I hate my broad shoulders!

You have hit the nail on the head with your last comment, you don't feel feminine. That is the only real issue. I am not judging or criticising having been the total opposite and worked to hide it. All I am saying is the issue is in your mind alone, no-one will look at you and think you are masculine.

I was very scrawny and had pathetically slim frame. I hated it and have built on it to hide it. Reality was no-one thought me less of a man before and if anything my lifestyle and activities of the time brought me more female attention than after a few years of iron.

Best judge of how masculine or feminine you are is usually the opposite gender not your own. Below are generalisations and all generalisations are wrong, but these are often right.
Men look at body builders and see He-man etc. from their youth, and aspire to be more like them. Women look at them and cringe saying they are too big and bulky.
Women look at super models etc. and admire their tiny frames and think of Barbie. Men look at the likes of Vic Beckham and wonder what they are supposed to be admiring, there are words for men liking figures normally found on 12 year old girls and they aren't nice. Real men like real women and they describe them with the figure 8 hand gestures.
CrazyOldMan is right on the money. Morlune, you may not feel feminine, but you definitely look it.