I'm speechless. I'm also now convinced that I have no God-like healing powers because I really tried to throw some influence your way. This being mortal thing really sucks!
I know this may sound odd...but let me run this by you. Don't jump the gun to where this is heading. One day, inevitably, we all die. If each of us were told the very date that we'd expire, it's ruin our heads, destroy our lives and make things very stressful...and that's entirely because we now have a date/time and "occurance" that is for certain. It frames in perspective the very event which makes it all the more real. Indeed, we entirely suspend in disbelief the real notion of our own demise...and that's because we don't have a could happen anytime, so we relegate it to some distant time and learn to put it out of our mind.
That said...all that has happened with you is that you've been given not a date, but a condition that has forced and brought forth the similar "event horizon" longer can you suspend your mortality in don't have a date, but you have a cause and issues you'll have to deal it makes it all the more real.
Experience is what you get when you expect one thing and get another. Life is an experience. It's hard to make lemonade from lemons, but as much as possible let these circumstances inspire you to enjoy life even more AND to fight this thing as long as possible. There are many great medications and technology is making progress every day. It ain't over till it's over...and it's damn far from over!!! Rage against the machine, be the light that inspires others and don't accept any fate other then that which you choose for yourself.
There is nobody in life who, at some point. doesn't curse into the sky and ask "why me?"....the fact is, into each life so shall fall a little rain. It's just a complication and perhaps the very few years it might take away from your life, it may make you enjoy and cherish the MANY years you do have all the more. Life isn't about being 200-pounds huge, having a big house, making money or any of that's about being happy and intellectually growing & maturing for whatever the next step/stage may be. I think, in the grand scheme of things, this whole life-deal is designed so we never know what's really happening. We don't know the purpose of what it's all about....but it must be to grow, mature and develop....otherwise it's just a circumstantial phenomena. Ya know, change what you can, learn to accept what you can't. I can't say "this too shall come to pass" but it will diminish in terms of being a mentally traumatizing issue and I have every confidence you'll ascend to far better things then you or the doctors will imagine or anticipate.
Here for ya....
- Steve