration rate in the country is simply not high enough to overcome these barriers...
- the best athletes in America are NOT growing up playing soccer because they want to become the next NFL or NBA or MLB or even NASCAR star.

sad but true. my lil bro is only 9 but he kicks ass in soccer.. scoring as many as 11 goals in one game... but is now playing american football and baseball because "it could get him somewhere"... even though he is much better at soccer.
As for all the padding, there are other styles that do not require padding to play.

During Gym class in school we would play flag football. No pads are required, you just wear a belt with a flag velcroed on each hip. Instead of tackling the player with the ball, you just had to pull off a flag.

During pickup co-ed games we would play 2 hand touch. Similar to the flag, only you have to be able to touch the player with the ball with both hands at the same time. If you did it was considered a tackle.

On weekends, the guys would get together and play regular tackle football with no pads. There were a few minor injuries, but nothing too bad. I think the wrost was someones ear ended up swelling up to twice its normal size.

Just playing for fun you also don't need as many players. You can have the rushing of the QB on a count so you don't have to leave players to block and play with as few as 6 players.

Yes, valid points. But what I am saying is...

In a park in england football can be played so easily. You can buy footballs for next to nothing. if you wanted to play contact you could play rugby. if you wanted to play cricket, play cricket etc.

As for touch US football. Why, would you take rugby out of a session to put touch US football in it?
You're saying that American football will never come to the UK because its not popular. These sports werent ALWAYS around ya know. They were invented and then became popular.

Where I grew up we didnt have soccer or anything like that. Now where I live, the schools have soccer, rugby, hockey, etc. Kids like to play them for sure, but not everyone is thinking of becoming the next star athlete.

No advertising? When do you take a bathroom break or grab the second helping of pizza or get another beer without commercials? But your argument about american football not becoming popular there but soccer becoming popular here is ridiculous. Either/or could happen. What about other sports? Basketball, baseball?
What about other sports? Basketball, baseball?
Basketball will do it I think, it's more our style and a lot of kids here are already really into the NBA.

Baseball? Well that's so far off the radar you wouldn't believe, it's just seen as a boring waste of time over here. Probably in the same way Americans view cricket.
sad but true. my lil bro is only 9 but he kicks ass in soccer.. scoring as many as 11 goals in one game... but is now playing american football and baseball because "it could get him somewhere"... even though he is much better at soccer.

All it takes is one guy to make it and the view of all American kids will change. If you're a top UK soccer player you can expect a basic wage of £100k and over ($200,000) a week. And it's been predicted that we'll see our first players to be paid £250k or $500k a week in the next few years.

We're a small country, imagine the earnings of a top player who was American! The amount of sponsorship money would be obscene. Beckham has a contract worth over $250,000,000 for 5 years with LA Galaxy and he'd struggle to get in the top 20 players in the world. If Beckham was better and American you could probably double that money!
People have been predicting a significant increase in soccer's popularity in the US for YEARS, and it has not happened. You want to know why not?


- the best soccer players in the world are not playing in the US;
- the best soccer leagues in the world are not even on the radar screen of most Americans; and
- the best athletes in America are NOT growing up playing soccer because they want to become the next NFL or NBA or MLB or even NASCAR star.

The immigration rate in the country is simply not high enough to overcome these barriers...

Let's not forget...

- ' diving ' in soccer
- low scoring in soccer
- deciding championship soccer games with a ' shoot -out '

Let's not forget...

- ' diving ' in soccer
- low scoring in soccer
- deciding championship soccer games with a ' shoot -out '


Lol, I could say the same for Baseball, if the pitcher pitches and the batsmen swings and misses he can get 2 more goes. Lol, what kind of a sport gives you 3 attempts to hit a ball?

However I'll give you this; 'shoot-out's' to decide championship games, well that's just wrong, the US is the only country in the world to do this
Lol, I could say the same for Baseball, if the pitcher pitches and the batsmen swings and misses he can get 2 more goes. Lol, what kind of a sport gives you 3 attempts to hit a ball?

Actually he has as many ' goes ' as it takes until he gets three strikes - it's simply a part of the ' rules of the game '.

What ' rules of the game ' in soccer / football rules encourages players to ' dive ' and feign injury such that a minor bump ( that even a young 8 year old child would easily shrug off ) - somehow ....inexplicably - is capable of bringing a professional footballer to near death by causing him to collapse on the field writhing in " alleged " unbearable excruciating pain so that he requires a stretcher to be carried of the field ?

Pro footballers may be well conditioned - but they're as ' fragile ' as china dolls IMO - TOUGH they're not..:)

However I'll give you this; 'shoot-out's' to decide championship games, well that's just wrong, the US is the only country in the world to do this

Didn't Italy beat France 5-3 in a penalty shoot-out in the championship game to win the World Cup in 2006 ?
What ' rules of the game ' in soccer / football rules encourages players to ' dive ' and feign injury

Didn't Italy beat France 5-3 in a penalty shoot-out in the championship game to win the World Cup in 2006 ?

1) Some players do whatever it takes to win, just like some people in life lie and cheat to succeed, some players will pretend they've been fouled to gain an advantage. It's a frailty of mankind, not just footballers. Diving is a bookable offence though but if they're good at acting then they get away with it.
FIFA are currently looking at using video technology to apply retrospective punishments to players who dive

2) The world cup is a cup, it's a knockout competition so of course penalties are used as a last resort.
The US use shoot outs in league games where there is no need, the rest of the world calls it a draw and take 1 point each

Either way, I didn't plan on contributing to a thread where we take turns picking holes in each others sports. They're all good, that's why millions of people follow all of them
Soccer sucks!
- NO Football sucks!
Soccer sucks!
- NO Football sucks!
Soccer sucks!
- NO Football sucks!
Soccer sucks!
- NO Football sucks!
Soccer sucks!
- NO Football sucks!
Soccer sucks!
- NO Football sucks!
Soccer sucks!
- NO Football sucks!
Soccer sucks!
- NO Football sucks!

Repeat for desired number of posts ;)
I don't think anyone's said football sucks yet and Soccers only had one attack so it's going OK :)