I ask for your prayers..

Damn RWS so sorry to hear that. But it sounds like you have a kick ass attitude. Never stop the fight bro.
I know a couple people with this and they lead normal lives. You can do it man!
leg day went pretty well today actually, I was leg pressing 6 plates with no symptoms... I am seeing a pattern here, as long as I don't have to grip things really hard I am generally OK.

So leg press went ok, stiff leg deadlifts was not working, calf raises was good, and leg curls didn't work out.

Thanks for that video man, that was hopeful.

You should probably convey this to your doc, I dunno if it could be significant, but the fact that you get symptoms quickly when you have to grip stuff could say something about the location of where the attack has/is doing the most damage.

Stay strong, bro! I know you'll get this under control!
leg day went pretty well today actually, I was leg pressing 6 plates with no symptoms... I am seeing a pattern here, as long as I don't have to grip things really hard I am generally OK.

So leg press went ok, stiff leg deadlifts was not working, calf raises was good, and leg curls didn't work out.

Thanks for that video man, that was hopeful.

Has the doctor said anything about physical therapy?

I know that is one of the treatments, and maybe a physical therapist can help you find the right balance for you to continue to workout and keep yourself strong :)

I'm speechless. I'm also now convinced that I have no God-like healing powers because I really tried to throw some influence your way. This being mortal thing really sucks!

I know this may sound odd...but let me run this by you. Don't jump the gun to where this is heading. One day, inevitably, we all die. If each of us were told the very date that we'd expire, it's ruin our heads, destroy our lives and make things very stressful...and that's entirely because we now have a date/time and "occurance" that is for certain. It frames in perspective the very event which makes it all the more real. Indeed, we entirely suspend in disbelief the real notion of our own demise...and that's because we don't have a date...it could happen anytime, so we relegate it to some distant time and learn to put it out of our mind.

That said...all that has happened with you is that you've been given not a date, but a condition that has forced and brought forth the similar "event horizon"....no longer can you suspend your mortality in disbelief...you don't have a date, but you have a cause and issues you'll have to deal with....so it makes it all the more real.

Experience is what you get when you expect one thing and get another. Life is an experience. It's hard to make lemonade from lemons, but as much as possible let these circumstances inspire you to enjoy life even more AND to fight this thing as long as possible. There are many great medications and technology is making progress every day. It ain't over till it's over...and it's damn far from over!!! Rage against the machine, be the light that inspires others and don't accept any fate other then that which you choose for yourself.

There is nobody in life who, at some point. doesn't curse into the sky and ask "why me?"....the fact is, into each life so shall fall a little rain. It's just a complication and perhaps the very few years it might take away from your life, it may make you enjoy and cherish the MANY years you do have all the more. Life isn't about being 200-pounds huge, having a big house, making money or any of that stuff....it's about being happy and intellectually growing & maturing for whatever the next step/stage may be. I think, in the grand scheme of things, this whole life-deal is designed so we never know what's really happening. We don't know the purpose of what it's all about....but it must be to grow, mature and develop....otherwise it's just a circumstantial phenomena. Ya know, change what you can, learn to accept what you can't. I can't say "this too shall come to pass" but it will diminish in terms of being a mentally traumatizing issue and I have every confidence you'll ascend to far better things then you or the doctors will imagine or anticipate.

Here for ya....

- Steve

I'm speechless. I'm also now convinced that I have no God-like healing powers because I really tried to throw some influence your way. This being mortal thing really sucks!

I know this may sound odd...but let me run this by you. Don't jump the gun to where this is heading. One day, inevitably, we all die. If each of us were told the very date that we'd expire, it's ruin our heads, destroy our lives and make things very stressful...and that's entirely because we now have a date/time and "occurance" that is for certain. It frames in perspective the very event which makes it all the more real. Indeed, we entirely suspend in disbelief the real notion of our own demise...and that's because we don't have a date...it could happen anytime, so we relegate it to some distant time and learn to put it out of our mind.

That said...all that has happened with you is that you've been given not a date, but a condition that has forced and brought forth the similar "event horizon"....no longer can you suspend your mortality in disbelief...you don't have a date, but you have a cause and issues you'll have to deal with....so it makes it all the more real.

Experience is what you get when you expect one thing and get another. Life is an experience. It's hard to make lemonade from lemons, but as much as possible let these circumstances inspire you to enjoy life even more AND to fight this thing as long as possible. There are many great medications and technology is making progress every day. It ain't over till it's over...and it's damn far from over!!! Rage against the machine, be the light that inspires others and don't accept any fate other then that which you choose for yourself.

There is nobody in life who, at some point. doesn't curse into the sky and ask "why me?"....the fact is, into each life so shall fall a little rain. It's just a complication and perhaps the very few years it might take away from your life, it may make you enjoy and cherish the MANY years you do have all the more. Life isn't about being 200-pounds huge, having a big house, making money or any of that stuff....it's about being happy and intellectually growing & maturing for whatever the next step/stage may be. I think, in the grand scheme of things, this whole life-deal is designed so we never know what's really happening. We don't know the purpose of what it's all about....but it must be to grow, mature and develop....otherwise it's just a circumstantial phenomena. Ya know, change what you can, learn to accept what you can't. I can't say "this too shall come to pass" but it will diminish in terms of being a mentally traumatizing issue and I have every confidence you'll ascend to far better things then you or the doctors will imagine or anticipate.

Here for ya....

- Steve

That was an awesome post man, all true.

Honestly I am at the point where I need a second opinion on this... I plan on going to the Mayo Clinic before I accept this diagnosis.

My numbness has all but disappeared except in my wrist right now... it left my face, basically all gone from my leg, my hand has much better range of motion.... just my wrist is still a bit numb.

I know MS is like that.. it can come and go, buuuuuut... before I accept such a serious diagnosis I want to know for sure... then I can consider medication... until I know for sure though, I don't want to take any meds, honestly I don't want to ever take any meds at all.

So far I have been doing tons of reading on diet changes that we can make to give ourselves the best chance... I honestly don't understand how nobody has ever been cured from this disease EVER, I just don't believe it, there's gotta be a way....

I have formulated tons of theories on things that might have happened and how I could possibly fix it.... but there is just so much.

Basically if we all just didn't have to eat we would be a lot healthier.... what we need ends up killing us.

To Gofit: my Dr. just kinda told me to test my limits in the gym, if I get symptoms don't do it. Yeah... another reason I don't trust him.
Good for you for getting a second opinion. With a disease like this, I'd definitely get a second opinion, especially before beginning any disease-specific drug therapy. I'm glad you're thinking straight here, RWS!!

I am no stranger to specialists telling me to do one thing (in which case I go and do another). In fact, my GP says "If this works for you, I won't recommend it to any of my patients. If it doesn't work for you, I know it will work for everybody else!"

My experience has been that most patients just want the facts. No wishy-washy crap ... no ifs, ands or buts. Just the facts. Then they can take those facts and apply to them to their lives appropriately. Not everyone is created equally. And all diseases affect people differently. The way I control my Type 1 diabetes and the way my body deals with it is very different from my BF. We're two different people with the same disease. You'd think we'd be the same. We're not. There are many differences. It's the same with any disease.

The bottom line is specialists don't know you from a hole in the ground. They don't have a clue what individuals are made of. They have said things to me and I've walked out of their offices shaking my head in utter disbelief at their arrogance. How dare they tell me these things!!! How dare they impose parameters on me!!! I'm not a statistic!!! Yet they continue to diagnose and give prognoses according to the basic common denominator: Joe Average. It's nothing less than depressing.

You are not Joe Average, RWS. You are an active person who wants to take charge of his life and only you know what your body is capable of doing. Sure, you can keep certain things your doctor has said in the back of your mind, but if I had listened to some doctors I'd seen in the past, I would never have been a gymnast and I would never have been a sprinter.

So go kick some major ass at the Mayo Clinic :)
To Gofit: my Dr. just kinda told me to test my limits in the gym, if I get symptoms don't do it. Yeah... another reason I don't trust him.

Get that second opinion and check out different forms of treatment. The MAyo Clinic is a GREAT place o go. They are medical leaders and are are the forefront of many treatments for a number of things.

I just know that keeping yourself healthy and strong is going to be very beneficial and since you are someone who workouts and eats right, you are ahead of many others.

I'm sure there are more precise instructions to get you headed in the direction that will most benefit you.

Keep strong RWS. We're cheering you on!!!!!

I had a great workout today, didn't really get any numbness at all...

I have totally revamped my diet... I read a ton of articles on MS on the internet and it seems like everything that might cause it, I was doing...

Lots of:

saturated fat
dairy products (yep, that includes whey protein and CC!)

and not a lot of:

Vitamin D
and I could have used more fish oil I spose, although I took it regularly.

SO! I changed my diet to cut out all of the bad stuff and replace it with "better" stuff... more fruits (where I had NONE before) veggies, non gluten containing carbs, yeah... basically it is just a lot more balanced. My only protein sources are uh, fish, and I spose chicken...

Oh and I also eat a lot of peanut butter because the thing my nervous system is attacking is "myelin" and that is a fat tissue surrounding the nerve fibers. I feel a lot less numb after eating lots of fat... perhaps my body is reparing the myelin? I first noticed it when I had 5 servings of PB before bed time. I woke up basically all better...

I would say my numbness has disappeared 95% about. Perhaps I will be the first person to ever self heal themself from this disease...
Wow, it's great to her your symptoms are getting better with your change in diet.

Keep up the good work. It takes a lot of strength to maintain a positive attitude throughout all of this.
I've heard some nasty things about aspartame. Nothing proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, though. The stuff gives me horrible migraines within about 5 minutes of ingesting it, so it obviously does something negative to my body's chemistry ...

I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling so much better!! :) After reading your post, you really made my day, RWS! That's the best news I've had all weekend ;)

I'm sooooo stoked for you! Welcome back!!!! :beerchug:
Hey all the best from me to.

Actually, I think one of my friends mum's got diagnosed with MS a long time ago and she's perfectly fine. There's always the chance it can go into remission, you'll become a better person from it, hope you get by.

Good to hear it's getting better with the changed diet!

What in dairy products is it that makes it worse or increases the chanses?
Good to hear it's getting better with the changed diet!

What in dairy products is it that makes it worse or increases the chanses?

Thanks for everything guys, you guys are awesome!

I would have to get back to you on that Karky... there is just too many things to remember ha. I will find some of the articles I read and tell ya.
Thanks for everything guys, you guys are awesome!

I would have to get back to you on that Karky... there is just too many things to remember ha. I will find some of the articles I read and tell ya.

Please share :) I'd love to see what's in the dairy. Is it the hormones they use in the US to increase milk production in cows?
check that out!