Sport Hungry all the time?

Sport Fitness
Anyone have advice for someone who is hungry all the time? :eek: I try to eat healthily but pretty much everyday by the end of the day I am ready to binge. So I end up eating bad foods almost everyday! I am trying to do the 5 to 6 meals a day thing but after eating I am hungry again in an hour. Help, please!!
Hi Angel, Are you drinking enough water, sometimes that will help with hunger pangs. Also I think fruits and vegetables will help in making you feel not so hungry all the time. Do you think you are eating enough of those ?? Of course there are other factors, those are just a couple.
jpc1058 said:
Hi Angel, Are you drinking enough water, sometimes that will help with hunger pangs. Also I think fruits and vegetables will help in making you feel not so hungry all the time. Do you think you are eating enough of those ?? Of course there are other factors, those are just a couple.

I totally agree. I used to feel ravenous all the time, but since I've been drinking more water and eating fibrous foods such as apples and broccoli it's really helped with the hunger pangs.
I haven't been keeping up with the fruits and veggies as much as I should. For some reason over the past few days I have been focused on my protein intake, and everything else has been lagging. Thanks for the advice, I'll go eat some veggies!
Good carb and protein snack

Here's a snack idea I got from Eating-for-life: Apples and cheese! It's a great combo, trust me. I eat fuji apples because I like my apples sweet and crisp. Anyways, I have a fuji apple with 2 small sticks of Sargento light provolone cheese and a 24 oz. water. If you're counting calories, a large apple is about 125 calories and a stick of the Sargento light cheese is only 50 cals with 6 grams of protein! So I have 2 sticks to double up on protein.
You may have a high metabolism and need to eat more than that. I know if I ate 5-6 meals a day I would starve and kill my metabolism! I eat 9-10. Try to eat more often and eat a combo of complex carbs and lean proteins. Throw in small servings of good fats. If you're hungry, eat. Your body is telling you something.

sarahfitchic said:
You may have a high metabolism and need to eat more than that. I know if I ate 5-6 meals a day I would starve and kill my metabolism! I eat 9-10. Try to eat more often and eat a combo of complex carbs and lean proteins. Throw in small servings of good fats. If you're hungry, eat. Your body is telling you something.


So if I'm hungry, I shouldn't try to ignore it? What if I just ate an hour or 2 ago? Should I try just a small healthy snack?
Yes, you should eat! A small snack with some protein and complex carbs will help keep that metabolism up, even if you only ate 2 hours ago. :)

Hunger is a sign of depleted glucose or blood sugar. Keep things simple... think of it this way...

When you were a kid and you woke up before school to eat a bowl of cereal... weren't you hungry like an hour later? This is because it's pure carbs. Your body sucks down carbs fast and then needs more fuel (more food).

When you eat a McDonald's Big Mac... you stay full for awhile, right? This is because you have loads of fat, protein and carbs in one meal. Is it healthy for you... no. But you are not hungry. Why? Because eating a carb and a protein together slows down your digestion process.

So if you are getting hungry often then you need to eat. Be sure each meal has a protein and a carb. Then about 2-3 hours later you should feel huungry and guess what... it's time for your next meal :)
I don't eat that much carbs, I limit carbs to dinners, but I do eat lots of fruits for snacks. I like a big salad for lunch with protein, too.
how much carbohydrate should someone who does an hour of resistance and 25 min HIIT/45 mins steady pace take in?

i cut out late night cereal and avoid carbs at lunch. for dinner i have chicken or another meat with beans and/or veg. adding potato or rice to the plate would make it a large meal, not one of 6 mini meals? should i be adding extra carbs? for example, tonight i had chicken with carrot, broccoli and tomatoes, i feel ok now but will be hungry again in half hour!

i always have oatmeal/musli for breakfast, although quite big bowls. is that ok?
you sound a lot like me. you exercise AND eat a lot like me!

some of it depends opn what you want and what you like. why not try it for a while and see how it goes?
Why do you guys cut out carbs at lunch? I eat carbs at lunch because I have the rest of the day ahead of me. I don't eat (many) carbs at dinner because after dinner I'm sedentary the rest of the night.

Do you have protein to go with the oatmeal muesli?
i usually throw in a protein shortly after musli or oatmeal or as a snack at 10.30, either turkey, beef jerky or egg. how much oatmeal can i have? i usually have a big bowl but spend all day sat at my computer at work.

i cut out carbs at lunch as they make my mini meals big meals! ie tin of soup is just right, bread makes it a bit too big. at dinner i minimize carbs (veg or baked beans) as i eat late and go to bed around 1-2 hours later.

even though ive heard the most important times to eat carbs is post workout i do nothing afterwards, and again, they make it a big meal.

aaarrrgggg its all so confusing, never know what to do for the best.
Hmm...well, I'm not an expert but what works for me is to have every meal (except my really late ones) be a serving of both protein and carbs. For my dinner I usually have a chicken breast and a salad because I pretty much go straight to bed after dinner. It really depends on you though and what your body likes.

You can have oatmeal all day if you want but you should break it up into appropriate serving sizes. For me that's only about a half a cup of oats at a time.
Group I: Complex Carbohydrates: (Fibrous)
Asparagus Broccoli Okra
Cauliflower Green Beans Brussel Sprouts
Peas Cucumber Squash
Collard greens Mushrooms Zucchini
Lettuce Salads Pepper, green or red
Tomatoes, pasta sauce, salsa Spinach Kale

Group II: Natural Simple Carbohydrates (Fruit)
Apples Unsweetened applesauce Blueberries
Bananas Oranges Raspberries
Berries Nectarines Plums
Grapes Peaches Cantaloupe
Grapefruit Pears Jelly (all fruit)

Group III: Complex Carbohydrates (Starchy)
Oatmeal, Cream of Rice, Cream of Wheat, Cream of Rye, oat bran, barley, multi-grain
Potatoes (white, red)
Yams, sweet potatoes, carrots
Beans, lentils, legumes
Brown Rice
100% whole grain dry cereals
100% whole wheat or whole grain pasta
100% whole wheat bread & whole grain products

You want to get group 3 and 2 (starch and fruits) in early in the day because they provide the highest carb amounts (energy) and you want to have the whole day to burn them off. Group 1 you have a night because they are carbs but more water than anything and aren't as pumped full of energy.
If you have starchy carbs you should only be having the ones from that list and early in the day. I don't know what your stats are but if you list them i can give you a somewhat meal guide cause you have been posting for a while and seem a little frustrated.