Sport Hungry all the time?

Sport Fitness
im 5' 11', 22 year old male. i weigh 75kg and that and bmi are ok. i want to define muscle, build a bit but mainly 'tone up' (cliche or what!!)

however, my main aim is to lose my disproportionate and wobble backside, when i have 'buns' of steel will be the day i know it has all been worthwhile.

i do two 45 mins steadypace cardio sessions a week, 2 HIIT running for 20 mins plus football training for hour and a half and a match on saturday.

my diet is generally good, plenty of lean meat and fish, tons of veg and fruit, i do it 2/3 tin baked beans with chicken for tea around twice a week at about 9-10pm, so should i stop that? also, i have 2 protein shakes and a home made protein/oat/honey bar pre workout.

other vices include larger portions for breakfast, low fat teacakes with peanut butter (rare but i still feel guilts), too much peanut butter in general and egg custard tarts. i eat no biscuits, sweets, crispsetc and have v little saturated fat so i want to see some reward for the efforts!

i do usually have saturday evenings and sunday days 'off' and cheat a little, ive heard thats healthy but should i be a bit stricter?

thanks for all your help, it really is very much appreciated.

I wouldn't eat baked beans at night...otherwise I don't think there's anything really sabotaging your diet/ Have you ever tracked your food ever to see if you're eating too much/too little?

Do you do weight training too? I didn't see that on this e-mail but I think I saw another e-mail that said you did.

Cheat days are good...try not to go overboard though. I have one cheat day a week. I pig OUT on cheat days :). I've been better lately so we'll see if it pays off.

So to sum it up, you're just trying to lose body fat and not weight, right? That's my goal as well. The more I tighten up my diet the more I can see changes in my diet. It all depends on how strict you want to be with yourself I suppose.
yeah i weights 4 days a week, nothing too intense (which makes me look pretty pathetic when the bigger boys load up bars with more weight than i can carry!).

Bloody beans, they're the one thing i absolutely cant do without, still, in the name of our art i'll have to make sure i eat them early only.

ive used the trackers, i need 2500-2600 to maintain and 2200-2300 to lose weight.

however, i edge towards 2550 as i dont need to lose weight as such, just burn of the bum-fat - thank goodness for the anonymity of the internet!

seems like a might have to just get greater will power, however, im always hungry as it is. would increased amounts of tea/coffee have an effect on weight??
If you eat foods with a high glycemic index, you'll be hungry soon after eating. These foods raise your blood sugar quickly, causing your body to excrete a large amount of insulin, which causes your blood sugar to quickly drop back down to normal. When your blood sugar drops quickly, it will trigger your body to "request" more food. This makes you hungry again.

Here's what I eat in a day and I'm never hungry.

7:00 AM
3 egg omlette (1 yolK) 2% mozza cheese and some veggies.
1 slice lite wheat toast w/fat free butter spray and a Whey protein shake (20g)

9:30 AM
1/2 - 2/3 cup of cottage cheese mixed with low carb yogurt and a half an apple.

99% fat free turkey sandwich on 2 slices lite wheat.
salad with veggies only and low carb low fat dressing.

Whey Protein shake and a Half an apple.

Whatever meat we have (Chicken/Steak/Ham/Pork Chops/Fish), a small baked potatoe with S&P only or a and as many veggies as I feel like.

Work Out

Whey Protein Shake (30G) and a handfull of lowfat triscuits with a little bit of tuna w/a tbsp of lite mayo. I leave the last carb open in case I want a beer (Everyone has weaknesses)

If I get hungry between meals, I snack on some peanuts or sunflower seeds.

I also agree with everyone talking about drinking water. Water makes a fantastic in between filler. I also try to drink a glass right before and right after each meal. I drink at about 2 gallons/day, and yes.... I pee alot!!!!
I've heard mixed opinions on caffine, so I have no suggestion on what it does and does not do for you. As far as post workout, you should look to use a protein shake about an hour after workout. Thats when your muscles will begin to repair and will need the protein to do so.
I would eat a chicken breast and some green vegetables if my dinner was after my workout. Any protein with vegetables is a good late dinner.
right, ill have to cut out my new liking for sweet potatoes.

i work out at 6-7 pm, when should i consume carbs before then? i have lunch at one and something else around 3-4. i make my own protein bars with nuts, raisins, oats, whey and egg, is there enough carbs in the oats (1 mugful makes 9ish bars)???
I'm not positive about that. I eat carbs about an hour to 90 minutes before I work out usually. It works for me but I'm not sure what the rule of thumb is.

No, don't cut out sweet potatoes! They're really good for you. They're "good" carbs. You can also keep your beans but just eat them before you workout :)
are sweet potatoes are pre-workout only food? sounds like i should eat everything i like together pre workout and accept post workout meals as necessity that i dont have to enjoy!
I eat sweet potatoes any time during the day except for at night. Post workout it's essential that you get some protein. I work out in the mornings though so I always eat carbs too.

That might be a good attitude though (accepting post workout meals as necessity :))