Group I: Complex Carbohydrates: (Fibrous)
Asparagus Broccoli Okra
Cauliflower Green Beans Brussel Sprouts
Peas Cucumber Squash
Collard greens Mushrooms Zucchini
Lettuce Salads Pepper, green or red
Tomatoes, pasta sauce, salsa Spinach Kale
Group II: Natural Simple Carbohydrates (Fruit)
Apples Unsweetened applesauce Blueberries
Bananas Oranges Raspberries
Berries Nectarines Plums
Grapes Peaches Cantaloupe
Grapefruit Pears Jelly (all fruit)
Group III: Complex Carbohydrates (Starchy)
Oatmeal, Cream of Rice, Cream of Wheat, Cream of Rye, oat bran, barley, multi-grain
Potatoes (white, red)
Yams, sweet potatoes, carrots
Beans, lentils, legumes
Brown Rice
100% whole grain dry cereals
100% whole wheat or whole grain pasta
100% whole wheat bread & whole grain products
You want to get group 3 and 2 (starch and fruits) in early in the day because they provide the highest carb amounts (energy) and you want to have the whole day to burn them off. Group 1 you have a night because they are carbs but more water than anything and aren't as pumped full of energy.
If you have starchy carbs you should only be having the ones from that list and early in the day. I don't know what your stats are but if you list them i can give you a somewhat meal guide cause you have been posting for a while and seem a little frustrated.