'I Can't stop eating' Club


New member
Hello everyone,

Are u one of those whenever U start eating, U can't stop type? Whenever u ate something bad, u'll be like screw the diet and eat junk until u drop..
Start eating when ur feeling lonely, emotional, unhappy etc?
U can't resist the 'oh-so yummy' food and just start eating until u're actually exploding & feeling sick afterwards?

well... CONGRATULATIONS!, couz ur not the only one!! Members of these club have exactly the same problem as u!! but.. we want to CHANGE!!!

The journey towards a better & healthier life is a long long long long one... Thats why we need motivation & support.. couz...

From today on (27/9), we're going to start our journeys towards a better & healthier life:
  • Weight-ins every SUNDAY
  • Set goals & challenges for the week
  • Sharing feedback & feelings of ur day
  • the most IMPORTANT: Motivating & Supporting each other

Anyone who wants to join our club towards our goal, please feel free to do so! :)
Just leave a message, introduce urself (how much u want to lose, weight etc), share ur life story with us! :)

'The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving'

hello, no1 posted their weight yet?

ok ill post mine meanwhile

let me put my starting weight to begin with.

so 93kg at the start, i dont remember the date ill check that n let ya know. this morning the scale showered:

87.7kg, so
WEEK 1: 27/09 - 3/10

Hey Sam! :) How was ur day?, Maybe U can put ur goal as well :)

was in a hurry this morning so didnt have time to post..
Started at... 85kg on 14/07/09

Goal: 62 kg by 01/05/2010 = Graduation Day! :)

Ok My 1st Weigh-in...

27/09/09: 78.5kg

Goals/Challenges 1st week:
- Min 2 L water per day
- Min 2x sport/ exercise this week

anything u want to add?

good luck this week!!! :)
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you gonna do it shoppa, im pretty sure.

my day was great yesterday. i went to the cinema wid my guy, mum and sis but latter on i and my guy went for dinner at the restaurant and u can guess that it was not so health.

last week i admit i was very often at the restaurant but i worked hard at the gym , lol
this week i then put my goal to at least 1kg loss.

i really hope ill do it

abt water, i drink a bit more like the 2 litter
Heyy Sam,

Im sure U'll manage! just try to eat slowly when ur going out for dinner, I've noticed that u'll get so full that u can't even finish ur plate.. and try to skip the dessert :) I think going out for dinner is allowed! its like a reward for ur week.. but try not to go too often!! :)

anyways I had a really good day yesterday!! Im planning to sport today.. so hopefully I'll have a good day again..

Abt the water.. haha I think I drink also more than 2L.. but its like a minimum u have too reach.. so thats ok!!

good luck to you!! and we'll stay in touch!!
Hey girls! Sorry for not posting yesterday, but I had a really crappy day and I was feeling pretty down I like didnt even get up. Damn crappy weekend but mehh, whatever it's monday, beautiful day, new week and I'm really excited about this :) I know that supporting each other is what's gonna get me through this.

Ok so

28/09/2009 - Weight: 57kg

Goal: 48/9 (Hopefully toned, I'm so tired of every inch of my body jiggling whenver i walk -.-)

Starting Weight: 70kg sometime last year :p

Goals/Challenges 1st week:
- Min 2 L water per day (this will be a hardddd one for me I only drink like a lt)
- Min 2x sport/ exercise this week
*No Cereal Bars! That's a personal challenge, I'm totally addicted :p

Talk to you sooonnnn!! :)
:) Yay first day's overrrrrr. I was really hungry during the morning so i ate a little too much but I didn't screw up calorie wise, hopefully tomorrow I'll do even better. I didn't drink 2lt of water D: though i'll try to tomorrow, i'll just take a bottle of water with me wherever I go cos otherwise I just end up drinking diet soda.
Anyway, talk to you tomorrow girls, night. :sleeping:
Hi guys!

Maybe you can come up with a list of things you can do to distract you when you have the craving for junk??? Or what about a list of things you can say to yourself like "eating this doughnut will not fill that need".

i dunno, just ideas! good luck!
Hi guys!

Maybe you can come up with a list of things you can do to distract you when you have the craving for junk??? Or what about a list of things you can say to yourself like "eating this doughnut will not fill that need".

i dunno, just ideas! good luck!

Hey Korrie,
THats actually a pretty good idea :) thnx for ur tip!!!

Cam> OMG did u lose 13 kg already!!! thats really good! how did u manage that!! really good that u started good! :D just try to remind urself to drink water after u went to the toilet :p thats what I do.. something out.. something in hahahaha :p it works though... about the cereal bars.. I think u shouldnt completely stop them, otherwise u will grave for them even more.. just eat them as a snack or something and then like only 3 times in the first week.. and then 2times 2nd week like that.. I think that work better...

I had a pretty good day too!! did a bit of sport.. and 2L water :D woehoe.. but today im going for lunch with a friend.. hopefully I won't screw up then..

Any ideas for distracting urself when u have gravings?
Here's what I have:
  • Have a bath...
  • Call a friend and talk for hours :p
  • Go for a walk
  • Drink 2 big glasses of water

anything else? :)
Hey girls! How are you?
I had a pretty good day yesterday, everything okay calorie wise although I did have a treat :p it was only 90cal though but still not as healthy as it could have been. Still struggling to drink at least 2lt of water, i've been doing what you recommended Rainie xD and it's pretty useful once you get used to it, it's like you balance things out by drinking water after every time you pee :p
The ideas you girls gave to fight cravings are really good! I'll be sure to try them.
Anyway have a great day, talk to you soooon.
Hi Everyone!

My name is Melissa. I'm 23 years old, 5'8 and 180lbs officially. I am considered overweight but if you met me in person you wouldn't presume so. My body is well proportioned and I am very strong, I have spent a couple years kick-boxing before I injured myself last year and my father is a herbal supplement manufacturer, so I know my stuff. I have helped many of my friends and family get back into shape as well as customers I met while working at a health store. This is why I am here.

I found this group when I googled, "I can't stop eating", in an attempt to gather more information regarding a problem I am now facing. I will give you some of my background before I explain the problem.

A couple months ago, I hit the lowest point of my life. I was date-raped by a close friend of mine. My apartment got broken into and all of my expensive stuff was gone. I was doing club drugs all the time and smoking instead of eating because I couldn't afford food. I knew if I didn't change my situation I would be dead by next year, so I cut off all of the people I was hanging out with, quit smoking and moved back in with my mother.

Next thing I knew, I was spending every free minute at home eating. I couldn't control myself. If I saw food, I ate it. I ate when I was hungry, mad, happy, sad, confused, whatever. At night, I would eat myself to sleep, then, I would wake up with terrible stomach aches and eat to soothe the pain. I watched the food network, I cooked for everyone all the time. I would bake cookies and eat them all myself (in my defense I really thought I would spare one or two, but I would end up eating them). I did the craziest things imaginable. I knew I was gaining weight, my clothing didn't fit anymore but it didn't bother me because I could still wear sweat pants. Instead of being addicted to cigarettes, I am now addicted to food, it's a blow to my ego but I am not afraid to admit it.

The proper name for this disorder is "Complusive Overeating", a medical condition to which you could recieve treatment at a mental institution. It is categorized as an eating disorder and suggests depression as an accomplice. Believing this is something I suffer from, I called my doctor and made an appointment. I should have spent that time and energy at the gym. His insight was hollow and his only suggestion was that I went on anti-depressants. Had he read the labels of what he prescribes, he'd understand that most of them make you gain weight and if I want to get more hungry I will indulge in marijuana, not zoloft.

If anyone feels they suffer from this or they know someone who is, google it first and get informed. Speak to a doctor, just don't talk to mine because he is an idiot.

This brings me to my next point and the conclusion of this very long post. I need support. I just want some people to talk to who will understand what I am going through. It's hard to lose weight but it's an invigorating challenge.

I hope I have no offended anyone and if anyone has questions, please feel free to message me. I wish everyone all the best and good luck on your journey.
Hey Perelle, welcome!
I just read your post and wow... First of all congratulations on getting rid of the people that were being a bad influence on your life, I know it's hard (been there) and it takes a lot of will power to be able to do that, so you CAN control your food cravings, you have the necessary will power, it's just a matter of learning how to use it.
I'm still trying to do it, everyday is a struggle, just half an hour ago all I wanted was to eat some pizza that my dad ordered, and I was so close to doing it but I just kept thinking about weight in day and how if this support group can't get me through this, nothing will, so I didn't eat pizza, I did have a bit more food than usual but I made healthy choices.

I'm pretty sure I have this Compulsive Overeating disorder too, since depression is what triggered it and now I’ve gotten used to using food to calm me down or make me feel better, but it's not the answer, cos every time I give in and eat till I wanna puke I feel worse about myself and just end up eating more and more and more...

I don't wanna lead a life controlled by food and I can see that you don't wanna either so hopefully this forum will help us get our lives back on track. An important thing to remember is that we usually use food to fill a void inside, maybe something in our past we haven't dealt with. Did you ever go to therapy for the date rape incident? If not then maybe it'd be helpful for you to try that. Lately I’ve been seeing a psychologist to help me deal with the problems that got me to where I am and even though it's a very slow process I really feel like it'll help me out in the long run.

Anyway hope to see you here often :)
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Hey girls!
First of all, Welcome Perelle!! :) WOW.. Im totally shocked while reading ur message.. I think ur so brave and strong.. Not sure how I would have dealt with it.. anyways.. I'm pretty sure I have compulsive overeating disorder too.. and it was also caused by an emotional thing I guess.. But if I compare to u, its like nothing though..

It's like I can't control myself.. I just eat.. eat.. eat... I keep eating until I wanna puke, just what Cam (neveragain) said.. but then I still keep eating.. and then the next morning I feel sick but then I still keep eating.. It's really really really bad.. I wanted to see a doctor too.. but I was too embarrassed, so I never had the courage to do so... But I was aware of my depression and disorder.. so I tried to fight it.. my friends supported me a lot fortunately.. that's what has brought me here today.. Still I think it's really hard to change from a total overeating life to a 'healthier/ not thinking of food/ eating food the entire day life'.. its a huge step.. but I think I'm already doing lots and lots better.. at least 4 days in a week I'll eat healthy.. and on the day I did eat junk, I wouldnt eat as much as I used to... its a start... But I still have a long way to go..

I'm sure together we can manage.. the biggest problem for me is that I tend to eat so much when I'm feeling lonely, bored, sad etc. I think it will help a bit by going on this forum and just share ur thoughts and emotions.. that will already calm u down a bit.. and not starting to eat like crazy!!

Cam> I'm happy to hear my tips actually work :) Keep up the good work and reward urself now and then!

I was doing pretty well until today.. was at school doing project and all the girls were eating sweets, chocolate etc. So I just couldnt resist... at least I didnt overeat until I'm over full.. so that good :)!!
I sported twice this week :) yeahhhh... water wise is also ok :)

Keep up tha good work!! and we can do it!! looking forward for the weighing in day!!!

Keep me updated!!!
Hey girls, what's up? how was your day?

I've been having a pretty blegh day, yesterday too, I don't know what's up with me i've been having reaaally bad cravings. Today I was stressed all day, kept thinking about food, ended up going over my calories (had a little over 1500cal D; ) and ate a shitload of carbs. I just kept gettin snacks like rice cakes, or cereal bars or granola cookies which have a shitload of calories, carbs and sugar but whatever, I'm still somewhat proud of myself cos even though I ate "bad" stuff I was able to control myself during lunch with my friends, we ordered sushi and I had tuna sashimi and this temaki thing thats rice wrapped in seaweed (it's shaped like a cone) with avocado and shrimps ( 5 small ones), so all I had was the avocado and shrimps, I did use some soy sauce and tamarind sauce (this one by mistake, didn't know it wasn't soy sauce and hated it :p), for dessert my friend served strawberries but they had sugarrrr and I didn't notice till I started eating them D: but meh I added it to my food log and it wasn't THAT bad. At night my dad told me to meet him at applebees and I just told him I wasnt hungry :). It's my favourite restaurant ever and they have amazinggg burgers and desserts but since I had so much crap during the day I just kept saying to myself "you can't eat this, you'll screw up your diet, today wasn't that bad after all".

So that's all, every day's a struggle but I'm happy that my screw ups aren't as fucked up as they used to be, although I still have the urge to eat till my stomach hurts every day.

Anyway, talk to you soon girls :)
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Can't sleep x_x

Okay so I'm reaaaaally bored and I can't sleep so might as well spam this thread a little :p
Found this on the Diary section of the forum, maybe you girls can answer it too so we can learn a bit more about each other (although we've already talked about some of the questions).

1. What is your current height and weight? 1.58cm (5'2" I think) and last Sunday I was 57kg (125/6 lb), let's hope it's lower than that now :p

2. If you were at an ideal weight now, what would that weight be? 49/50 kg and toned, it doesn't matter how much I weight if nothing's tight

3. At what weight would you like to be at four months from now? hopefully 50kg at least and working out to be toned.

4. Why do you want to lose weight? I honestly think that I won't be able to be happy until I like myself, and to get there I need to have a body that I'm comfortable with. I know that I have to learn to love myself (have to work on my self-esteem) cos otherwise no matter what the scale says, it'll never be enough... but I’m working on it.

5. Do you want to lose weight for a specific life event such as wedding or reunion? If so, when is that event? Not really, but when I was heavier (still happens sometimes) I wouldn't go out a lot cos I didn't want people seeing me and judging me and thinking about how fat I was. It was pretty bad and I'd end up staying home and eating till I couldn't take anymore and then I'd cry or just think about how much I hated my life. I'm glad I'm over that (mostly), whenever I have bad days I try to avoid going out but I’m getting better at controlling those emotions.

6. What obstacles could get between you and your weight loss goals? My thoughts, cravings, parties (alcohol, drugs), going out for lunch (people always want you eating crap when they are for some weird reason).

7. Why do you think that you now have a weight problem? Because I use food to avoid dealing with my emotions, and that's not what it's for.

8. What lifestyle changes do you think would help you lose weight? Eating healthy food (and having a healthy relationship with food), working out, learning to have "healthy" cheat days (like eating a few squares of chocolate and not the whole bar and then everything that's in the fridge).

9. Have you lost weight in the past? If so, what has worked in the past to help you lose weight? Um just cutting back on calories, working out a bit more, making healthier food choices.

10. Why do you believe that you did not lose weight or you gained the weight back? Because I kept wanting things to change overnight and when they didn't I'd just eat and eat and eat..

11. What, if anything, has not worked for you in the past in helping you to lose weight? Why do you think it did not work? Trying stupid diets that were too extreme to follow

12. Would you try writing down all food and drink consumed for a given period of time? I'm trying although it's hard keeping track of calories sometimes. I don't wanna get too obsessed though cos then I start to get stressed when I'm going out to dinner or whatever cos restaurants don't have nutritional labels -.- like most of the stuff I eat at home(you should be able to ask for the nutritional info, seriously, it'd make life so much easier, and if you don't wanna know then you just don't ask).

13. Do you cook at home often? If so, what do you cook? Um sometimes, I’m not a great cook but I’ll have to learn cos when someone else is cooking I get all annoyed when they use too much oil or wine or anything that adds empty calories.
14. How often do you go out to eat? Where do you go? Ugh once or twice a week, I'm really trying to keep it to a minimum cos my friends love fast food and my favorite restaurant everrr is Applebee’s so it's hard to control yourself when going to those places. The healthier choice is sushi but the yummier stuff is high in calories too so meh.

15. What are your three favorite foods? Gnocchi, Applebee's bacon cheeseburger with fries and ummm sushi I think
16. What are your three favorite restaurants? This place near my house that makes amazing sandwiches, Applebee's and Uptown sushi.

17. What are three things you can do differently when it comes to food? Less refined carbs, smaller portions, more water.

18. If you woke up tomorrow and your body was exactly the way you want it, what would be different? Thinner legs, no love handles, toned arms, toned everything really :p
19. Do you eat when you are not hungry? yep
20. Do you binge eat (large amounts at a time)? indeed
21. Do you hide your food or eat in secret? I have and still do sometimes
22. Do you eat when you are sad, nervous, or depressed? Yup
23. Do you eat as a reward? Sometimes
24. Do you eat while watching TV or using the computer? Yes
25. What do you normally eat for a meal? uhh it changes often
26. What type of snacks do you eat? right now I’m trying to eat fruit, yogurt and diet flan but usually cereal bars, granola cookies, cereal, carbscarbscarbs
27. In terms of exercise, what, if anything, are you currently doing?
umm riding my bike sometimes and trying to start a strength routine (still have a longgg way to go)
28. Where do you go for exercise? A local public gym? School/work gym? Home? Home
29. What, if anything, are your three favorite types of exercise?
Umm yeah still not a big fan, riding my bike's the only thing I like so far xD
30. What is your daily/weekly/monthly/yearly motivation to move towards your goals? Right now this website :p and the fact that I just can't let myself ruin my life any longer.
31. Do you have rewards for certain goals? Just feeling better about myself

Ok... that was long xD anyway at least now I’m sleepy so sorry for posting that :p! Night:)
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Any ideas for distracting urself when u have cravings?
Here's what I have:
  • Have a bath...
  • Call a friend and talk for hours :p
  • Go for a walk
  • Drink 2 big glasses of water

anything else? :)

  • sugar free gum - you cannot eat while chewing it and it lasts for ages and has next to no calories
  • nibble something low calorie instead - e.g celery or other raw veg
Hi Girls!

Thank you for the very warm and much appreciated welcome. I am no stronger than any of you, trust me. We must decide what we want first and then go for our goals, no matter what they may be-emotional, physically, spiritual etc. And we are all whole and complete, perfect the way God made us.
On that note, I am so very happy I am not alone in my struggle. I have been watching my diet, getting out of the house and doing things with my friends to keep my mind off food. I even leave all of my money at home so I don't buy any candy or silly snacks when I am out. I also met 2 guys, one on thursday and one on friday. They both asked me out so I'm going to have a busy schedule next week :D I found this really awesome picture I want to show you girls but I don't know how to post them. If you do, please msg me and tell me how (lol).
OH and, I just smoked a j, it's 3am, here you go:

RE: ME mememem ME!

1. What is your current height and weight? 5'8 and let's say 178lbs.

2. If you were at an ideal weight now, what would that weight be? 135lbs and a bit toned.

3. At what weight would you like to be at four months from now? Realistically if I put my heart and soul into this I can reach my goal weight by then.

4. Why do you want to lose weight? I honestly think that I won't be able to be happy until I like myself, and to get there I need to have a body that I'm comfortable with. I know that I have to learn to love myself (have to work on my self-esteem) cos otherwise no matter what the scale says, it'll never be enough... but I’m working on it.

5. Do you want to lose weight for a specific life event such as wedding or reunion? Yes, my mother's best friend is getting married in January and I need to look hot in a dress for my date.

6. What obstacles could get between you and your weight loss goals? Nutella, ice cream, olive bread, sushi, cereal, candy, reality tv shows, birthday cakes, buffets, binge drinking (but not really), miss vicky's salt and vinegar chips, watching the food network and helping my brother cook = diet failure.

7. Why do you think that you now have a weight problem? Because I use food to avoid dealing with my emotions, and that's not what it's for.

8. What lifestyle changes do you think would help you lose weight? I need to let go of sugars and stop staying up late at night.

9. Have you lost weight in the past? If so, what has worked in the past to help you lose weight? I have been up and down twice before, I lose the most amount of weight by cutting out sugar and working out regularly in the morning.

10. Why do you believe that you did not lose weight or you gained the weight back? A big breakup, surgery and then a back problem. Plus smoking weed and pigging out at night before I go to bed.

11. What, if anything, has not worked for you in the past in helping you to lose weight? Why do you think it did not work? All of my diets have worked, I have sabotaged myself, I take complete blame.

12. Would you try writing down all food and drink consumed for a given period of time? No way, I do better if I don't pay attention to what I am eating and I just stick by what I feel is best.

13. Do you cook at home often? If so, what do you cook?I cook 99% of my meals, all vegetarian and I am pretty creative with what I make, I am always told I should be a chef.
14. How often do you go out to eat? Where do you go? Maybe once every 2 weeks, I don't go very often but I always order salads.

15. What are your three favorite foods? OMgomgoggmgomg.. oh man. nonna-made gnocci, nutella crepes,olive bread.

16. What are your three favorite restaurants? Fusion Sushi in Manhatten Beach, ca. The 9 at the Palms in Vegas, Rosas Mexcian Food

17. What are three things you can do differently when it comes to food?
1. Stop obsessing over how awesome food can taste
2. Stop giving into my chocolate fixation
3. Eat only during the day

18. If you woke up tomorrow and your body was exactly the way you want it, what would be different? Everything! My whole body must transform!
19. Do you eat when you are not hungry? If I am home, sure.
20. Do you binge eat (large amounts at a time)? Until I'm in pain, and I have a high pain threshold.
21. Do you hide your food or eat in secret? Yes but I leave all of my plates haha
22. Do you eat when you are sad, nervous, or depressed? Yes, no and yes.
23. Do you eat as a reward? YES!!!
24. Do you eat while watching TV or using the computer? Tv yes, computer no.
25. What do you normally eat for a meal? Vegetables, whatever I can throw together that will taste good. I also eat a lot of fruit, cottage cheese and salmon.
26. What type of snacks do you eat? I don't snack, I either eat a full meal or I don't.
27. In terms of exercise, what, if anything, are you currently doing? Haven't been to the gym in a whole month, due to a sciatic nerve problem but usually I go 3-4 times per week (hoping to up to to 5 when I get back) and I do 45 mins of cardio and strength training twice a week.
28. Where do you go for exercise? Fitness club, expensive one too.
29. What, if anything, are your three favorite types of exercise? Kickboxing, jogging and skipping.
30. What is your daily/weekly/monthly/yearly motivation to move towards your goals? I got picked up by an ex model- now millionaire last night and he's taking me to get my nails done on monday. I need to lose weight so he can buy me nice clothes too :)
31. Do you have rewards for certain goals? I'm going to do my tattoo once I get back to my normal weight and I am getting a boob job once I reach my goal.
Post photos by setting up an account in - load up the picture and then put in a link. There is an example on page 190 of my diary.

The before / after section is set up differently and we can add photos in a different way there.

We can also load pictures into our album and tell people to look there.

Alternatively load it as your avatar for a spell and let everyone see it whenever you make a posting.
Cool pic perelle, read ur answers and lol I remember when I used to get the munchies, it was effing insane how fast i'd eat. The only way to avoid that is sleeping when you start to get hungry otherwise u're screwed, I haven't smoked in months and I remember when I was trying to be "healthy" I'd eat like salads or crackers but I'd end up eating a shitload anyway :p.

So girls no one came to the sunday weigh in! What the...
xD meh I'm guilty too i pigged OUTTTT this weekend, everything was pretty decent until friday when I went out and I just screwed up and then sent everything to hell, i've been overeating and being a damn pig all weekend, ugh I can't keep this upppp, and my schedules are all screwed up, I've been falling asleep at 6 or 7am since friday, stupid weekend -.-
Anyway tomorrow I'll have to start ALL over again, I probably even gained weight D: I HAVE to stop this.
I hope you had a better week than I did and good luck with the hot millionaire perelle ;)