Weight-Loss I just don't know what to eat anymore...



New member
Everytime I go to diet I lose alot of weight doing extreme things like not eating for long periods or eating only once a day or eating 200 calories a day and I know this is wrong. Because I always crash and end up back where I started or even heavier.

So I want to start off slow this time by making small changes that I can grow into that won't leave me physically drained from lack of vitamins or mentally drained from eatting foods I hate or not at all.

Any ideas where I can start?
Start by reading the stickied threads in this forum...
i agree with checking out the stickys you kinda have to find what works for you.... my initially i cut out all the sweets and sodas, subbed all pastas rice and breads with whole wheat and upped my veggies except potatoes or anything else really starchy... and finally stick to leaner meats like chicken and turkey breast... oh and fish on occasion... and portion control .. keeping track of my calorie intake helped too keeps you honest

dont starve yourself denying your body of food only causes it to go into starvation mode and it will store anything and everything you can keeping you from loosing weight figure out what your base calorie intake should be and stick with that you have to eat to lose weight
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Everytime I go to diet I lose alot of weight doing extreme things like not eating for long periods or eating only once a day or eating 200 calories a day and I know this is wrong. Because I always crash and end up back where I started or even heavier.

So I want to start off slow this time by making small changes that I can grow into that won't leave me physically drained from lack of vitamins or mentally drained from eatting foods I hate or not at all.

Any ideas where I can start?

Don't do that! you loose bone and muscles mass...not just fat. And you slowdown your basal metabolism rate. This way you difficult next "diet"...because your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), become lower.


danjillhaijon07 said:
my initially i cut out all the sweets and sodas, subbed all pastas rice and breads with whole wheat and upped my veggies except potatoes or anything else really starchy... and finally stick to leaner meats like chicken and turkey breast... oh and fish on occasion... and portion control .. keeping track of my calorie intake helped too keeps you honest

Good luck
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Black/white thinking seems to be easy for most, although the outcomes of such thought patterns rarely lead to a happy ending.

1. As already mentioned, read the stickies.
2. Pick a SANE caloric intake that leads to a deficit, with exercise in mind.
3. Work on changing the way you think about dieting.
4. Pick a combination of healthy and enjoyable foods to meet your caloric goal.
5. Work on changing the way you think about dieting.
set reachable goals first.

for e.g. 6 lb per month, begin exercising, start with 10-15 min and then week after week add +5-10 min, set how many kcal you will eat every day (from 1200 to 1700) and so on ;]
The people believed on a diet based only in terms of calories...and the goal caloric. whoever we have a lot of studies shows a largest view about this subject.

We must think also on a efficiency of food digest and assimilation, to get a good performance...this not a second side, is the most important i think.

We have a complex mechanism enzymatic... know how it works? the moust person don't know.
The best way to find a solution for the problem with food, we should have known better the global factors, like...the best combination of foods, and so on.

All diets had more results if we make a detox diet process...a body clean don't have soo easy a "stop loss weight".
The people believed on a diet based only in terms of calories...and the goal caloric. whoever we have a lot of studies shows a largest view about this subject.

We must think also on a efficiency of food digest and assimilation, to get a good performance...this not a second side, is the most important i think.

We have a complex mechanism enzymatic... know how it works? the moust person don't know.
The best way to find a solution for the problem with food, we should have known better the global factors, like...the best combination of foods, and so on.

All diets had more results if we make a detox diet process...a body clean don't have soo easy a "stop loss weight".

Is this a joke?
Is this a joke?

I apologize for my bad english...it's hard to express myself.

People believed on a diet based only in terms of calories and the caloric goalHowever we have a lot of studies that show a largest view about this subject.

We must think also on a efficiency of food digest and assimilation, to get a good performance this is not a second side, it is the most important i think.

We have a complex enzymaticmechanism now how it works most persons don't know.

We must think also on a efficiency of food digest and assimilation, to get a good performance this is not a second side, it is the most important i think.

We have a complex enzymaticmechanism now how it works most persons don't know

The best way to find a solution for the food problem , we should know better the global factors, like the best combination of foods, and so on.

All diets will have more results if we make a detox diet process a clean body doesn't has so easy a "stop loss weight".

This is my knowledge about it...if you think this is a joke, I can't do anything.
You take a sample population and control for enzymes, cleansing, and food combinations and I'll take a sample pop and control solely for calories.

We'll see who has the best results.

I'm not saying the types of foods we eat aren't important. Far from, actually.

But to suggest that food selection outweighs thermodynamics is preposterous in my opinion.
You take a sample population and control for enzymes, cleansing, and food combinations and I'll take a sample pop and control solely for calories.

We'll see who has the best results.

I'm not saying the types of foods we eat aren't important. Far from, actually.

But to suggest that food selection outweighs thermodynamics is preposterous in my opinion.

I know if "we take a sample pop and control solely for calories"...we will be seen good results, but only this... but, we wouldn't see the best results.

A diet with best combination and balanced food, to has a high level of digestion and assimilation of nutrients... certainly this is the right way to have a healthy body. I don't have doubts.

When the body retains toxins...the pathways to release the toxins through emunctories (liver, lung/breath, intestin/stool, kidney/urine, skin, uterus...)...Do you think you have the best way to have your body health, if you don't think how to clean?! Do you think you will have the best goal, if you ignore this side of matters...?

Candida...how to influence your health (and weight )...? ph-balance...?

I didn't say your plan is completely absurd and didn't work, i know you can loss weight...but your view is limited.
You're an idiot.


I don't normally turn things personal.... but I just can't help it. The rampant idiocy that you spew is comical.

I suggest reading around the forum just to check up on "my way" before making judgments. You obviously have no idea about what I promote.
You're an idiot.


I don't normally turn things personal.... but I just can't help it. The rampant idiocy that you spew is comical.

I suggest reading around the forum just to check up on "my way" before making judgments. You obviously have no idea about what I promote.

shame on you... don't be silly.
I'm dead serious.

I've coached people out of obesity by eating sensibly. It doesn't take rocket science. First and foremost.... control the energetic state. Period. Without that, you have nothing. Beyond that, the need for common sense remains. Shy away from processed foods, obtain adequate amounts of the essentials, eat plenty of fruits and veggies, etc, etc, etc.

I've watched people who were on medication for various health issues (hypertension, diabetes, etc.) for years throw the medications in the garbage.

All without worrying about all this minutia you spit. So tell me, what measure of 'health' do you use? B/c if I've got people healthy by the usual standards of health using simplistic common sense plus they're looking and feeling great, you need to do a whole hell of a lot more to convince me to listen to your voodoo then simply say, "we have lots of science."

Give me a break and shame on you.
I'm dead serious.

I've coached people out of obesity by eating sensibly. It doesn't take rocket science. First and foremost.... control the energetic state. Period. Without that, you have nothing. Beyond that, the need for common sense remains. Shy away from processed foods, obtain adequate amounts of the essentials, eat plenty of fruits and veggies, etc, etc, etc.

I've watched people who were on medication for various health issues (hypertension, diabetes, etc.) for years throw the medications in the garbage.

All without worrying about all this minutia you spit. So tell me, what measure of 'health' do you use? B/c if I've got people healthy by the usual standards of health using simplistic common sense plus they're looking and feeling great, you need to do a whole hell of a lot more to convince me to listen to your voodoo then simply say, "we have lots of science."

Give me a break and shame on you.

I eat:

raw veggies before the meals:
fruits beetween the meals, never after;
grilled meat and grilled fish;
natural yogurt...and some dry fruits.
some whole cereals (moderation)
oliver oils
salt sea (moderation)

Then i make good and simple combination...it's all. (on diary "my diet")

We have a difficult with comunication, but you don't need be so rude.
By the way...i don't want convince you about nothing, i share my opinion, as simple as that.
In my concept a good diet, doesn't resume, just the reduction of caloric and choose healhy food, we must learn how to conjugate the food...this is very important for me. And a detox diet is very important too...special in the first days of diet.

This is my opinion and experience... I know this is not a nonsense.
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Nope, it's not a nonsense.

It's a lot of nonsense.

Shame on you.

you don't have more useful informations...? You don't have nothing else to do...