I was overweight and unfit because I ate
badly. I had bad eating
habits. I had to break those habits, and form new habits of eating and being more active. That can be very hard for some people, I don't know why I suddenly found it so easy - maybe because I am a very obsessive person, and for the first time in my life, I became interested in my own health! I really didn't suffer - hardly had any hunger pains or cravings (ok, except for booze - I still have that one, and er... sometimes cave in to it
) because I ate really well - just that I switched to healthy food such as fruit, salads, wholegrains, and fish - whereas before I habitually ate junk - processed and fried foods, cakes, fatty burgers, brie cheese, custard tarts, chocolate biscuits, port wine, too much beer, etc.
How I dealt with it is going to be different for another person, but here are a few of the methods that I used:
- Visualise the person that you would like to be - thats probably the person that you really are. Become that person.
- Don't buy junk food - don't buy any bad foods at the supermarket - chuck the junk in the bin and stock up with good wholesome fresh foods. If you need to snack, no problem - just snack on something nutritious.
- Learn about nutrition and healthy living - there is lots of good information on the Net - use it and gain an education. Discover what foods are bad for you, and regard them as poison. I call certain aisles in my local superstores as Evil Aisles - I don't go down them anymore, I'm now better than that now.
- Become more active NOW! Start walking, in my opinion, its a great exercise to start with. Get a medical check up, ask your doctor about increasing your exercise activities. When you are ready, start introducing other suitable exercises into your life - find out which activities you enjoy.
- Its cliche - but don't just diet, take on a new lifestyle, break old habits, form new habits, don't just slim - but learn how to live healthily for life - and learn how to really start enjoying life!
- Start now - your new life starts here, and DONT put up obstacles that are not really there - we do that all of the time.
Well, I'm just a n00b at this, and as I always say,
horses for courses, but its really up to the op.