I hate myself.

Like I said before do this for yourself... ignore all those people who have never dealt with addiction... you obviously find comfort in food... so it was natural for you to react the way you did... it doesn't change the fact that you want to change... that you want to loose weight... that you want to live healthier...

The tough thing about this addiction is there is no such thing as cold turkey... it is like telling an alcoholic to drink in moderation...

NHB be glad you don't have problems... don't get angry because everybody else isn't as self disciplined as you...
Hey Zechs, just checking up on you. Hope you are well :)
hey, zechs. just keep your head up and dont get down on yourself. look into this website and see what it is about, man.

i would say 'good luck' but i know you dont need it.
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Sorry, guys. Same old stuff: work's taking up most of my spare time. But now it's getting really bad. My wife wants a divorce, and she wants to take the kids with her. Says I'm "too fat" for her. ;_;
Hey Zechs!! I'm new here and just getting to know everyone!! As I was reading this thread....I'm thinking ...."WOW"! You have some great friends and wonderful support here dude!! :)

I, too, like the rest of the members here, will support you! :)

Congratulations on your new beginning! You're off to a great start already...you shared your story here! Keep us posted.....I'm excited for you! Keep you head up dude! ;)
I'm totally feeling where you're coming from. I've personally just kicked my emotional junk food eating. A big realisation for me was after i ate two maxi-bons and a pkt of choc biscuits for breakfast. Its an extremely vicious cycle, something happens to upset you, you reach for junk food cos you feel rotten, you put on more n more weight, lowering your self-esteem even more pushing you to reach for junk food yet again.

The cycle is near impossible to break especially when the eating is a cover for deeper-seeded personal issues, i know. You need to try to start fresh, think each day is the start of your new life. Corny yes, but its definately the way i beat it. And as the weight falls off as you kerb your bad eating, you'll feel alot better. You'll see the big picture then, and nothing will be past you. Nothing will bend your resolve. I know as you're reading this you'll think it to be rubbish. But I've been there friend, and it wasn't until i made the first step that it made sense.

Everyone here definately hears your pain, but I know your pain. We're all here for you friend.
I was overweight and unfit because I ate badly. I had bad eating habits. I had to break those habits, and form new habits of eating and being more active. That can be very hard for some people, I don't know why I suddenly found it so easy - maybe because I am a very obsessive person, and for the first time in my life, I became interested in my own health! I really didn't suffer - hardly had any hunger pains or cravings (ok, except for booze - I still have that one, and er... sometimes cave in to it ;) ) because I ate really well - just that I switched to healthy food such as fruit, salads, wholegrains, and fish - whereas before I habitually ate junk - processed and fried foods, cakes, fatty burgers, brie cheese, custard tarts, chocolate biscuits, port wine, too much beer, etc.

How I dealt with it is going to be different for another person, but here are a few of the methods that I used:
  • Visualise the person that you would like to be - thats probably the person that you really are. Become that person.
  • Don't buy junk food - don't buy any bad foods at the supermarket - chuck the junk in the bin and stock up with good wholesome fresh foods. If you need to snack, no problem - just snack on something nutritious.
  • Learn about nutrition and healthy living - there is lots of good information on the Net - use it and gain an education. Discover what foods are bad for you, and regard them as poison. I call certain aisles in my local superstores as Evil Aisles - I don't go down them anymore, I'm now better than that now.
  • Become more active NOW! Start walking, in my opinion, its a great exercise to start with. Get a medical check up, ask your doctor about increasing your exercise activities. When you are ready, start introducing other suitable exercises into your life - find out which activities you enjoy.
  • Its cliche - but don't just diet, take on a new lifestyle, break old habits, form new habits, don't just slim - but learn how to live healthily for life - and learn how to really start enjoying life!
  • Start now - your new life starts here, and DONT put up obstacles that are not really there - we do that all of the time.

Well, I'm just a n00b at this, and as I always say, horses for courses, but its really up to the op.
not to sound repetative but ill be ur friend too! just dont be so down on urself...its great that u realized that u need a change...and theres never a bad time to start...i really think u can do it...and im sure that ur wife and especially ur children all love u, so get urself in shape and get them back! i really think u can do it! this site will help you out lots i can garuantee it, you should make a diary and look around other peoples to get ideas as to what u can start doing as far as diet and exercise!
ok sorry gotta make another post to what i just said...i just read that ur wife wants to leave u.....look she told you the reason its because apparently ur "too fat" for her...so thats alright man, that means theres still hope you can lose this weight and get her back, dont give up so easy!