I am 5'7 121 lbs and 22 years old. I need to get to 115 lbs. in one month. Help!?

I want a completely flat stomach and there is still a slight bulge in my lower tummy. I am not sure if that is fat or if it just a natural part of the female body. I know I look thin, but the stomach section isn't as flat as say in the magazines (of course that could be photo shopped). Is it natural for a woman to have a slight lower belly?

Hi :waving:

My two cents is that "natural" is TOTALLY and absolutely relative and particular to not only the individual, but also sometimes race and definitely genetics. My own body has its quirks; some I like, others I wish I could change, but can't--not really. That lower belly of yours looks great to me, but if it drives you crazy, you might want to quit some cardio and do more weight-bearing activities for your core. I highly recommend twisting postures of Yoga--actually, yoga in general for ya :) It'll also calm your anxiety and give you a better body image, which, I think you could benefit from (no offense). Your posts seem harried by your reaction to perceived flaws with your body. Yoga can help center your mind and balance you out--but a LOT of it can be KILLER for the lower abs :D
My humble suggestion...

Once you lower calories to that level you start to fight with your body. You're losing muscle. Your becoming more efficient at storing fat.

Getting that "last 5 pounds" will not come by lowering your calories.

First off, it's not about calories. Calories do not make you fat. What makes you fat is running high blood sugars (and consequently the crashes and loss of muscle from those crashes). And there is a very, very loose relationship of calories consumed to blood sugar levels (which is a topic for another post if you want to hear about it).

What will get that last 5 pounds off and prevent plateau you are so afraid of will to be periodizing your fitness routine (I'm sure Steve can give you good pointers on this one), and making the metabolic shift in to a fat burning mode (vs. sugar burning) (which is a topic for another post if you want to hear about it)

It will not come from lowering your calories further.
Trying to lose weight?

Why are you trying to lose weight when you are 5'7" and already at a great weight. If some things are making you unhappy about your body, I would focus on exercise and not more weight loss.
Hey man,

Start including light weight training into your workout. Muscle burns more calories than fat so get onto a program that will cover what you want.

How are you eating, 6 snacks a day or 3? There are so many different things that will influence your progress. You should be able to lose 6lbs in one month if you train right.

All the best