I have accepted.............................

I have accepted :

my curves.
that I have imperfections.
that weight loss will not happen overnight.
thinking positively, always.
taking compliments without rolling my eyes.
that I can do anything I set my mind to.
that I think way too much about my appearance.
that exercise really makes me feel good!
becoming more confident.

I will not accept:

unhealthy habits.
eating disorders.
being overly critical of myself.
self esteem issues I've had my entire life.
feeling inferior.
I have accepted...

-That no matter how much weight I lose, I will always "look" chubby.
-That my children think I'm beautiful the way I am.
-That I am a good, kind, intelligent person no matter what I look like.
-That even though I really, really, really, more than anything want to find a man who will love me, I need to learn to love myself first.
-That my ex stopped loving me because he is a self-absorbed idiot who had no idea how to be part of a family, not because I am unloveable. I'm still learning to accept this one.
-That water IS a beverage:p
Oh gosh I have a biggerlist of I hav'nt accepted lol!

I have accepted................

A new way of eating
to stay away from most drive thrus around me
That hubbys can be buttheads LOL
I will have a cheatday(food lol) once in a while
my nose will always be wide(I hate it)
I have Accepted...

That I'm the only person that can change my life
My past is what made me today and i wouldn't change for nothing
That i am important
That i'm not perfect
That i need to lose weight
That losing weight takes time and hard work
Nothing is free
Society is being fed with bullshit
My role in life (A mother)
The wall i've build due to idiots in my life
The many mistakes i've made
That it's okey to be scared and that it's okey to fail
That i can't be someone else and look like someone else
The way my life is
The fact that i put my love and trust to those who now turned their back on me
That i was so stupid and blind to love the person who would end up making my life a living hell
That confidence comes with self love

BUT i will never accept
- - liers
- - being called fat
- - people in my life so easily
- - admiring someone before admiring myself first
- - feeling worthless and not good enough
- - being lonley
-- not being successful
- - that i can't eat cookie dough ice cream anymore
- - a pant size above 10
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I have accepted that I will never be a size 00 or 0.
I have accepted that I have to do this for myself and not others.
I have accepted that no one can love me if I don't love myself equally.
I have accepted that weight loss is not easy.
I have accepted that with exercise comes pain, good and bad.
I have accepted that I cannot eat the foods I usually eat.
I have accepted that I am not be everyone's type, but I'll always be someone.
I have accepted that I will never have a perfect relationship with food.
I have accepted that I will never have a perfect relationship with my body, but I can get pretty damn close.
I have accepted that my friends really do love me unconditionally.
I have accepted that life is what you make it.
I have accepted me.
I have accepted that I have curves.
I have accepted that I wont always be able to resist the things I want.
I have accepted that I am loveable, and am not perfect.
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I have accepted:

That this is the only life I have to live, so I better make it the best I can now!
That it will take many years for my body to be as healthy as it should.
That 3 helpings of something isn't going to make me happier, or fuller, it will only make me feel bloted.
That my husband really does love me as I am now.
That I will never be an Opera Diva no matter how much weight I loose, I'm just not that good, and that isn't a bad thing.

I will NOT accept:
My rolls,
My bat wing arms,
My double chin,
My butt that intrudes on my back (does this make since),
That I am tired after climbing to flites of stairs,
That I am too imberresed to go swimming,
That I can't fit into hott sexy outfits to bring in the bedroom LOL, sorry if that is too much information! :)
I have accepted...

That my sister will always be more popular than me
That i will always get in little squabbles with my mother over nothing at all
That PMS sucks
I need to lose weight for me, and no one else
it takes time to lose weight, and that it doesn't happen overnight
my dog will push me out of bed...
I will accept that:
I will probably never look like a movie star
I will never be as skinny as my best friend
I will NOT give up
Losing weight takes work
as long as i am overweight i will be judged
I am deserving of whoever i want
Not every guy is a jerk

I will NOT accept:
being walked over
painful comments
putting myself down
not losing weight
excuse me,
but i do not accept that im going to be always fat in any form
i do not accept that im limited in any way
I do not accept that i will always have a belly, or even that i will always have saggy skin.
Im not accepting anything that i can change - and that pretty much is everything :)

Accepting things to me is like giving up
I have accepted that even if I were to wake up thin and gorgeous tommorow my life would still be the same, I would still be the same person
i have accepted that i am me - if people don't like it - well too damn bad :D

i have accepted that i am responsible for getting to the weight i was at - and i willl be respponsible for fixing it...

I have accepted that it's not a good thing for me to have access to automatic or semi automatic weapons
Great thread ! I think it might be dangerous for me to accept much as if i do i wont attempt change!

I need my dreams ;)