How to Loose Body fat FAST

BMR+Calories Burned-Calories taken in = caloric defecit or surplus, if you're negative numbers it's a surplus, if not, it's a defecit.
BMR+Calories Burned-Calories taken in = caloric defecit or surplus, if you're negative numbers it's a surplus, if not, it's a defecit.

ok thank you
Dont weigh yourself everyday ;-) once a week - i recommend same day and time each week. Your weight can vary so much through each seeing an increase can be defeating on the mind!
Dont weigh yourself everyday ;-) once a week - i recommend same day and time each week. Your weight can vary so much through each seeing an increase can be defeating on the mind!

ok cool that works, this week im in toronto, and like no gym but i got an elliptical machine, so i guess thats the only bit of excersise im going to get, well im planning to do crunches, reverse crunches and stuff like that. also i noticed that my chest is a bit too big for my liking, and i heard that if i do incline bench press, it will build up my perctoral muscles(the top chest muscle ,i think thats what its called,) and someone told me to do less weight more reps on the decline bench press so that th lower chest will get smaller, and thn do high weights les reps for the incline, would that help me get a better chest?
You do need to eat more. Believe it or not, eating just 1000 calories a day is probably what's keeping you from losing weight - you need to give your body the fuel it requires.
To figure out how many calories you need to eat to lose weight, you first have to know how many calories you burn every single day. This is known as your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) or your maintenance level. TDEE of a person can vary a lot from person to person.

There many factors that can influence one´s TDEE. Factors like: Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), activity level, Lean Body Mass (LBM), weight, gender and age. To get the most accurate measurement you have to take in to account all of these factors. There are many different methods that one can use, some more accurate then others. So to give you an example how you can calculate your TDEE, I will use the Katch-McArdle formula. It is a very accurate method compared to others

BMR (men and women) = 370 + (21.6 X lean mass in kg)
You are male
You weigh 172 lbs (78 kilos)
Your body fat percentage is 14% (24.1 lbs fat, 147.9 lbs lean)
Your lean mass is 147.9 lbs (67.2 kilos)
Your BMR = 370 + (21.6 X 67.2) = 1821 calories
To determine TDEE from BMR, you simply multiply BMR by the activity factor:
Activity factor
Sedentary = BMR X 1.2 (little or no exercise, desk job)
Lightly active = BMR X 1.375 (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk)
Mod. active = BMR X 1.55 (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk)
Very active = BMR X 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk)
Extr. Active = BMR X 1.9 (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or
2 X day training, marathon, football camp,
contest, etc.)
Your BMR is 1821
Your activity level is moderately active (you work out 3-4 times per week)
Your activity factor is 1.55
Your TDEE = 1.55 X 1821 = 2822 calories

A 15-20% deficit of calories is good and safe start. If you measure your fat percentage and do the same calculation then you would have a good idea how many calories you really need.
calories way too low.

Hate to break it to you but you've got to actually increase your calories to at least 1,500 calories per day. On any diet, if you go to low on calories you're only going to slam the breaks on weight loss. Up the calories, and up your workout routine ( necessary) and you're going to see weight start coming off again. And 20 pounds should be no problem by mid may. A good website for customized diet plans is SPAM
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Yes your carolie intake must be increased, but make sure you are eating healthy foods. Body fat will not go away with exercise alone. Only through a proper diet can you get rid of body fat. There are many nutrition programs available on the internet for your use. I will find a good one and present it to you.
To figure out how many calories you need to eat to lose weight, you first have to know how many calories you burn every single day. This is known as your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) or your maintenance level. TDEE of a person can vary a lot from person to person.

There many factors that can influence one´s TDEE. Factors like: Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), activity level, Lean Body Mass (LBM), weight, gender and age. To get the most accurate measurement you have to take in to account all of these factors. There are many different methods that one can use, some more accurate then others. So to give you an example how you can calculate your TDEE, I will use the Katch-McArdle formula. It is a very accurate method compared to others

BMR (men and women) = 370 + (21.6 X lean mass in kg)
You are male
You weigh 172 lbs (78 kilos)
Your body fat percentage is 14% (24.1 lbs fat, 147.9 lbs lean)
Your lean mass is 147.9 lbs (67.2 kilos)
Your BMR = 370 + (21.6 X 67.2) = 1821 calories
To determine TDEE from BMR, you simply multiply BMR by the activity factor:
Activity factor
Sedentary = BMR X 1.2 (little or no exercise, desk job)
Lightly active = BMR X 1.375 (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk)
Mod. active = BMR X 1.55 (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk)
Very active = BMR X 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk)
Extr. Active = BMR X 1.9 (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or
2 X day training, marathon, football camp,
contest, etc.)
Your BMR is 1821
Your activity level is moderately active (you work out 3-4 times per week)
Your activity factor is 1.55
Your TDEE = 1.55 X 1821 = 2822 calories

A 15-20% deficit of calories is good and safe start. If you measure your fat percentage and do the same calculation then you would have a good idea how many calories you really need.

Wow, thanks for the info. Right now i only got a illiptical machine, so im thinking of eating 1500 calories per day and 1 hour of illiptical,(once on the morning and once at night, 30 mins each.... or should i do 1 hour all at once?)

Does this sound good?

Also thank you all for the input!! i Really appreciate it:seeya:
Yes your carolie intake must be increased, but make sure you are eating healthy foods. Body fat will not go away with exercise alone. Only through a proper diet can you get rid of body fat. There are many nutrition programs available on the internet for your use. I will find a good one and present it to you.

ok thank you... a good nutritio program would help, since i tried to find one, but had no success.
does anyone know a really good excersize to dramatically decrease my love handles (forgot what that muscle is called)?????? also i am taking something called thermo lean, apparently its good for me, and i just started using them for like 3 days also i bought Bio-Liposuction... does anyone know if they are any good. i was told to tkae these 30 mins b4 i work out, so thats what i am doing for now.
There are lots of surgeries available in now days like liposuction,body wrap,laser liposuction,body contouring to remove fat from the body.
There are lots of surgeries available in now days like liposuction,body wrap,laser liposuction,body contouring to remove fat from the body.

LOL - That would work too - but quite a lot of us do not like the pain of surgery if we can achieve things through exercise and nutrition.

I only wish that I could deal with my loose skin with exercise and nutrition - but it appears that I am stuck with it unless I go down the surgery route...
Surgeries are good options if one is willing to undergo invasive procedures. But if you want to lose weight for life, you should do regular exercise and follow a healthy diet.
so i shouldnt do only cardio? and im just hoping that a 1000 calories will make me loose a few pounds faster...

Also i been hearing that Turbo Jam is good... lol.. i guess im really desperate to loose this extra 20 lbs


maybe you can try to shift your focus from losing weight to living healthy. Do you know Tony Robbins? He is a personal development guru. He was overweight once. He was able to lost 30 lbs in about 30 days.

He did it by living a healthy lifestyle. I read his book and applied it in my life, and I lost weight.

Here are the few healthy lifestyle tips:
1) Eat at least 70% of water rich content food every day, examples like tomato, cabbage, spinach, etc.

2) Do not eat protein foods with starch foods together. They will become undigested food in your body and it will attract bacteria. Protein foods are chicken, beef, fish, etc. Starch foods are potatoes, rice, bread, etc.

3) Eat fruits on empty stomach. Your body is only able to absorb the fruits nutrients when there's no food. It is best to eat fruits in the morning when you just wake up. Do not eat any food for 20 minutes after eating fruits.

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Your body is only able to absorb the fruits nutrients when there's no food


scientific studies please? Not info from a salesman.

and 30 pounds in 30 days is extremely unhealthy to lose anyways.