Weight-Loss I HATE fish.



New member
HATE IT. I don't like the smell of it, or the look of it. I don't eat tuna, so don't ask. lol I will eat some shrimp, if it's tiny and breaded...so, that's not healthy.

I know how good fish is for you. Is there anyone else out there who hates fish and found a recipe to make it taste good? I'm not talking about the "kind of don't like the flavor" people. I mean the "gag when you put it in your mouth" people.

Help! :svengo:
I hate all fishy things apart from white fish (cod) in a light sauce or in bread crumbs... Prob cos it don't take much like fish then :D I gag when I eat muscles, but they are awesome for ya, have to hold my nose and forece em down so know how ya feel :D
Fish is really healthy stuff. If you don't eat that, then you should probably have a couple fish oil capsules a day.
Fish is healthy sure. So is another 6 dozen other things. not everyone in the world eats fish. So find something else. It's not like skipping fish will cause you to suffer some weird malnutrition. You can get the same nutrients from other, non-fish sources.
Okay. I respect your opinion.

Now, is there anyone else that doesn't like fish, who has any ideas? My boyfriend loves fish, and my daughter does, too. I'd love to find something we'd all enjoy.
If you're thinking in lines of seafood, how about calamari? It doesn't have that fishy smell and taste.
Yeah I would go with fish oil pills if I were you. Just need a few a day, and if you get the right kind there's no fish burps or taste or smell at all..I'm sure your boyfriend and daughter would not be offended if you had a salad or something and weren't eating the exact same thing they were..because if you don't like fish well then you don't like fish haha
White fish is generally the 'safest'. Tilapia is a good starter fish because it rarely tastes 'fishy'. You might try it braised in coconut milk until it gets flakey?

I can't quite say I'm a full fish hater - I've always been able to eat canned tuna, even though that was it as I was younger. I've branched out and also like salmon - but parts of it can be 'fishy'. Seared ahi tuna is another good one, but again if you can't handle it you may want to try tilapia, or maybe cod.
Also, while a couple of things that comes from fish are reeeeeeally really really hard to get from other places, there are alternatives that also has a lot of the "harder to get" trace things and nutrients like.. innards in general, liver especially... some people love liver, I have it... makes me sick.. but.. if you like it it is a good way to get most things besides omega 3 and the sunshine vitamin.
If by healthy you mean things like omega 3s you might as well find it in another food source. The healthiest fishes are usually the large red meat looking ones (like tuna and salmon) or the small oily fishes (like mackerel, herring, and sardines) but these also tend to be the "fishiest". So by just sticking to the safe white fishes like tilapia and cod you are missing quite a bit of health benefits anyway.

Do you want to eat small oily fishes?

Just find other foods to eat.
Honestly I'm still not understanding the dilemma here. There are plenty of cultures that don't eat fish and are perfectly healthy. Eating fish is not a requirement for good health. Everything that you need can be found in other food sources and if you still feel that you're shorting yourself of something, you can take a fish oil capsule to get the benefit of the fatty acids that you need.

Fish is not a requirement. If you don't like it, then don't eat it.
Perhaps the dilemma is mostly about the massive "YOU NEED FISH OR YOUR BRAINZ WILL DIE AND YOU WILL GET CANCER AND PARKINSONS AND PLAGUE AND BOILS AND GREEN SKIN" thing that has been going on... on this side of the pond society more or less went into a fish feeding frenzy after some random BBC documentary where a cook explained how he was afraid of his daughter becoming a retard if she didn't eat more fish... which is just dumb :)

As a sidenote if you want to keep your brain going for the rest of your life, learn a second language good enough that you can associate freely using that language and listen to music that is both emotionally and rhythmically stimulating. That'll build up your neural network and keep the brain exercised, no omega 3 fatty acid can do that for you.
Again, Kara...I respect your opinion. If that's all you have to input, though, there's no need to repeat yourself. You've said the same thing again and again.

Honestly, I was just seeing if there were good recipes out there that didn't taste TOO fishy. I use to eat fish, but then lost the taste for it after a really bad stomach flu. I'd like to ease back into it, mostly for the fact that it will open up SO many more recipes I can make.

It's not just the Omega 3's...which I get with flax seed. I just want some suggestions. Not, "Don't eat it." Well...yeah...that's what I've BEEN doing. Now, I'd like to try something different.:biggrinjester:

Tilapia is such a light tasting fish you wont even notice it. My parents fed it to me when I was older and told me it was chicken. Bread it in whole wheat bread crumbs and just fry it in a bit of butter or olive oil or whatever (not pam please)

mmm i love it
You were pretty strong in the definition of your feelings about fish - "hate", "makes me gag" etc ... I guess I just don't get why you'd want to try eat something that makes you gag.


Anyway, good luck.
Kara - K.

Shore- Thank you! That was exactly the info I was looking for. I'll have to try it!