I came to a revelation today

Until about a year ago I was always the type of guy who just lifted weights, ate like crap and did no form of cardio or endurance training. Then I bought an elliptical machine mostly for heart health, but in the process started losing body fat. When the weight loss stalled I ended up joining this forum and did a total 180 on my diet and even improved my lifting routine. I've lost about 35 lbs and I'm sitting around 10% BF

Anyway, I was lifting this morning and heard a spot on the radio about an upcoming 5K race. I'm going to do it! I've been looking into race calendars on line and I feel pretty excited about it. I figure I'll start with 5K since I know I could run that right now and maybe expand from that. There's also an annual "climb the Carew Tower" in Cincinnati (45 floors) benefiting the American Lung Association.

I'll be around pumping you guys for info. First of all, I'll need some advice about shoes, especially since I have occasional knee pain.
Sorry for the semi-threadjack, but what elliptical did you choose, and do you like it? I am going out this weekend to shop for one and could use some input.

I got the Schwinn 418 (well, I got that after my walmart cheapo broke down 3 times in 4 months) The Schwinn is relativley low priced (can be had for around $800 although full retail is about $1100), but has been very reliable. I've had no problems with it.

I got it because it was a consumer reports best buy and seemed the most reliable without seriously stepping up and forking over $3000 for a machine
Cool, did you manage to maintain all your strength during that time?

I did. In fact, my legs got a lot stronger because I largely neglected them before. Most of my upper body lifts stagnated at a certain point, but I haven't lost any. Even some upper body things increased, like rows because I never really did much of them before...and of course pull ups increased because I got lighter.

At first, my arms actually grew 1/4 inch, then they went down a little, but I think it was just a thin layer of fat I lost...I have veins standing out that I never even knew I had before.
You defy natural, understood and agreed basic science. Its no surprise you experienced muscle growth with your human kitchen appliance. :)

Get inspired. Aspire to do better. Be a go-getter. It will make you feel better!

Good for you, Gooch. With all that you have accomplished in your personal goal quest, it is inspiring, to see you improve the foundation you worked so hard to build. Wake up the juices, baby! :)

GOOD LUCK to you!


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Glad to hear that you're doing this.

I can't offer you any sound advice other than to tell you what shoes I use: Nike Air Pegasus and Asics Duo gels.

Enjoy and prepare
Asics Cumulous 9-


Nice and soft, like runnign on a cumulous cloud.

They EVEN have adjustable shoe strings. you can tie them tite or luse.
Ok, I'll check the shoes you guys suggested. ff, $80 that's pretty good for running shoes isn't it? I expected over $100

Does New Balance make any really good ones? I've always liked the way their cross trainers fit me.

I'm going to the local high school track tomorrow and bust out 3 miles. When I did steady state, I would do over 6 and I do about 2.2 for my hiit sessions, but that's on an elliptical. I have no idea how that will equate to pounding the pavement

And thanks for the kind words Chillen
Ok, I'll check the shoes you guys suggested. ff, $80 that's pretty good for running shoes isn't it? I expected over $100

Does New Balance make any really good ones? I've always liked the way their cross trainers fit me.

Whether a shoe is good largely depends on how well it fits.
I had to log back in for you on this Gooch-

You will find a great relief in "the run." It is out doors training, and you will get better fast. When you can just pull your truck over get out and run for miles, it feels very powerful.

the events- big or small, have an energy you can find no other place. there will always bbe better thans, and worse thans, and within a mile there is a connection between all the athletes.

when you have event, your trainign takes on meaning. When you get a bib number you become "a racer." When you finish you have raced, participated, MADE IT! It's awesom man!

I am very happy for you.
How long is the 5k in miles?
I've been thinking about joing a marathon or race too, but the longest i've ever run was a 10KM so I don't know which one to go for.

Good luck man!
5k is 3.1 miles. 10k is 6.2 miles, which is 20.2 miles less than a marathon. Why not do a 10K first and then move up to the marathon?
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Thanks for the encouragement. When I start training on my own I'll know where I stand. Hell, maybe I'll be up for 10k, who knows? Marathon sounds crazy, but maybe one day
You need to keep on, don't lose confidence. I ever learned the horse training course, however, I failed to at the beginning. I get confidence after I join the horsematch.com. there you may get encourage and help from other users. You may have a try. Good luck!