I am 5'7 121 lbs and 22 years old. I need to get to 115 lbs. in one month. Help!?


New member
I have been working out for 3 months and have lost 13 lbs. I used to be 134 lbs. I do cardio 7 times a week, for 30 minutes each time and pilates 7 x week for 30 minutes, plus squats, pushups, lunges.

I eat salads and vegetables. I am around a 1000 calorie diet

I really want to lose six more pounds, how can I do it in 1 month?

I am just scared I will plateau and not lose anymore. What should I do to make sure this doesn't happen?

Also how can I speed up the weight loss so I lose 6 lbs in 4 weeks?
At 5'7 121 lbs and 22 years old, you're sort of pushing the envelope envelope already, so to speak.

This is my suggestion, what I would do.

First, I'd get a body composition analysis done - a five site measurement with a pair of calipers to determine just where I stand. Find out just how much fat and how much lean I really have.

From those numbers I'd be able to determine if there was any room for further "weight loss'.

From the information you give, I'd say you were pretty lean right now, and any further weight loss would be mostly muscle tissue - the stuff you don't want to lose.

If there was room to peel off a few more pounds of fat, you're not likely going to believe me, but one of the paradoxes of "losing weight" is that you have to eat more to lose more.

That 1000 calorie diet you're on is much too low for your activity level. I hope too that you have some protein source thrown in the mix.
At 5-7 121 pounds...

1. why would U want to lose weight because...
2. at 121 pounds U already look good
3. It's going to be hard for U to lose weight simple because... there's not too much fat left on your body to lose and... I'm only guessing you have low body fat %
4. My best advice would be for you to be happy(or be lucky) to be 5-7 121 pounds but...

Since i don't know you and for all I know... You may have to lose 6 pounds because your evil boss said you had to so... What DO I think U should do in that case to lose those last 6 pounds?

1. STOP eating only 1000 calories a day and bump it up to 1200-1500 & eat 5 250-300 calorie meals
2. Switch up and start doing differnet weight loss cardio workouts
3. You may want to try doing 4. Add green tea to your diet and...

Lip3, If you haven't plateuaed yet... Just keep doing what've you been doing to shave off those last 6 pounds but...

I really think you should focus on maintianing your good-looking 121 pound physique.
Thanks. I know right now I am pretty fit, the problem is I want a completely flat stomach and there is still a slight bulge in my lower tummy. I am not sure if that is fat or if it just a natural part of the female body. I know I look thin, but the stomach section isn't as flat as say in the magazines (of course that could be photo shopped). Is it natural for a woman to have a slight lower belly?
I think you are one of those lucky people I hate. LOL. I'm joking. You don't need to lose weight, you need to gain muscle. If you build your muscles, especially the large ones in your thighs and butt, you will burn more fat and your stomach will flatten out.

The diet you are on now is too low in calories and probably too low in protein. Like Doc Bunkum said, you are probably losing muscle.

I would suggest:

Strength train with a full body workout 2 - 3 times a week and increase your calories by at least 500 calories a day. You must also eat an adequate amount of protein.

The best proteins:

Egg Whites
Whole Eggs
Boneless, skinless chicken breast
Skim milk

The best strength training exercises:

Squats – Lower Body
Lunges – Lower Body
Push-ups – Chest & Triceps
Pull-ups/Chin-ups – Back & Biceps
Shoulder Press – Shoulders & Triceps
Women carry some fat, naturally. It's how we survived as a species all this time.

Look, you are by no means a short woman and you are already down at 121 lbs. That's skinny in my book. To keep losing weight simply b/c your tummy is a little soft could lead to you looking sickly, IMO. Granted, we are all basing these comments off of assumptions as we don't really know what you look like.

As the Doc said above, you are really under-feeding yourself. Beating your body into submission with starvation dieting and tons of cardio is NOT the answer. I've seen it work once or twice if at all.

I dont know how to describe it. it isn't a gut or anything. I am pretty thin I know and sleek and there is ab definition, not six packs or anything but a nice long line down the center and everything. It is just at the very bottom bellow my belly button it sticks out slightly unlike my upper stomach. And i notice that if I am constipated or bloated the little bump will get a lot bigger, and then go back to normal when I am all right. When I do the pinch test, I only grab an inch of skin or so. I just don't know if it still a belly, or if it is just a natural bump that all women have, because I see the sickly thin people or models and they don't have it.
Good advice so far...!

The only thing I'd like to add is that the little pouch of fat near your pubic bone IS a natural feature of the female body, EVEN of a perfectly fit healthy woman.

The best thing for you to do is to accept it as being a part of you, and figure out a long-term plan for maintaining your current body weight. You should be eating at least 1440 calories and with all the workouts that you are doing you will still lose weight, so your maintenance level would be higher than 1440.

Can you provide us a (headless) current swimsuit picture of your front and side?
I just don't know if it still a belly, or if it is just a natural bump that all women have, because I see the sickly thin people or models and they don't have it.

I think you just answered your own question. Sickly thin people and most models do not have healthy bodies so unless you want to be sickly thin, you're going to have to deal with that natural bump of cushioning. Everyone is so eager to remove all the fat, but fat does have some positives such as a little cushioning or holding onto to vitamins for your organs.
Yeah, that little fat deposit around the pubic bone is a feature of "ideal" physique people. Ideal = roman, greek statues (greek gods). These statues are images of natural, healthy "perfection".

Greek Winged Victory (Nike, I think)

Roman Venus

Notice that neither of them have a totally flat stomach.
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This will sound rude and harsh, but I think you need to get over yourself..and remember where you are. You're here with a bunch of overweight people complaining about some nonexistent bulge. Eat well and enough, exercise, be healthy, be normal, dont be obsessive over what to us is "nothing" as its an unattractive quality (especially to guys, they would think you were weird if they noticed you so obsessed over this slight bulge and eating nothing but salads and veggies). Work on your psychie and the rest will follow.
Each of us has our own definition of beauty.

See pictures attached here of a dear friend of mine. Some here will probably dislike her physique. But the fact remains that it's her body and she's free to do what she wants with it. She's married happily and many guys find her attractive.

Just as our own personal idea of what an ideal body looks like is individual to each of us, beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.

To add, this is a weight loss community. Nobody said you have to have 50+ lbs to lose. You could have 5 lbs to lose and 'fit in.'

To the OP, you need to ask yourself what it is you're after and if what you're currently doing in terms of nutrition and exercise is aligned with the physique goals you have.
Yes, people are free to starve themselves and obsess over nonexistent bulges. People are also free to think its self-defeating and not healthy.
Yes, people are free to starve themselves and obsess over nonexistent bulges. People are also free to think its self-defeating and not healthy.

Wow, so this is what you got from what I said above?

That's really thinking with some blinders on IMO, Claudia. I'm not trying to turn this into a me vs. you thread..... but the fact of the matter is there's always room for improvement in one's physique and said improvement can always be reached with healthy 'tactics'.

I'm not suggesting one should strive to improve if they're happy and content with their physique just so they fit some fabricated image our society constructs. That would be silly and shallow.

But if one's personal, ideal image is not matching the state of their current physique, why should they not explore ways of changing that?

Yes, the OP is going about it incorrectly. But that's why she's here..... to get a little direction.

I'm not quite sure I understand your aggressiveness and input so far, which certainly isn't your fault. Maybe it's mine. Maybe you could help me by elaborating on what you said above here.
Wow, so this is what you got from what I said above?

[BYou also said the following above in another post:

Look, you are by no means a short woman and you are already down at 121 lbs. That's skinny in my book. To keep losing weight simply b/c your tummy is a little soft could lead to you looking sickly, IMO. Granted, we are all basing these comments off of assumptions as we don't really know what you look like.

I simply agreed with this.

That's really thinking with some blinders on IMO, Claudia. I'm not trying to turn this into a me vs. you thread..... but the fact of the matter is there's always room for improvement in one's physique and said improvement can always be reached with healthy 'tactics'.

Then dont turn it into a me vs. you thread. I have a right to my opinion and you have a right to yours.

I'm not suggesting one should strive to improve if they're happy and content with their physique just so they fit some fabricated image our society constructs. That would be silly and shallow.

But if one's personal, ideal image is not matching the state of their current physique, why should they not explore ways of changing that?

I was sensing the absolute desperation in this poster, that she has got to find a way to get 6 pounds off of a very lean body in 4 weeks. I think being so obsessive and desperate for quick weight loss off an already very lean body is unhealthy and a bit nutty. Feel free to disagree or say I'm being aggressive because of my views, but you wont change my mind.

Yes, the OP is going about it incorrectly. But that's why she's here..... to get a little direction.

I'm not quite sure I understand your aggressiveness and input so far, which certainly isn't your fault. Maybe it's mine. Maybe you could help me by elaborating on what you said above here.

There's not much to elaborate on. I think the poster should spend more time figuring out why she's so desperate to look like an air-brushed model in 4 weeks time. If she wasnt in such a rush and wasn't so obsessive about her tiny stomach bulge, which apparently increases when she eats and decreases when she doesn't and almost sounds like food or internal organs that can't possibly be lost through diet and exercise, perhaps I wouldn't have made the comments I've made.

Hostility was not my intent and with your defensive reply, I can see that's the direction it's going to go.... bubye.
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Okay then.

Listen Blancita

Shallow I may be, obsessive and delusional too, but I am not so unintelligent to realize that your animosity should be directed towards the media and society not at one of its victims.

Maybe I have been going about it the wrong way, maybe I am obsessing about something that isn't there. The fact is, I came here looking for help and had no intention of trying to upset any heavier people. I had no intention of mocking them.

The other commenters have been very helpful to me, and rather than be hostile to me, if you want me to wake up then try saying it in a more calm, thoughtful matter.

I am not perfect, and I do not know everything to there is to know about my body or weight loss, though I am trying to learn. I have every right to ask these questions because maybe I have been guided in the wrong direction and need some schooling. It is therefore my right to ask for help no matter what my body type is.

I appreciate your comments, and do agree with you. There is no need to be so angry about it. Everyone has body image issues, and I do not deserve to be chastised or crucified in such a manner.

Hostility was not my intent and with your defensive reply, I can see that's the direction it's going to go.... bubye.

My reply was accidentally deleted so I'll just reiterate, I am not trying to be hostile, aggressive or defensive with anyone. The written word often comes out sounding aggressive, especially when disagreeing with someone, even when its far from my intention (as I'm sure its never your intention either). I merely responded to your posts directly to me and if that comes across as defensive, rather than disagreeing or setting the record straight, then please know that this was not my intention. Kisses and hugs now :)
Okay, you are right about that one! Lol. :)

Could it be an internal organ thing? Like I said, I am not well schooled on all that and would just like to know so I can get over it and focus on better things