I almost felt bad..

what the hell? no WAY thats possible unless the car is on an ice skating arena..
it most certainly is possible....

I've seen crashes like that happen, one happened to me. I watched a dude slide into me from 100 feet away.. his wheels weren't turning, but he was coming towards me.
1. In Mreik's video, it looks like the first car kept trying to drive. I heard tires spinning all through the first car.
2. In the video Tony posted, those people were incredibly stupid jumping from their cars. That one guy could have gotten crushed between his and the next car.

Man, people can be so stupid at the worst possible times.
Chains, anyone? The ice video almost looks like it'd be fun, if no one died and it didn't cost thousands upon thousands of dollars.

For you cold weather people-- how does the insurance work in this situation?
I think chains are not allowed anymore by law. They tear up the road too much.

Provided you don't have an accident, your insurance stays the same. If you mean by fault, it depends. I would think the people driving would be more at fault.
Chains are allowed in certain areas of the US.. it just depends on how much snow they get. They're almost necessary in places like Minnesota.
I tried to restrain myself from commenting, but that **** is hi-larious. And I thought winter driving in Alberta was messed up. :D
dang, last night i was driving. GOD DAMNIT it was slippery. its been like 10-20 degrees celcius below, then it got to like 0 - +1 and it started raining. Which basicly means its gonna get as slippery as it can get, the rain freezes instantly when it hits the road thats already cold. If i had more than 30 km/hour (Not, NOT miles..) the back end would slip. and these were roads that you normally drive 80 km/h on :eek:
lol, 30 mph in conditions like that is like a death sentence.