I am starting to believe genetics play a much larger role than I initially thought...

train hard, eat a lot of protein and don't restrict your calories too much.

Yup. train hard and lift heavy when cutting. give the body a good reason to hold on to muscle mass and burn fat. can't restrict calories too much or the body thinks it starves and burns muscle anyways.

remember, a lot of extra muscle doesn't give us an evolutionary advantage. the lighter, sprinter types that can hurl a spear have the best change of hunting and eating, and thus surviving.
What is your end goal? Arnold Scwarzenager, Matthew McConaughey or lance armstrong.
What is your end goal? Arnold Scwarzenager, Matthew McConaughey or lance armstrong.

It would be ****ing great to look like Arnold, but the ladies don't care for that much muscle from what I have gathered... plus I couldn't get there.

I want to be really big and really lean :) six pack showing at all times with 16 inch arms, then I would be golden.

I will have to read more about routines, I have tried lots of routines, starting strength, various upper/lower splits, full bodies, bodypart splits, push/pull.

I guess I should focus on something that aims at building strength with heavy weight and low reps...

Do you guys have any recommendations?

Hoss! What do you do while cutting?!
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+1 on the slow bulk. Just eat +500 cal/day over maintenance. Reevaluate your training. So you said you have MS, try to find something that works for you, instead of trying to train like someone who is in perfect condition.

I suggest getting into gymnastics training-- loads of strength with little to no spinal loading.

The back and arm development is pretty amazing as well.
You should powerlift for a while and get your strength up to some insane levels. If your in a rut you outta take Bill Starr's 5x5 program and set it back 6 weeks instead of 4. Then give yourself a nice long slow bulk run on the program for a while. (this is what I'm going to do after basic training)

Remember lifting 3x10 for 200 pounds will build more muscle then 3x10 with 185 pounds.
dude, hard work in the gym is always worth it man, dont stop.

look at your strength from 1 year ago, compared to right now. at all the lifts. how much did you squat last year? deadlift? power clean? how much could you row?
have you improved in terms of strength in 1 year?
look at your training logs from 1 year ago. if there isnt a great improvement, thats where you went wrong.

if there is no improvement in PERFORMANCE, there is no increase in MUSCLE.

if you want to be bigger, improve on the core liftss.
its very unlikely to deep squat 400+, deadlift 400+ and not be at least respectively built.
those are both very attainable goals that i am nearing myself.

remember the 3 pillars of fitness: the thoughts you think, the food you eat, and the exercise that you do.
dont underestimate the thoughts pillar. you gotta change up your mindset man, and go back in the gym ready to set some RECORDS. YEAHHH!
intelligent, hard work will solve a lot of your problems
look at your strength from 1 year ago, compared to right now. at all the lifts. how much did you squat last year? deadlift? power clean? how much could you row?

Strength really hasn't gone that far up. Last summer I benched 245, was deadlifting 285 X 3.

Today I could maybe bench 240, and mmmmmmmaybe deadlift 285 X 3. I haven't maxed on deadlift for a while.

My squat did improve, though.

But yeah, I usually make strength gains up to the records I have set, and then I cut and my strength disappears.

I can either be fat and strong or lean and weak. :mad:
then gain strength with little or no caloric surplus.
small guys can still lift huge weight. just look at the chinese olympic lifters. and they have respectable builds too!
challenge yourself to be a good overall athlete.

i agree with lei, look into gymnastics. all of those guys look very fit. you dont see ANY weak gymnasts, and you definetly dont see any overweight gymnasts either.
if you can achieve gymnastic achievements, your body will have to be in great shape.
I thought this guy might hang with me and my girls that I posted before. lol

Who me? Girls? Time and place? :D